Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had "multiple husbands."

2024/07/0218:47:33 entertainment 1618


Editor/Small Love Letter

"Then can you tell us who your real, dear husband is?"

In a variety show, Zhu Xun asked Xu Di with a puzzled look. .

Xu Di said half-jokingly: "My husband is the Yu family, and I am the Yu Xu family."

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Why would you ask such a question?

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place. Even online information showed that she had "multiple husbands."

This problem also made Xu Di miserable, so she clarified the rumors to the audience on the show and explained that she only has one husband, and that is Yu Jianwei.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

The love between them can be described as "falling in love and killing each other".

But Xu Di is always the one who gets the upper hand. Because of Yu Jianwei's preference, many friends jokingly call him the "old assistant".

After so many years, how is Xu Di doing now?

l 01

The love between Xu Di and her husband Yu Jianwei did not fall in love at first sight, but went from mutual disgust to mutual admiration.

At the age of seventeen, Xu Di was recruited into the Beijing Opera Troupe because of her outstanding voice, where she met the eighteen-year-old Yu Jianwei, who was also in his youth.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

They are classmates in the student class, and Yu Jianwei serves as the monitor of the class.

One time, classmates in the class organized a dinner party. During the meal, Yu Jianwei, who was in high spirits, used obscene curse words in his speech, which angered Xu Di.

The age of seventeen or eighteen is the age when love begins, and naturally it is also the age when the blood is strong. Xu Di slapped the table, pointed at Yu Jianwei and said : "Who are you talking about? You, why do you use dirty words when you speak!"

Everyone present was shocked.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Recalling this incident many years later, Yu Jianwei's younger brother told Xu Di that as soon as Yu Jianwei came home at that time, he bluntly said that Xu Di was too powerful, and also threatened that he would never find a wife like this when he comes back.

Yu Jianwei's first impression of Xu Di was that of a fierce girl.

But as the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. The two people who experienced that farce actually became familiar with each other. They fell in love with each other after going back and forth, and finally entered the palace of marriage together.

However, because the two teachers kept a low profile, few people knew about this marriage. Many netizens even thought that Xu Di's husband was someone else, which made people laugh and cry.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

In a variety show, the host told Teacher Xu Di that when searching for her name on the Internet and checking her background, multiple husbands would appear. For example, Taiwanese artist Yang Youlin, actor Yang Lixin, etc. were confusing.

Many people have questions in their minds, who is Xu Di’s husband?

After hearing what the host said, Xu Di was shocked and quickly clarified that none of the above people were her husband. Why did

make a mistake? It is because these actors have played husband and wife with Xu Di in film and television dramas, so they were misunderstood. Among them, the most widely circulated "couple version" is Xu Di and Yang Youlin.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

It is understandable that the audience will have misunderstandings, because they have jointly appeared on a program that is usually attended by real couples, " Couple Theater ".

At that time, Yang Youlin's wife was in Taiwan and could not participate in the show. It happened that when Li Youlin was filming in mainland China, Xu Di had played his wife twice, so he contacted Mr. Xu Di to participate in the show with him.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Although Xu Di felt it was not suitable and might be troublesome, she couldn't refuse, so she accepted the invitation. On the day when

recorded the show, in order to avoid misunderstandings, the two people on the show were seated far apart.

And Xu Di also specifically told the program team not to let the audience misunderstand, but they were still misunderstood.

Due to acting reasons, there are many people who play husband and wife with Xu Di, and they may even be misunderstood that they are husband and wife.

So someone asked Xu Di, would her husband mind? Xu Di smiled and replied that her husband never paid attention to this.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

l 02

Xu Di has always been a very strong woman.

During a job, she received bad news from home. Unfortunately, her father passed away.

Even when she was extremely sad, Xu Di was able to hold back her tears and not cry in front of everyone.

But even though she had already joined the group, she accidentally fell ill and went to the hospital due to a severe blow.

In the movie Xu Di was filming at that time, there were many scenes of IV drips in the hospital, almost all of which were real scenes.

Because of her illness, not only did she look haggard, but her voice became hoarse, but she still persisted in her job and filmed the scene, which made people feel sad and admired.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Fortunately, she is always accompanied by her husband Yu Jianwei.

Xu Di always shouts: "Our Lao Yu, our Lao Yu." Her happiness is beyond words.

When working with Xu Di, Yu Jianwei always acted as her assistant and correspondent, and sometimes had to take care of Xu Di's life.

Xu Di joked that he was not paid for doing this, but she changed the topic and smiled and said: "But all the money I earn from filming has to be given to him."

