A family movie will be released in 2022 - "Life Events". The movie stars Zhu Yilong, Yang Enyou, Wang Ge and others. So far, the box office has exceeded 1.2 billion. The most surprising thing is that Chen Chuang guest-starred in the show, playing the role of a submissive little g

2024/07/0213:45:32 entertainment 1911

A family movie will be released in 2022 -

A family movie will be released in 2022 -

A family movie will be launched in 2022, - " Life Events ".

The movie stars Zhu Yilong, Yang Enyou, Wang Ge and others. So far, the box office has exceeded 1.2 billion.

The most surprising thing is that Chen Chuang made a guest appearance in the show, playing the role of a submissive little guy. Although

A family movie will be released in 2022 -

only appeared for 5 minutes, his performance was superb and left a deep impression on the audience.

Chen Chuang's acting skills are obvious to all. He is a powerful actor and has brought many wonderful works to the audience in his early years.

Only in recent years, Chen Chuang is almost invisible in the industry. He only acts as a supporting actor for others and has only a few shots.

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The "disappearance" of such an outstanding actor as Chen Chuang in the entertainment industry is actually a "sadness" for the entertainment industry.

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Chen Chuang, born in 1974 in a family of artists in Jiangxi.

Chen Chuang's father is an opera actor and can do all kinds of crosstalk and sketches related to art. I hope my son can "hope for success" and practice basic skills from an early age.

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However, Chen Chuang does not like folk arts and is often lazy when studying. His father was very angry when he saw that Chen Chuang was half-baked. Why did such a thing happen at home? He often beat him.

Chen Chuang was dissatisfied and did not dare to refute because he was too young. But after he entered elementary school, Chen Chuang developed his skills. When his father beat him again, he simply left a letter and ran away from home.

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Chen Chuang left with his schoolbag on his back. His parents were not anxious at all when they saw the letter of disqualification and found him soon. It turned out that he had gone to his aunt's house.

Chen Chuang's plan failed, so he could only learn from his father obediently, but he didn't like singing at all.

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By chance when he was in junior high school, Chen Chuang fell in love with acting and told his parents that he wanted to enter an art college. My mother was extremely opposed to it. You can study art but you must be educated.

My mother did homework for Chen Chuang all day and night, and cried and said to him: I can’t do it if I don’t study. I don’t agree. When Chen Chuang saw this, he quickly said, I won’t take the exam.

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Chen Chuang doesn’t like studying. Fortunately, he got into a good high school and his parents were very happy. But he came up with the idea of ​​going to art school again, and I heard that it would be the last one.

Chen Chuang told his parents about this matter again, and his mother did not retort and said: Let’s take the test. After attending art school, his father accompanied Chen Chuang to Beijing to take the exam.

Chen Chuang's appearance is not particularly outstanding, the teacher at Beijing Film Academy did not take a fancy to him at all. Fortunately, he had basic skills and put what he learned from his father to use.

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successfully passed the first, second and third attempts. The father kept the notice. The idle son did not expect to be so good. He showed off to others that his son went to school in Beijing.

In 1994, 20-year-old Chen Chuang came to the Beijing Film Academy. Excellent people abounded, and he felt a little inferior. Having no professional acting studies, no social experience, and no life experience are huge obstacles on this road.

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Chen Chuang was still a junior college student at Beijing Film Academy. He was very envious of his undergraduate classmates and felt that he was inferior to them. Moreover, when he had the chance, he would look for a bachelor's degree as soon as possible, and it was not his turn at all.

During that time, Chen Chuang was in great pain. The teacher told them: College students should not be discouraged. It does not mean that undergraduates are superior to college students. The settings are different and both require talents.

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With these words, Chen Chuang felt much better, and later he also passed the undergraduate examination, and he had to study on weekends. His hard work paid off and he passed the undergraduate examination.

It’s just that because of Chen Chuang’s appearance, he still has no filming. Even if he does, he has a small role and only earns two to three hundred yuan a day.

The money was very low to them, and even his classmates looked down upon him. But he wanted to take pictures just to eat, which was actually to gain experience for himself.

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A family movie will be released in 2022 -

When he was an intern in his junior year, there was a play for which no suitable candidate could be found. Chen Chuang’s senior sister thought it was a good fit for him and recommended him to act in it.

Chen Chuang found out that he was starring opposite Zhang Guoli. He was very nervous about working with a powerful actor, so he took this opportunity to learn from his predecessors.

However, Chen Chuang and Zhang Guoli had been acting for a week, and they had no communication at all in private. He was very anxious that the filming would be completed soon.

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After work, Chen Chuang shyly came to Zhang Guoli and said: Teacher Zhang, take your car today. He said very enthusiastically: Come up, come up quickly.

On the way, Chen Chuang said: Teacher Zhang, we have been acting together for more than a week. Look at my contradictions and shortcomings. Please correct me.

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Zhang Guoli looked at the newspaper and said: It's pretty good, there's nothing wrong with it. Chen Chuang was flustered: Don't worry, I sincerely ask you, you are a senior.

