On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look.

2024/07/0201:59:33 entertainment 1561

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was still very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

This is a typical case. It is reported that in May, Guan Xiaotong was reported by netizens as "Guan Xiaotong has entered" and they called him by his first name with a positive tone. Many people in the comments section also agreed, and everything they said was true. Some time ago, Guan Xiaotong's popularity plummeted due to the "endorsement" incident in a milk tea shop. As a result, netizens began to speculate, will there really be something wrong with Guan Xiaotong?

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

However, when he saw this scene, he directly denied it. You know, Guan Xiaotong is not the only artist who has been denied endorsements, but these artists are still thriving in the entertainment industry. Therefore, Guan Xiaotong would not make such a big deal just for a spokesperson.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

In fact, Guan Xiaotong broke another piece of news recently. Some people said that she evaded taxes and that she and Luhan had broken up. However, this person's IP address is not in China, but overseas. Why do people abroad know this news earlier than the Chinese? In fact, everyone thought that Guan Xiaotong was hyping up, but there have been too many scandals in the entertainment industry recently, which made most netizens look at celebrities with admiration.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

 It may be that Guan Xiaotong's popularity is too high. A reporter asked her studio for confirmation. Later, a staff member responded, saying that the news was too ridiculous and that those who spread rumors had no bottom line; and said that they had already hired a lawyer. Severe punishment without mercy!

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

Although Guan Xiaotong’s staff has responded, Guan Xiaotong’s scandal has already become a hot search topic. However, they only responded to reporters’ inquiries, not even an official statement, let alone a lawyer. This is not a star in the entertainment industry. Is there something fishy here?

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

Under normal circumstances, if a celebrity is rumored to have a scandal, even if a lawyer's letter is not sent directly, there will be an official clarification. After all, an announcement is always more convincing than this!

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

But Guan Xiaotong didn't. Instead, he acted as if the matter had nothing to do with him. If it's ordinary people, that's it. The so-called "purifying people will self-purify", no matter how it spreads, it will only affect ordinary people. But as a star, fame is still very important. In particular, Guan Xiaotong's popularity among the public fell to rock bottom due to endorsements some time ago. So Guan Xiaotong should be particularly concerned about reputation now, but judging from the way they handle it, they don't care.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

On Weibo, some netizens posted photos of Guan Xiaotong and praised Guan Xiaotong as a handsome guy. There is no doubt that Guan Xiaotong did it on purpose. They wanted to use Guan Xiaotong's appearance to clarify the rumors that they had been arrested. Not only that, Guan Xiaotong also posted a Weibo. The recipes on it are very good, including seafood, vegetables, and exquisite ingredients. Add in the soda, and what a pleasant summer evening it is!

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

According to these two videos, Guan Xiaotong did not really go in. In contrast, Guan Xiaotong's life is very smooth, her new drama is also being filmed in full swing, and she even cooks delicious food for everyone. This is simply the face of the person who created the rumor!

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

Probably because they knew it was a rumor, the crew ignored the rumors in order to clarify the truth. They would not react until a reporter confirmed the matter.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong was on the hot search, and it was very popular. This hot search made everyone a little confused. Many people clicked on it with a confused look, and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

However, Guan Xiaotong's public relations this time was really a failure. She has just lost her popularity. If she continues to be so cold now, it will be easier to arouse others' suspicion, and her favorability towards Guan Xiaotong will plummet. Guan Xiaotong should deny it publicly now instead of covering up the truth through the media.

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