On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually

2024/07/0113:24:32 entertainment 1409
htmlOn July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, the mixed-race goddess Bai Anni was interviewed and generously shared the current situation of her family.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her medium-long hair was casually scattered on her shoulders, and she was dressed simply.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Before she knew it, she was already 59 years old. Time had left many marks on her face, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were very obvious. After seeing her recent photos, some netizens couldn't help but lament that she had changed so much that she was unrecognizable.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

She has a high degree of education and is a professional. She has an outstanding temperament and is quite bookish.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Bai Anni entered the entertainment industry in the 1980s. With her superb appearance, she was constantly invited to perform and starred in many classic movies such as " Happy Paradise " and " Curry Chili ".

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, her time in the entertainment industry was very short. After her last performance in 1993, she decided to stop acting. It has been 29 years now.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Recalling this experience, Bai Anni said, I have wanted to be a professional since I was a child. At that time, I felt that I could do enough screen work, so I went back to study. I originally considered becoming a nurse or physical therapist . Later, while working as a volunteer, I discovered that I was very interested in occupational therapy, so I became an occupational therapist specializing in children's cases.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

However, after working for more than ten years, she felt that chasing children all day long was very tiring, and she felt that her physical strength was limited as she got older. She went back to school to study psychology and is currently a clinical psychologist.

In addition to work, Bai Anni also talked about family. She once fell in love with Zheng Haonan . After quitting the entertainment industry, she married her classmate. The couple had two daughters after their marriage. The children have grown up and have inherited her different talents.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Bai Anni revealed that the eldest daughter has an easy-going personality and others always feel comfortable when they see her. The eldest daughter is studying physical therapy in college and has graduated and is about to join the society. As a mother, she is very happy for her eldest daughter, because her daughter will be able to make money soon and does not have to rely on her parents.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Bai Anni’s 18-year-old second daughter Xu Enyi , I believe many netizens have the impression. With outstanding beauty, she officially entered the entertainment industry last year. The first work she participated in was "The Sky of Burning Wild Boy", which she collaborated with the popular niche actor Peng Yuchang.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Talking about her youngest daughter, Bai Anni admitted that her daughter's entry into the industry was purely accidental. She remembered that her daughter was on summer vacation at the time and was unable to attend dance classes and competitions due to force majeure, so she asked people in the industry where there were dancing performances. Unexpectedly, a few months later, her agent Zhou Yougen called her and said that there was a mainland movie that wanted a girl who could dance to participate in the performance.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

She asked her daughter if she wanted to try it. My daughter said she wanted to. As a result, my daughter was successfully selected.

On July 15, according to Hong Kong media reports, mixed-race goddess Bai Anni accepted an interview and generously shared the current situation of her family. Bai Anni, who made a rare appearance, appeared in a white shirt and light-colored pants. Her mid-length hair was casually - DayDayNews

Bai Anni continued to say that her daughter had never learned to sing or act, and she did not expect that acting could be inherited. Regarding her daughter's acting career, she said that she would never object. If her daughter wants to take this path, let her go. She only hopes that her daughter will think clearly.

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