"There is nothing wrong with you. You are much better than actors of the same age. You are doing the right thing if you continue to act like this. You are a creative actor."

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The only shortcoming is that Chen Chuang is too young and has too little experience. He has matured as he gets older.

With these words, Chen Chuang was relieved. He cautiously developed in the entertainment industry and became good friends with Zhang Guoli.

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In 1997, Chen Chuang began to play various roles with Zhang Guoli, who also nicknamed him "Little Bastard". After

was finalized, Zhang Guoli asked Chen Chuang: Have you accepted any work during the summer vacation? He said no. Just hang out with me.

Chen Chuang was very happy and started filming with Zhang Guoli.

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When Zhang Guoli was filming " Kangxi Private Interviews in Private Servers ", Zhang Guoli asked Chen Chuang to make a guest appearance. In the fourth film, Chen Chuang had a lot of scenes.

Chen Chuang performed very well and was deeply loved by Zhang Guoli and was willing to give him more opportunities. As long as there is a role for Zhang Guoli, even if there is no suitable role for him, he will be asked to make a cameo.

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Once, Zhang Guoli thought of Chen Chuang while filming and asked him what he was doing? Come to the set and have lunch for two days if you have nothing to do. Don't stay home and make a guest appearance.

Chen Chuang went to the set happily. Zhang Guoli gave him a very small role but gave him too many words, so he threw the script to him and let him figure it out on his own.

Although there is no camera, Chen Chuang also takes this role seriously.

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Because Chen Chuang and Zhang Guoli are very close, the crew often talks about their relationship. Chen Chuang said Zhang Guoli is his Bole.

When he is not filming, Chen Chuang often goes to the crew to visit Zhang Guoli and explore the performance. He is serious about acting.

Gold always shines, and this opportunity will come soon.

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A family movie will be released in 2022 -

In 2004, "Lotus Lantern" was in preparation, and most of the actors had been decided. There was no suitable candidate for the role of Roaring Dog. On the one hand, there were no actors who could play the dog, and on the other hand, the performance was too difficult and there was no suitable candidate.

When Chen Chuang went to visit the crew of Zhang Guoli, it happened that the makeup artist of the show also went to the crew to visit a friend, and the two met on the set.

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The makeup artist and Chen Chuang had known each other for a long time and exchanged pleasantries. The makeup artist said, are we preparing for "Lotus Lamp"? Why don't you go and give it a try?

Chen Chuang joked: Am I acting as a lamp? The makeup artist said: Don't make trouble, the role of Roaring Dog is particularly suitable for you, and no one has chosen you to give it a try.

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Chen Chuang happened to have no filming, so he thought of giving it a try. If he could act, it would be fine if he couldn't. Unexpectedly, the director was very satisfied with him when he saw him in person, especially after applying makeup, he fit the role of Roaring Dog very well.

Before Chen Chuang could react, he wanted to play the role of a dog. Now that you have decided to participate, no matter what role you play, you must take it seriously.

In order to play the barking dog well, Chen Chuang also observed the dog's behavior and imitated it.

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On the shooting scene, Chen Chuang was even more hardworking. Not only did he have to do a lot of fighting scenes, but he also had to carry molds. The director asked him if he wanted to use a stunt double, but he refused. He also came up with his own ideas for the scenes.

The filming period of the drama "Lotus Lantern" was very long. It was cold in winter and hot in summer. Chen Chuang persisted and finally presented the wonderful Roaring Dog, which became an instant hit with this role.

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It’s just that when Chen Chuang was recognized by the audience, his first reaction was "roaring dog", and he didn't mind being called that, which proved that his acting skills are good. Hard work pays off, and he is more confident to follow this path.

Since then, Chen Chuang received more scripts and had very little time to meet Bole Zhang Guoli, but Zhang Guoli was also happy to see him like this.

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A family movie will be released in 2022 -

In 2005, with "Lotus Lantern", Chen Chuang attracted more outstanding directors to see him, and they were willing to let him participate in the leading role, and won "福gui". There was already a previous version of

that performed very well. Chen Chuang was under great pressure. He watched and read novels repeatedly, studied the characters, and understood the thoughts of people in today's society.

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On the set, Chen Chuang often exchanges performances with the director and actors, and has been working hard to present wonderful works. Chen Chuang played Fu Gui superbly and brought this character to life.

After the show was aired, the response was excellent. Chen Chuang left a deep impression on the audience and received praise from the director.

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The director commented that Chen Chuang is a humble young man. He has a very strong shaping ability in both life and acting. Although he is a very familiar face, he is very serious in both filming and life.

Although his appearance is not suitable for a male lead, he can catch the audience's attention when filming seriously.

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The director also revealed that although Chen Chuang is not good-looking, he is also very popular among girls, and some girls especially like his type.

