The plot of "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Family" has reached its climax, Happy's career is on the right track, and the fact that Wang Xiuyu was impersonated has finally been revealed.

2024/07/0216:46:32 entertainment 1425

The plot of " Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes " has reached its climax, Happy's career is on the right track, and the fact that Wang Xiuyu was impersonated has finally been revealed.

The always arrogant Wan Chuanjia lowered his noble head and knelt down with his sister to apologize. Although it was very satisfying, it did not relieve his hatred at all.

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The most irritating thing is that the Wang family's inactive parents make money by "selling beautiful jade", and then use the money to farm land for the eldest brother and marry the second brother. The hypocrisy is disgusting.

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In the words of the audience, the more you watch this drama, the angrier it becomes, and the angrier it becomes, the more you want to watch it. But with the current plot, except for He Xingfu and Guan Tao, there are almost no "good guys" in the whole drama.

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He Xingfu is not afraid of power, understands everything, has a business mind, and can achieve great things. Watching Xingfu grow from a rural girl to a qualified leader who can lead the whole village to get rich, I am really happy for her.

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Guan Tao also sticks to his original intention and does not do anything that goes against his conscience to keep Fangyuan Law Firm on the right track. Let’s put it this way, in the entire drama, Guan Tao and He Xingfu are the representatives of positive characters.

Because He Xingfu is the heroine, it is normal for positive energy to gather in her, but is Guan Tao really as simple as he appears? From the old editor’s point of view, not necessarily (the following represents my personal opinion, please don’t comment if you don’t like it).

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The only warm man who helps his sister after all.

If you look at it from the perspective of a general audience, Guan Tao is definitely the best character in the whole drama. He is upright, kind and principled, willing to help others, and will not give up himself for profit. the rules.

More importantly, his help to the sisters He Xuxun and He Xingfu is simply the kind of redemption literature that shines into reality and the hero of the novel walks into life.

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Qingzhi met Lucky because of her relationship. After arriving at the law firm, he took good care of Lucky in every possible way. He knew that Lucky had no money to rent a house and lived in the company, but he did not expose her and carefully maintained her self-esteem.

knew that Lucky had no money, so he took out a few hundred yuan from his wallet, said that he treated her as his sister, taught her how to fight Director Han, and took her back to Wanjiazhuang to file a lawsuit.

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After learning about Lucky's experience in Wanjiazhuang, he encouraged him to take up legal weapons to protect himself, just like a big tree, protecting Lucky from wind and rain.

Although he and Lucky later parted ways due to ideological issues, they were still friends when they met again. After taking care of Lucky, Guan Tao met Happiness by chance in the city.

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helped Xingfu solve his work problem. Although it was just a day job and the salary was only 1,500 yuan a month, for Xingfu at that time, it was a timely help.

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When Happiness was not confident in himself, Guan Tao actively encouraged and helped Happiness. It can be said that Happiness can live smoothly in the city without Guan Tao's help.

Whether they are lucky or happy, the growth of these two sisters seems to have been completed under the witness of Guan Tao. Therefore, Guan Tao has become the most lovable male character in the entire drama, and he is the most lovable male character. One kind.

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But is it really just that? Don't forget, who is the director Zheng Xiaolong ? He is a great director who is the originator of palace fights like "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses" is also a realistic work. How could it be related to something like Tao? What a flawless character.

In fact, the warm man is just Guan Tao's protective color. He is the biggest "ruthless person" in the whole drama. Don't be deceived by the appearance. In fact, Guan Tao has always been a "black-bellied man".

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"Warm man" turned into "male green tea", maybe this is Guan Tao's true face

Audiences who have watched the drama carefully know that Guan Tao is a divorced person. Although he did not explain why Guan Tao divorced, from the character To put it bluntly, he is not the affectionate and dedicated male protagonist in idol dramas, but a man who has experienced marriage.

So according to the normal development logic of things, Guan Tao, as a person who knows the importance of "a sense of proportion" in a marriage, but knows it but fails to do it, then this perfectly demonstrates Guan Tao's character. The "dark" side of the character.

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From getting along day and night in a small law firm to cherishing each other in a big law firm, Guan Tao's emotional development towards happiness can be traced. For example, when he taught happiness to practice driving on Saturday, Guan Tao himself said that he used his time to make money. He is a lawyer, but he can devote a lot of time to teaching Xingfu how to drive. This boss must be too good.

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After that, Guan Tao took the attributes of "male green tea" to the extreme. Xingfu wanted Guan Tao to help arrange a job for Qing Lai. Although Guan Tao looked concerned, he spoke in a disparaging manner.

"Qing Lai hasn't found a job yet?" "It shouldn't be", "Isn't he quite capable?" Let's just say, does this tone sound like what the female mistress often says to the male protagonist: "Sister is very good." Yes, my sister is quite capable." I'm really impressed.

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After Qing came to work at the law firm, Guan Tao used practical actions to make Qing see the gap between him and Happiness, and let Happiness know about Qing Lai's shortcomings, so that Qing Lai could take the initiative to file for "divorce" , and then rise to power openly and honestly.

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When Qing Lai was playing with flowers and plants in the law firm, Guan Tao not only did not stop him, but encouraged him. As the saying goes, "If you want to make it perish, you must first make it crazy." As expected by Guan Tao, Qing Lai went crazy. I went crazy to the police station.

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Although Guan Tao and Xingfu took Qinglai back from the police station, this did not make Guan Tao give up the idea of ​​continuing to "separate" the couple. Xingfu injured his hand, and Guan Tao knew Qinglai was in the company, so he directly Putting band-aids on happiness in public, without caring about other people's opinions, invisibly shortens the distance between oneself and happiness.

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Let’s just say that if the character Guan Tao is a female, Happiness is a male, and Qing Lai is the tragic first wife, then Guan Tao’s character is definitely a typical scheming bitch.

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This is not over yet. Qing Lai caused the law firm to lose 2 million due to work mistakes. He could obviously go to Qing directly to talk about this matter, but he didn't. Instead, he looked for happiness first, called the office but did not close the door, so that everyone could Hear, let alone Qing, even if Wang Youde came, he wouldn't be able to continue doing this job.

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And this was Guan Tao's inner calculation, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to explain to Xingfu in private after scolding him loudly, and drive Qinglai away naturally.

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Then let Xingfu work in the city. Over time, the two naturally separated due to the distance and the growing gap, so that Guan Tao could pursue happiness without any scruples.

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It’s really not that the editor’s ideas are extreme. Take a closer look at Guan Tao’s expression when Xingfu came back from the village and told Guan Tao whether Qing would come back. The last time I saw such happiness was when he got Frank’s contract.

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But when Xingfu said that she would go back with Qinglai, Guan Tao's face immediately collapsed, and not only was there a layer of mist in his eyes.

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Even as a lawyer, he can't keep calm, which is the most basic thing. He can't hold the cup steadily. Isn't this enough to prove Guan Tao's feelings for happiness?

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Although thinking about Guan Tao in this way may be a bit of malicious speculation, the above only represents the personal opinion of the editor. But having said that, if Guan Tao is really so "black-bellied", this will obviously be a problem for the "one blessing, one person" CP. It's better to drink. So, do you think Guan Tao is a "warm man" or a "black-bellied man"?

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