Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a "simultaneous daughter." His father does not recognize his mother and doe

2024/07/0202:15:33 entertainment 1169

In 2000, Jackie Chan said a "classic" sentence at the press conference that shocked everyone: "I made a mistake that many men in the world make!" As everyone knows, when he said this sentence, Wu Zhuolin has a miserable life and a fate full of criticism.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Mother Wu Qili used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father Jackie Chan did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a "si-born girl". His father does not recognize his mother and does not love him, and he even has a marriage dispute with his same-sex wife. Where should Wu Zhuolin's life go?

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

In fact, the reason why Wu Zhuolin's life is so miserable, apart from Jackie Chan's chaos and abandonment, is also inseparable from one person, that is his mother Wu Qili. It turns out that Wu Qili's life was also very bumpy. She also grew up in a single-parent family. Wu Zhuolin's grandmother Zheng Liming once had a failed marriage and divorced when Wu Qili was less than one year old. Growing up, Wu Qili only saw her father once.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

The misfortune of marriage made Wu Qili’s mother full of resentment, and she even vented this resentment on her daughter. Just because Wu Qili looked like her father, her mother yelled at her: “Thankfully you are a girl, if you were a boy , I would have killed you a long time ago." Not only that, her mother also interfered in Wu Qili's love life, not wanting her daughter to get married. .

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Under the intervention of her mother, Wu Qili did not get married, but she did something more "sensational" than getting married, that is, giving birth to a child out of wedlock, and the child she gave birth to was the child of international superstar Jackie Chan.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

In 1998, Wu Qili and Jackie Chan met at a party. Although Jackie Chan was married at the time, he still pursued Wu Qili. He often greeted Wu Qili and showed her concern. Soon, Wu Qili fell into the arms of Jackie Chan, knowing that the other party was already married. When getting married and having children, she became pregnant.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

But when Wu Qili told Jackie Chan about the pregnancy, Jackie Chan suddenly changed her face and asked her what was going on? In the end, she said coldly: "Kill her." Jackie Chan's indifference disappointed Wu Qili. In order to force her to conceive, and even more "revenge", Wu Qili decided to give birth to the child.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

When she was 6 months pregnant, Ng Qili publicly announced to the media: "Jackie Chan is the father of the child." As soon as the news came out, it is conceivable that many people accused Jackie Chan of cheating, but more often, they accused Ng Qili of interfering with others. marriage, so she was dubbed the "little 3".

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

On November 19, 1999, the child was born. Wu Qili named her daughter Wu Zhuolin. She originally wanted to use the child to force her to have a baby, but who would have thought that Jackie Chan would not recognize this daughter. Helpless, Wu Qili took her daughter back to her mother's house. Her mother had been sarcastic to her before, and now that she had a daughter out of wedlock, she was even more sarcastic. Her mother often used a knife to force Wu Qili to go to Jackie Chan to ask for money.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

In order to avoid her mother, Wu Qili later took her daughter to Hong Kong. Wu Qili's days of being controlled by her mother were finally over, but unexpectedly, for Wu Zhuolin, her disaster had just begun.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Jackie Chan denies her daughter, her mother is sarcastic, and the outside world is talking about her. Wu Qili, who has been hit hard, places all her hopes on her daughter. She cares deeply about her daughter. Before she was 9 years old, she carried her daughter to the toilet. Now that her daughter is 15 years old, she still has to help her get dressed. Although there is no father's love, everything Qili Wu has done has made her daughter feel a sense of security. She even thinks that having a mother is enough and she doesn't need a father at all.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

At this time, Wu Zhuolin only saw her mother's love for her. How could she know that what she would encounter next would be what her mother had experienced at her grandma's place. As a mother, Wu Qili certainly loves her daughter, but her cruelty to her daughter shocked many people.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Wu Qili once revealed: "If she doesn't behave, I will catch her and beat her. After I beat her, I will hold " Cihai " on her head and let her hold it on her head for two hours. She is not allowed to put it down." If her daughter is a little disobedient or even contradicts her, She would use corporal punishment. The gentle and kind mother before turned into a "crazy woman" in a blink of an eye, punching, kicking and even whipping her daughter.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