Chen Chuang is not very fond of playing. When he is not working, he likes to sing Peking Opera in his room, drink tea, and practice calligraphy. There is an actress who likes him. Every time the director talks about Chen Chuang to the actress, she will blush and be embarrassed.

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Chen Chuang has been focusing on filming in the past few years, and he has no time to consider his personal feelings. But he is not in a hurry, believing that fate will bring two people in love together.

Soon this fate came to Chen Chuang.

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A family movie will be released in 2022 -

In 2013, Chen Chuang met Zhou Youjun while filming " Hole Erpi Enters the City".

Zhou Youjun is a Beijing and Hu player, very temperamental. By chance, I met Chen Chuang. They had a very good chat and became very good friends.

In later life, Chen Chuang fell in love with Zhou Youjun and cared about her everywhere in his life. However, Chen Chuang was afraid that the other party wouldn't like him, so he didn't say anything.

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As everyone knows, Zhou Youjun doesn't care about appearance, because Chen Chuang has already fallen in love with him because of his care and love. Later, they were together naturally.

Both parents are very satisfied with each other, and they are not young enough to urge them to settle down quickly.

Not long after falling in love, Chen Chuang and Zhou Youjun entered the marriage hall, and they also had the fruit of love.

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During pregnancy, Chen Chuang had work and could not be with his wife. Whenever he had time, he would rush home to accompany and take care of Zhou Youjun, and would also cook nutritious meals for his wife.

In the last few months, Chen Chuang did not work to stay with his wife, and Zhou Youjun gave birth smoothly. Chen Chuang was very happy and thanked his wife for her efforts.

is afraid that his wife will have a hard time and the responsibility of taking care of the children will fall on Chen Chuang. He will not wake up his wife if he does not have a good rest at night.

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When his son was young, Chen Chuang basically took care of him and brought him up. Zhou Youjun was very relaxed and didn't have to worry about anything. The family of three was very happy.

However, Chen Chuang and Zhou Youjun also have many complicated things in their lives, and they often quarrel over their children. Zhou Youjun also often looks for trouble. No matter what Chen Chuang does, she is never very happy, and Chen Chuang doesn't know how to be romantic.

Chen Chuang and Zhou Youjun had been married for one year before Zhou Youjun filed for divorce. He also wanted to save the relationship and did not want his children to live in a single-parent family.

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Zhou Youjun was resolute, and Chen Chuang could only agree that he wanted nothing but custody of his son.

From then on, Chen Chuang and Zhou Youjun parted ways, and he and his son depended on each other.

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Since Chen Chuang's divorce, all his energy has been focused on his son and career. In order to support his family, he must film well.

It’s just that Chen Chuang has acting skills and has played leading roles in works, but he still received very few scripts, and most of them were supporting roles, and there were not many scenes.

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Chen Chuang doesn't care. As long as there are movies to film, he is content. It is enough to support the family and children.

Moreover, when Chen Chuang is not filming, he can accompany his children, educate them well, enjoy happy time with them, and make up for the maternal love that his son lacks.

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Since 2016, Chen Chuang has had very few works in the entertainment industry. Some of them were small roles, and he was basically on the set for only a few months a year.

Sometimes when filming a work, the broadcast will be delayed because he and other actors in the crew will not be able to see Chen Chuang. Especially in TV dramas, Chen Chuang is basically not found.

Although Chen Chuangque works, he will not act in bad works. Even if there is only one scene, as long as the script is good, he will participate. He doesn't care about the external conditions, he just wants to bring wonderful and high-quality works to the audience.

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However, there are very few high-quality scripts in the entertainment industry, and even if there is a wonderful script, it will not be Chen Chuang's turn, because it will be given to a popular actor as soon as possible.

Some popular actors don’t care about the quality of their books. They just want to be popular and make money, and they don’t care about the quality.

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If Chen Chuang can act, he can only play the roles left in other people's scripts. When talented actors have reached this point, the entertainment industry is in decline. How can we create wonderful works without talented actors? This is a very sad thing. .

Chen Chuang is now 48 years old. He has been in the entertainment industry for 22 years and has brought countless wonderful works to the audience. Even in a small supporting role, the acting is superb.

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Just because Chen Chuang takes every role seriously and hard. Although there is no traffic, the director likes such an actor, and many directors who have worked with him come back to work with him.

However, the current entertainment industry market has changed. People rely on idols and traffic to make money, and their strength is not worth mentioning in front of these two.

You have traffic but no acting skills. The market in the entertainment industry is very good. There are many protagonists who want to play you, and you can choose the script.

or even the co-actors, you have the final say if you have the traffic.

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For a powerful actor like Chen Chuang, the director wants to use the traffic but doesn't like it, so he misses this opportunity. Talented actors have no say at all in the entertainment industry.

In the entertainment industry, there is a kind of powerful actors who provide supporting roles for popular stars. Even actors such as Chen Chuang who relied on their strength have no chance to act and seem to have disappeared in the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry does not want actors like this who will be finished sooner or later. The audience looks for the quality of the work, not the traffic.

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