The hit "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" has become the first hot topic this summer, although some people think that the public's praise of Zhao Liying is too much. Today, we will take stock of the 8 "85 Flowers" who have played rural women, and ask everyone to take a look at w

2024/07/0202:07:33 entertainment 1785

"Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" is a hit, detonating the first small hot spot this summer, although some people think that the public's praise of Zhao Liying is too much.

The hit

But in fact, in the army of "85 flowers" who are leading the trend of domestic entertainment actresses, it is not easy to let go of one's figure and play the image of an unfashionable "village woman".

Today, we will take stock of the 8 "85 Flowers" who have played rural women. We also ask everyone to take a look and see who is the most suitable for the role they created.

The hit

1. Zhao Liying

He Xingfu will be played in "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses" in 2022

"Happiness to Ten Thousands of Families" is currently on the air. The whole network is worried about why He Xingfu, played by Zhao Liying, did not divorce her husband Wang Qinglai. Of course, Many people also praised Zhao Liying's performance.

As the top star of "85 Flowers", Zhao Liying plays He Xingfu. Although she is an inconspicuous rural girl with no education, she is kind, brave and has a bottom line. She is the soul of the whole drama and has received numerous praises.

The hit

In terms of acting, although her early appearances were in fairy tale dramas, love idol dramas and other themes, it was the first time that Zhao Liying took a leading role in a realistic-themed work, which put a lot of pressure on Zhao Liying.

But fortunately, Zhao Liying has given a satisfactory answer - although compared to other popular supporting roles such as Liu Wei, Chi Peng, etc., her performance is a bit immature, but it is better than grounding. Angry and very restrained.

The hit

Yes, Zhao Liying used a very restrained performance method when interpreting He Xingfu:

She used a new perspective to interpret the image of rural women in a new era, which is very comfortable.

Perhaps, after this drama, Zhao Liying will expand her acting career in several dimensions, at least she will no longer be involved in "ancient puppet dramas".

The hit

2. Wang Likun

Wang Likun played the role of Wu Xiaohao in "The Mountains and Seas" in 2021

Wang Likun, who took the path of being as light as a chrysanthemum. Although he did not enter the top echelon of "85 Flowers", he is also very popular because of his outstanding temperament and low-key personality. welcome.

She has appeared in many spy dramas since her time in Europe and China, and was once labeled as the "Queen of Spy Dramas" by the outside world.

The hit

But maybe because her personality is too low-key, Wang Likun has always been tepid.

Her most famous role may still be in " Beauty Scheming " in 2009, in which she played the femme fatale Nie Shen'er .

Wang Likun also fell into the whirlpool of unsatisfactory transformation:

In 2017, she challenged to play the role of Qi Qin, a spider spirit who wanted to eat Tang Monk, in the movie "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"; Su Daji was played as in "The Romance ", but the response was average.

The hit

Last year, in the rural revitalization drama "Mountains and Seas", she played the role of Wu Xiaohao, the deputy mayor of a small town who has an upright personality but leads the villagers to get rich and move forward. The character

has the intellectual and gentle character that Wang Likun is best at, but she is also stubborn and unwilling. Due to her lack of experience, she caused many problems when she joined the village as a leader, but she eventually resolved them one by one.

The hit

However, the response after the show was broadcast was average. Certain plots and Wang Likun's own acting skills made her role as Wu Xiaohao not very convincing, at least unable to make the audience empathize or convince:

She is the one who has gone through thousands of years of experience. The heroine who faced all odds and finally saved the lives of the villagers?

The hit

3. Tong Yao

Tong Yao played the role of Song Yunping in 大江大河 in 2018

Tong Yao, who debuted under the banner of "Little Zhang Ziyi", has always had an intellectual and modern temperament, so when she acted in rural dramas, the audience did not expect much at first. of.

The hit

However, when the hit drama "Dajiang Dahe" was aired in 2018, the audience realized that they had underestimated her.

In the play, Tong Yao plays Song Yunping, the sister of the male protagonist Song Yunhui - a gentle rural female image who is brave in sacrifice and willing to be ordinary.

The hit

Faced with a poor family life, she, who is equally outstanding, chose to help others while her younger brother and herself went to college.

Then she met love. After marrying Lei Dongbao , she devoted herself to life and supported her family, which was also selfless dedication.

But in the end she passed away due to dystocia, and therefore became one of the rare "White Moonlights" in the hearts of the audience.

The hit

Tong Yao's performance is remarkable, so she can beat Jiang Wenli in " The Little Woman Under the Zhengyang Gate ", Sun Li in " Anjia " and Tao Hong in " Xiao Huanxi " As an outstanding actress, she won the Golden Eagle Award for 's "Queen of Views" in one fell swoop.

In terms of acting skills, Tong Yao's biggest characteristic when handling the role of "Song Yunping" is sincerity and purity.

She seems to have transformed into a female image without any shortcomings, making the audience expect that they can have the same sister, wife and mother.

The hit

4. Li Xiaomeng

played the role of Tian Xiaoxia in "The Ordinary World" in 2014

Li Xiaomeng, who debuted very early, is actually an "85 flower", but she has a baby face and is a child star who grew up under the eyes of the audience, so People often forget their true age.

The hit

In 2014, in the TV series "The Ordinary World", she challenged herself to play the role of Tian Xiaoxia, a rural girl who always glows with youthfulness.

