Following his previous work "Passing by the Future", director Li Ruijun released his new work "Into the Dust". The film was still shot in his hometown, and it is simple, powerful, romantic and affectionate. The film was released on July 8. Regrettably, although it has a high repu

2024/07/0103:37:33 entertainment 1967
Following his previous work

Following the previous work " Passing by the Future ", director Li Ruijun launched a new work " Into the Dust ". The movie was still shot in his hometown, which is simple, powerful, romantic and affectionate. The film was released on July 8. Regrettably, although it has a high reputation, it is still unavoidable that literary and artistic films are "acclaimed but not popular". The proportion of films scheduled on the premiere day was only 2%, and the daily average thereafter was about 1%. But starting yesterday, relying on word of mouth, this artistic film that was originally "hidden in the box office" began to decline, and the box office now exceeds 3.5 million yuan.

The poetic title

"Into the Dust" emphasizes the ability of love

"Into the Dust" is produced, written and directed by Li Ruijun. It was shortlisted for the main competition of this year's Berlin Film Festival. The film tells the story of Guiying and Ma Youtie getting close to each other. A story of silent protection. Guiying is disabled and has experienced the misfortune of her original family. She and Ma Youtie went from acquaintance to acquaintance, from stranger to familiarity. Gradually, the two lonely people became dependent on each other. Under the rotation of the four seasons, their love that was scattered in the incomprehensible eyes of others also bore fruit in the land that is purer than the heart...

Regarding the poetic title of "Into the Dust", Li Ruijun said, " When we talk about time, life and love, we will find that these are all in our daily life. Smoke is actually the breath of daily fireworks, and everything may eventually become daily and hidden in different places. In the time of the stage, it also has life-like changes, which start quietly and are not easy to detect, accompanying every occasion in daily life."

Li Ruijun revealed that the idea of ​​filming "Into the Dust" came up many years ago. Even before Passing Through the Future. Different ideas often flash in Li Ruijun's mind, and all ideas may become his shooting materials. Therefore, he usually puts these ideas in his mind, "let it grow naturally, and then improve it." When the idea matures, it’s time to shoot and harvest.

Different from Li Ruijun's previous works, "Into the Dust" emphasizes the ability of love. Two lonely individuals, Ma Youtie and Guiying, awaken to each other the long-disillusioned ability to love deep in their hearts. They are like other ordinary people. Like rural couples, although they show ordinary life, they are sincere and touching. Li Ruijun said that the more important part of "Into the Dust" is the emotional part of two people, how to establish an emotion, how to build a home, and how to establish a connection with the surrounding world, including the connection between man and nature. "It has to be unfolded very delicately, a bit like peeling an onion, peeling it away bit by bit, and finally letting everyone see what its core is. So, why do I want to use the four seasons of the year to show this form? It It must be very detailed, little by little. Because daily life is trivial. We just unfold these trivial things bit by bit and connect them together."

In Li Ruijun's view, everyone has something to gain. The ability and right to love, love is fair to everyone, it is not a spice of life, it is a part of life and even life. "No matter what the external environment is, as a part of human life, love is abundant, and any of us will be willing to choose to love. "Into the Dust" shows this concept."

For this reason, Li Ruijun wants to invite professionals Actors appear to interpret this delicate emotion like "peeling an onion". After he finished writing the script, he sent it to his friend Hai Qing. Hai Qing liked it very much and agreed to take the role. She filmed it in the countryside for ten months and worked as a "farmer's wife" for ten months.

The lens points to

I will be the recorder of my hometown land

Li Ruijun’s lens always points to his hometown, " Old Donkey Head " " Tell them I went there on a white crane " " My home is in a place with abundant water and grass " "Into the Dust" and so on, even "Passing Through the Future", although it is the story of migrant workers in Shenzhen, is still inseparable from Gansu.

