The fifth part of "The Wind Rises in Longxi" Douban: 8.1 Starring: Chen Kun, Bai Yu Plot review: The main actors are great, and the changes to the main story are more impactful to the original work. It reaches climax after nearly twenty episodes, until the last few episodes. . Un

2024/07/0209:06:32 entertainment 1145

The fifth part "The Wind Rises in Longxi"

Douban: 8.1

Starring: Chen Kun, Bai Yu

Plot review: The main actors are awesome, and the changes to the main story have more impact on the original work. By the time of nearly twenty episodes There are climaxes one after another until the last few episodes. In the context of the imperial system, and Li Yan, who were ordered to serve, were labeled as treason? Is it for the historical reputation of Zhuge Liang and ? In the whole movie, the deep-tempered Prime Minister, whose final confrontation with his political opponents only had moral rhetoric, was completely blank, and he became a moral saint.

As for the conspiracy theory in the original work, it was just like the curtain in the Chengdu palace and passed by in a few glances. It was a pity to be with An Le Gong. Moreover, the smooth development of the main line has brought about the distortion of some branch lines and supporting characters, but it is inevitable for this type of subject matter, and the degree of completion is still very high! The ending can be regarded as a comeback, so even if there are shortcomings, the overall flaws are not concealed.

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The fourth part " Menghualu "

Douban: 8.1

Starring: Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao

Plot review: "Menghualu" is an eye-catching drama with good location selection, clever photography and service. The transformation is exquisite. The best thing is that the characters in the play are all so appropriate. Pan'er is the appearance and temperament of Pan'er, and Sanniang is what Sanniang should be. These characters in the play are all real people. They live their lives just like us while we watch the show. In the play, there are fireworks in the world, the seven emotions and six desires of ordinary people, all kinds of unwillingness and melancholy, progress and hesitation, entanglement and temptation, all kinds of desires and unfulfilled desires. It takes care of our eyes for goodness and beauty, and also respects that we are used to seeing the storms of the world, not seeing exaggeration and affectation, and wanting to stay away from all kinds of hysteria and inexplicable hearts.

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The third part " Human World "

Douban: 8.1

Starring: Lei Jiayin , Song Jia

Plot review: was originally afraid of feeling aggrieved, and after watching so many episodes, I didn’t want to watch it, but I couldn’t stop watching it. Zhou Bingkun is really good, as is Zheng Juan. Family is more important than anything else. Zhou Rong felt sorry for her parents when she was young, then she felt sorry for her children, and then she felt sorry for Cai Xiaoguang. She lived too much for herself and flaunted herself as noble. How can a sea cucumber person do it? A graduate student is speechless after quitting the relationship. Can he be worthy of Cai Xiaoguang? My sister-in-law and Zhou Bingyi are very good, but it would be a blessing or a tragedy to have a brother like Zhou Bingyi. Those friends are also very vividly portrayed, and the acting skills in the whole drama are outstanding. Maybe this is the human world.

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The second part "Beyond"

Douban: 8.2

Starring: Li Gengxi , Hu Jun

Plot review: In " Little Joy " Qiao Yingzi Li Gengxi, who has gained a lot of favor, puts Chen Mian's persistence and vigor into perspective , show us the hardships and glory of short track speed skating athletes. The blessings of those familiar old faces, such as Hu Jun, Mei Ting , Sha Yi , Tong Yao , Ma Li , etc., make this work strive for excellence and hit people's hearts. It is true that it is difficult to make a sports film well. Everyone knows the ending without reading the beginning, it just depends on how well you act. How difficult it is! But I accept the way of statement like "Beyond". Passionate, passionate and gentle. All in all, no matter when and where, youth is always exciting and igniting passion. We look forward to every period of youth, with dreams in mind and hard work.

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The first part of " Police Honor "

Douban: 8.6

Starring: Zhang Ruoyun, Bailu

Plot review: The finale made me very reluctant to let go of everyone in Balihe. The last time it made me fall in love with the characters in the play The feeling of bonding is still " deceives ". This time it is the director, which makes me feel sad... The subject matter is very good, whether it is trivial civil disputes or criminal cases, I want to see them all, both lively and bloody. There is warmth and touching, and no character is suspended. I fell deeply in love with this cast and crew. Police and doctors are all trying to make the world a better place. This sentence has always been unforgettable to me. The people need to trust the police, and the police also need the people's understanding and support. I hope that the world will have fewer disputes and fewer crimes. The greatest happiness is that everyone can live in peace and stability.

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2022Which of the five dramas that scored 8+ in the first half of the year have you watched? Coding is not easy. Welcome to follow, like, and leave a message for discussion.

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