Their acquaintance is simple, but they have been together for dozens of years. We have been in love for many years, and even now we still have the same youthful feeling as when we first met.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Xu Di said that they were embarrassed to meet acquaintances even if they held hands on the road after getting married.

is different from some couples of that era. They have always worked in the same unit and have never suffered from lovesickness. Therefore, they have never written love letters to each other. Their love is in action.

No matter where Xu Di is, Yu Jianwei will follow her around. When Xu Di is filming, Yu Jianwei will silently watch her from behind the camera.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Yu Jianwei didn't feel that he had any hard work. He thought that he was doing physical work and Xu Di was doing mental work, so it was Xu Di who was doing the hard work.

Xu Di and Yu Jianwei always take care of each other in life. No matter where they go, they care about each other in their hearts. The older they get, the more they need this in their hearts.

There was a time when Xu Di suffered from anxiety due to stress. She would always lose her temper at home for no apparent reason, and she would always compete with herself.

On the way to work, she would even hallucinate, thinking that she fell from a viaduct and was run over by the traffic under the bridge.

Seeing his wife like this, Yu Jianwei felt pain in his eyes, so he gave Xu Di endless tolerance.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

During that time, Xu Di was unwilling to do anything. When someone came to see her or called her, she would always do it perfunctorily and refuse to go. Although she was impatient, she was still relatively polite to outsiders.

But Xu Di is very direct with her family members. She is fine with just one or two words at first, but she starts to get angry when she talks too much.

Xu Di felt that her mouth and brain were not on the same channel at that time. Her consciousness told her that she could not speak like that, but she still said it.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

After a long time, people around her finally noticed that something was wrong with Xu Di, so Yu Jianwei took her to climb Xiangshan to relax. Perhaps it was the hormones released by exercise that made Xu Di feel happy.

So after half a year, she finally got out of that confused state.

l 03

It seems that there is always a generation gap problem between parents and children, and Xu Di and her son are no exception.

Xu Di and Yu Jianwei welcomed their child, Yu Zibo, shortly after their marriage.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Like most parents, Xu Di hopes that her son will have a stable job and a secure life. She does not want him to be rich or wealthy, but to be safe.

Therefore, Xu Di and Yu Jianwei always ask their sons what they should and shouldn't do, but the more restraint they impose, the more their sons resist. Young children are always eager to get rid of all restraints and yearn for freedom.

Yu Zibo, who has always had his own ideas since he was a child, ignored his parents' objections when he grew up and decided to choose a career as a recording engineer.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

However, recording engineer is not a stable job. Yu Zibo can only earn income when he receives a role. Therefore, Yu Zibo was in a state of no income for a long time when he just graduated from college.

So Xu Di was always by his side, urging him to give up his career as a recording engineer and find a job that worked step by step from 9 to 5.

Because of her own experience, Xu Di hoped that Yu Zibo could have a country and organizational constraints, so she took it upon herself to find an organization for Yu Zibo and let him work there.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

But Yu Zibo righteously refused, saying: "Mom, I can't go there."

Severe survival problems and the pressure from his mother made it difficult for Yu Zibo to breathe, and Yu Zibo was forced to go to the job Xu Di was looking for. Work unit.

However, Yu Zibo could not persist because of the inconsistent pace of life and majors in the work unit, so he found a senior brother of his who had worked with his mother Xu Di and asked him to talk to Xu Di.

In fact, Xu Di forced her son Yu Zibo like this because she was worried that he would not be able to take good care of herself and support herself.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

But after a period of observation, Xu Di found that he could do it, so she no longer forced her son to do anything. As time passed, Xu Di finally understood her mistake at the time and let Yu Zibo do what he wanted to do.

Although she is now over 60 years old, Teacher Xu Di is still active on the TV screen, bringing us wonderful performances.

Recently, Xu Di played the role of a fiery and noisy "Mrs. Cheng" in the hit drama "The Star", which is very consistent with her eclectic personality.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

Unknowingly, she has been an artist for more than 40 years, and she and her husband have been in love for decades. This time seems to have passed in a blink of an eye, and people are getting older, but their hearts are still as passionate as before.

They were each other's first love, and they were also their last wives. They have gone through countless ups and downs during this period, and it is really enviable to be able to get to where they are today. In addition to the two-way pursuit of each other, there is also endless tolerance.

One is outgoing and cheerful, the other is shy and introverted. Their complementary personalities make them more like a match made in heaven. Their love lasts forever, as if it is like, God is not old, love is hard to break; the heart is like a double mesh, with thousands of things in it. Thousand knots.

Because the low-key Xu Di rarely mentioned her husband in public, the outside world always speculated. Rumors spread all over the place, and even online information showed that she had

It is not easy to meet someone you love. In the journey of life, what kind of love have we missed due to various reasons and are full of regrets?

But the past will eventually pass. I only hope that in the future we can meet a lover who shares the ups and downs and live this short life like a mayfly.

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