Li Ruijun told in a previous interview that the idea of ​​filming "Passing Through the Future" came from when he used to go home for the New Year and saw that many of his uncles who left home to work when he was a child had returned. “They are old and can no longer work outside, so they want to come back and stay in the village.Because I had been away from home for too long, I couldn't blend in, but I couldn't stay outside either, so the situation became completely awkward. When they came back, they lost their land. When a farmer loses his land, it means that his roots are cut off. This situation touched me very much. They all faced the problem of belonging of the soul and spirit, so they wrote the script "Passing Through the Future". "

Photographing stories about his hometown seems to be a natural thing for Li Ruijun, "First of all, I was born and raised there. Secondly, I think there are many stories in that land that deserve to be told. In fact, we have more than 80,000 screens today. Not to mention the land, maybe the rural images across the country have a relatively small chance of appearing in our screen space, but this group is huge. of. "

Li Ruijun said that in places like Beijing and Shanghai, there are too many directors to shoot, so there is no need for him to shoot, but for regions like the northwest, if such opportunities are not provided, it may be difficult for everyone to get their attention. "I feel that as a person there, I have the opportunity to engage in imaging work. If I don't take pictures, there may be fewer people to take pictures, so I will be a recorder of that land. "

Li Ruijun believes that movies are like a window that allows the audience to understand the lives of people in the world at the same time or at different latitudes at different times. Just like the story in "Into the Dust", "If we can't see it, it doesn't mean it does not exist. It is just a form of life. At different time points, it just takes different shapes, like wheat grains. When planted, they will turn into wheat seedlings, grow very tall, and then sprout wheat ears and be harvested. In fact, they have returned to the original state. "The original state of the wheat field".

Movie Dream

The most precious thing about an artistic work is the original spirit

Li Ruijun’s director’s dream started when he was in college. After graduation, he ran to Beijing to realize his film dream, but he couldn’t find investment, so he finally used He borrowed 100,000 yuan from his family to build a house, and borrowed 300,000 yuan from relatives and friends. In 2006, he made his first movie "Summer Solstice". In order to repay the debt, he filmed weddings and worked part-time for seven years. . Later, as several of his films were nominated for the Rotterdam Film Festival, Venice Film Festival, Tokyo Film Festival, Berlin Film Festival and other international film festivals, Li Ruijun also became one of the most promising new generation directors in China. 1.

Li Ruijun said that since 2011, he has been approached by some projects and offered good salary, but in the end he rejected them. “That movie is not what I want to make. If investors think it’s just a ‘job’, just come and take pictures for me. "Li Ruijun admitted that he would struggle, "On the one hand, I feel that it is not shameful for me to make some money through my own abilities and improve the living environment of myself and my family; on the other hand, when this idea flashes in your mind, You feel like you will split off into another self and say not to do that thing. Finally, after much deliberation, I figured it out. When people ask me to shoot, I think the thing may need to be shot in their own way, but it may not be what they want. Then they may want you to change it, which will turn the entire creation into an extremely painful one. Things, maybe I don’t want to go to the site every day. You make movies because you love movies. If you turn making movies into a painful thing, why do you make movies? When I think about it, I don't think that's necessary. In the end, it is best to shoot the kind of content that you are best at and most comfortable with. "

Li Ruijun said that he does not reject certain genres and themes. The main thing is whether the script can impress him. "Secondly, it is whether this movie is worth my time. Because the director may have to get involved again to change the script and make preparations. After filming is completed and released, it may only take two or three years. How many two or three years are there in a human life? "

Li Ruijun said that he is very lucky. No matter how difficult it is, he can still continue shooting. Many industry seniors have helped him. Many people do jobs that may have nothing to do with their hobbies in order to make a living. They can turn their hobbies into their careers. There are actually very few people, so I am already very content.

Shooting movies like "Into the Dust" is Li Ruijun's current preferred method. "I think the most precious thing about a work of art is the spirit of originality. What is originality? It is different from others. If everyone tends to be the same In other words, it is an industrial assembly line, which has lost its individuality. Losing individuality means losing vitality. Therefore, I think it is important to respect originality, respect this difference, and respect this expression of individuality. This is a symbol of the vitality of artistic works. . Movies are a medium for me to dialogue and communicate with the world. Movies are not a tool for making money. Movies must be just movies.”

/Co-ordinator by our reporter Xiao Yang/Man Yi


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