On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,

2024/07/0114:01:33 entertainment 1561
htmlOn July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time.

And these three things are also on the hot search list. The protagonists are Guan Xiaotong , Liu Haocun , Zhang Xinyao .

Netizens were very excited after watching it, and everyone was guessing which one was true.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

Guan Xiaotong was exposed by anonymous netizens

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

There is a so-called truth about the entertainment industry on Zhihu.

An anonymous netizen publicly named Guan Xiaotong and said that Guan Xiaotong had many crimes.

not only broke up with her boyfriend long ago, but many people are avoiding her, so it will be a matter of time before she gets in. As soon as the news about

came out, netizens had to believe its authenticity.

We all know that it is illegal to spread rumors. The last time a netizen named him for something happened was when Zheng Shuang gave birth to a child.

At that time, the entertainment industry was in an uproar. Judging from the five crimes written by this netizen, each one was not small and had a great impact.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

In the past, everyone kept things secretive, fearing that things were untrue and would eventually be reported and prosecuted. However, this netizen didn't even bother to use letters to replace it, and he looked very confident.

As the saying goes, three people make a tiger, no matter what the specifics of this matter are, if there are too many people talking about it, if I don't come out to clarify, the falsehood will become true.

Because the matter is so serious, the Internet fermentation and Internet spread are very fast.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

The staff of Guan Xiaotong's studio responded at 8 pm on July 15:

"This is outrageous! There is no bottom line for spreading rumors. The lawyer has obtained evidence and will not tolerate it!"

It can be seen that I am very angry. It will definitely not end here now. It depends on whether Guan Xiaotong really sues this netizen and the outcome of the court decision.

If it is not handled well, it is likely to become Guan Xiao's biggest stain and will accompany him throughout his life.

The good reputation of entertainment stars plays a great role in the development of their careers.

Guan Xiaotong debuted very early. Over the years, he has produced many excellent works and has not made any mistakes so far.

estimates that the biggest thing is falling in love with Luhan .

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

Zhang Xinyao’s indecent comments exposed

Speaking of Zhang Xinyao, I guess many people don’t know him. They thought he was a woman just by looking at his name, but in fact he is a man.

This person was born in 1994. He is relatively young. His biggest label is "singer, dancer and short video creator".

In 2017, he gained a certain amount of attention on the Internet for releasing the short video "Do you want to be my girlfriend" on Douyin .

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

Judging from his relevant photos, he looks like a little boy, which is indeed a bit handsome.

In today's era where traffic is king and appearance is the key, many ordinary people can easily become popular.

Zhang Xinyao's family was not only ordinary but also very poor. His road to fame was not easy.

participated in " Creation Camp 2021" in 2021 and began to be known by most people.

Such a young person has such a bright future, but he didn't expect to have such a good time in private.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

Judging from the exposed chat records, they are full of obscene words, low quality, and extremely filthy. If I use one word to describe it, it is "scum". Although the gouache thing like

is not new, it is difficult for people to accept it. Although it is voluntary, it is really difficult to pass the test in terms of morality and character.

's chat avatar and name are easy to imitate, and some people wonder if someone is playing tricks on them behind their backs.

After all, these are private information. If you are not someone you know well, other outsiders will definitely not be able to get such screenshots.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

However, someone on the Internet also broke the news that these black materials and screenshots were done by her former fans.

The reason why this fan wants to expose him is because Zhang Xinyao accidentally exposed traces of a woman when he took a photo and posted it. The fans thought he had a woman, so they hated him because of love. Not only did he go too far, he also deliberately planned to kill him. he.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

Although there are clues about what this blogger said on the Internet, the logical reasoning is also very reasonable.

html On July 15, Zhang Xinyao’s studio refuted the rumors. This statement is sternly worded, hoping that the situation will not spread further, and also prohibits the continued spread and dissemination of untrue remarks.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

Liu Haocun

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

If the above two people are a bit catchy, the hot search for Liu Haocun is inexplicable.

has no words related to it at all. Liu Haocun is actually the first on the hot list. This is so obvious. At first glance, it is a hot search for people who are interested.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

Although Liu Haocun has always been criticized by netizens and disliked by netizens, it seems that she was really wronged this time.

The strangest thing is that the fourth most popular search is "what kind of man".

Some good-hearted and attentive netizens thought of the "Troublemaker in a Small Town" incident some time ago. Some people suspected that she stepped out to block the gun just to divert everyone's attention.

On July 15th, I don’t know what the special significance of this day is. Three big melons suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry that had been silent for a long time. Moreover, these three things were also on the hot search list, and the protagonists were Guan Xiaotong,  - DayDayNews

html On July 15th, these three things that happened in the entertainment industry were all big events. The entertainment industry has not been so lively for a long time, and the people who watched it may have been unable to sleep for a long time.

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