This is the image of a "female warrior":

She dares to think, do, and speak, infecting everyone around her like the sun. She is really a likeable girl, but the ending is the most shocking in the book. A regrettable one.

The hit

Judging from the version interpreted by Li Xiaomeng, it may be because her appearance is too childish, so her image is not satisfactory, and the audience's evaluation is mixed.

Li Xiaomeng also starred in the rural drama "花开山乡" with her husband Wang Lei last year, and there was not much splash.

The hit

Nowadays, Li Xiaomeng, who was born in 1985, is actually 37 years old, but looking at her face, she is still girly and as sweet as sugar, so it seems out of place to play a rural girl.

The hit

5. Reyza

Reyza, who plays the role of Li Shuihua in "The Love of Mountains and Seas" in 2020

Reiza, who looks very exotic, became famous in her early years by playing the role of the cold beauty Ye Lanyi in "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

The hit

However, for a long time after that, Reyza failed to produce any representative works.

Until 2019, she once again amazed the public with her role as the maid Tan Qi in "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an".

In fact, Reyza's beauty is very "aggressive", a bit like Cecilia Cheung , she can be seen in the crowd at a glance, so no one expected that she could play the role in the poverty alleviation drama "Mountains and Seas" The rural girl Li Shuihua lives.

The hit

Li Shuihua, interpreted by Reyza, is not only unwilling to accept fate, but also vulnerable to the tragic loss of her first love, but more importantly, she is hopeful for future life and determined to change her destiny.

The hit

How can we prove Reyza’s superb acting skills?

won the Magnolia Award that year. With her role as "Li Shuihua", she was successfully shortlisted for the "Queen of Views", but in the end she lost to Tong Yao who came with " Thirty Only ".

After Tong Yao was banned, netizens also aroused heated discussions, and the public said: "Magnolia owes Re Yizha a queen."

The hit

6. Yuan Shanshan

Played the role of Shaou in 2021 "Jiangshan So Duo Jiao"

Yuan Shanshan, who was born in 1987, once became very popular because she was Yu Zheng's "favorite". After a while, she starred in "Gong Suo Zhu" Ancient puppet works such as "Curtain" and " Swordsman " are also popular.

The hit

The hit

However, some media later listed five reasons why Yuan Shanshan was not popular, and there was even news that "Yuan Shanshan should get out of the entertainment industry." They thought she was not good-looking and her acting skills were not good.

The hit

For a while, Yuan Shanshan's popularity with the public declined rapidly, and then she parted ways with Yu Zheng and disappeared.

At the beginning of last year, she starred in the poverty alleviation drama "The Country Is Like This". "Duojiao", transformed into the village cadre Sha Ou.

The hit

The male protagonist of this drama is also Luo Jin, but it is different from the huge attention that his partner with Zhao Liying suddenly attracted. Although fans are very satisfied with Yuan Shanshan's performance in the drama, But the fact is:

"The Country Is So Beautiful" did not stir up much excitement.

The hit

In fact, strictly speaking, Yuan Shanshan does not play a village woman in the play, but a girl who grew up in the city. However, However, in order to help Wanmixi Village get rid of poverty and become rich, she gave up her job in the TV station, took root in the countryside, and made contributions.

The hit

In terms of acting skills, Yuan Shanshan's performance was passable. She used a very relaxed way to express herself. The character of Sha Ou is straightforward and neat, and is more down-to-earth than previous roles.

7. Wang Like

played Gao Yunxi in "Sanquanxi Nuan" in 2022.

Wang Like was once named "CCTV's daughter". She has played many rural girls, and the last time she played a similar role was in the new drama "Sanquan Xi Nuan" aired this year, playing the heroine Gao Yunxi.

The hit

Wang Like's appearance is thick-faced and youthful. The tranquility of the time is somewhat similar, with a sense of grandeur and charm.

The hit

Therefore, the rural woman Gao Yunxi she played in "Sanquanxi Nuan" is characterized by her tenacity and courage. Although she is misunderstood and doubted at work, she is not misunderstood. It is very interesting to understand and even be framed, but still move forward bravely.

In fact, Wang Like has acted in many works with similar themes. Previously, there were " Those Days " and " Soma Flowers Bloom ", but neither of them received much attention. This is not to say that there is something wrong with her acting skills, it's just that It can be explained by the saying "Red and black in the entertainment industry are metaphysics".

The hit

8. Tao Xinran

2018 " Green Waters, Green Mountains, Red Days " played Chang Jingjing

Because Tao Xinran, who played An Lingrong in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", her development in recent years has been average, mainly because she chose to be a celebrity At that time, she married her actor boyfriend He Jianze , who had been in love for many years, and then gave birth to a daughter smoothly.

The hit

Tao Xinran chose to return to her family when her career was at its best, so after playing An Lingrong, she did not have many outstanding works.

In 2018, she starred in the inspirational drama "Green Waters, Green Mountains and Red Days", in which she played the role of Chang Jingjing, a girl returning home from Beijing. The drama has not yet been aired, so it is unknown whether her performance is good or bad.

The hit

The hit

The above eight "85 Flowers" are willing to target rural dramas in their work during the transformation. They are still very courageous. However, being able to "out of the circle" again because of the work depends not only on acting skills, but also on luck.

hopes that the above-mentioned actresses will have wider and wider acting career in the future, and their works will also become hits.

Whose rural girl do you prefer?

The hit

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