After the concept PV of "Swallowing the Sea" came out, the trailer also came out. You can hear more voices. The choice of these two protagonists is really great! (Later I read on Weibo and found out that Huaishang personally selected the cast!!!) It’s a combination I didn’t expec

2024/07/0206:38:33 entertainment 1819
After the concept PV of

's "Swallowing the Sea" came out, the trailer also came out. You can hear more voices. The choice of the two protagonists of is really great! (Later I read on Weibo and found out that Huaishang personally selected the cast!!!) I didn’t expect the combination, but after listening to the trailer, I thought was too cool. , the recording company is Xige’s own studio!

After the concept PV of

Let’s talk about the feeling of the trailer:

Bu Chonghua (The tall and straight pine trees after snow are stable) is originally a person with strong self-discipline. Xiaoyu was once the leader of the academic school. His parents died when he was a child, and he was saddled with a blood feud. He passed the exam and passed the exam. He has been a top student and a model all the way to the OUHK. He is strict with himself and is no exception to his subordinates. Although it is a story about the end of the year, Conghua really shoulders too much pressure and burden. He is really rigorous and mature. Yes, Xige handled the voice and tone very well here. There is a huge difference between Conghua and Shanyazi!

Wu Yu (Broken Solitary Sword with a Cold Light) : In fact, I thought Wu Yu’s voice was a little younger. Taikang was very dull when he first came on. After listening to the whole trailer, I felt that this arrangement was very reasonable. At first When Conghua and Wu Yu met, Wu Yu looked lifeless and hopeless. He had experienced too much and had been there too much. There was no light in either his voice or his eyes. As the plot unfolds in the trailer, Wu Yu's perseverance, perseverance and perseverance as she fights against gangsters and braves the sea of ​​​​fire are also revealed.

After the concept PV of

This pair is indeed completely different from the magma combination in "Po Yun". Wu Yu looks ordinary and ordinary in appearance, a young talent like Captain Jiang, the proud son of the OUHK, and the detachment. The identity of the director is very different. This sequel looks very good at the moment. I believe in Brother Xi! Already kryptonian hahahaha!

After the concept PV of

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