In 2015, someone reported to the police that her mother often abused her, and the person who reported the report was Wu Zhuolin.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

I thought Wu Qili would change from now on, but she didn't expect that she would be even more strict with Wu Zhuolin. If Wu Zhuolin didn't go to bed after 11 o'clock in the evening, Wu Qili would take a stack of thick paper and ask her over and over again. I wrote "I won't sleep" until about five o'clock the next morning. I couldn't stop in the middle. If I stopped, I would be beaten.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

In 2017, Wu Zhuolin called the police again. It is reported that Wu Qili tried to persuade her daughter to take medicine. The two had a conflict. Wu Qili even shouted: "Either you die or I die."

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Wu Qili's long-term abnormal education method has made Wu Zhuolin's values ​​​​and Her outlook on life became more and more distorted. She wanted to leave the house just like her mother had escaped from her grandma, and she even slit her wrists many times for this purpose.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

I don’t get my mother’s love at home, but what about at school? He also became the object of ridicule by others. Wu Zhuolin was scolded as a "si-born girl" when she was born. Her classmates often bullied and ridiculed her. But compared to other people's ridicule, what really makes Wu Zhuolin sad is the lack of father's love.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Wu Zhuolin once said that he did not need and was unwilling to admit that Jackie Chan was his father. But is this really the case? When she saw other people's fathers accompanying their children to go fishing, when she saw other people's fathers teaching their children to learn to ride bicycles, Wu Zhuolin always felt a faint pain in her heart. These natural loves, from her It is lost the moment you are born. When she encountered bullying, no one loved her, and no one protected her. She could only listen to those harsh voices over and over again: "Who told you that you were born from Si?"

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Cutting her wrists failed, so she chose to run away from home. At this time, Wu Qili realized the seriousness of the problem. She burst into tears and called a press conference to look for her daughter.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

How can long-term pain be easily healed? At this time, Wu Zhuolin had already gone further and further on the road of rebellion. In 2017, she publicly announced that she came out as gay. The other party's name was Andi. was a Canadian Internet celebrity who was 112 years older than her. A year later, the two got married in Canada.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Andi never worked again after getting married, and Wu Zhuo Lin not only sold all his valuable things in order to make ends meet, but was also photographed living on the streets. He was once suspected of living by picking up rags. .

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Wu Zhuolin, who had always been unwilling to recognize Jackie Chan, suddenly posted a video online in April 2018, publicly admitting that he was Jackie Chan's daughter, and even said that he was homeless and could only sleep on the bridge. below or elsewhere. As soon as the video was released, public opinion immediately went into an uproar. Many people accused Jackie Chan of being ruthless, while others accused Elaine Ng of failing to fulfill her duties as a mother.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

In anger, Wu Qili exposed Andi's true purpose, saying that she was close to Wu Zhuolin just to use her identity to hype up, and Wu Zhuolin's current actions were all manipulated by others.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Andi’s true purpose is unknown to us, but her various practices with Wu Zhuolin are indeed puzzling. After marriage, she did not go to work, but asked Wu Zhuolin, who was 12 years younger, to earn money to support her. She also instigated Wu Zhuolin to steal her mother's money, including later asking Wu Zhuolin to post a video to publicly acknowledge his father. The purpose was also obvious, which was to get Jackie Chan's money. .

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

But even though Wu Zhuolin has done so much for Andi, she still complains constantly, and news of marriage changes frequently spread between the two.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

He was scolded as a "si-born girl" as soon as he was born. His father didn't recognize him and his mother didn't love him. Wu Zhuolin seemed to be a superfluous existence. Jackie Chan's sentence "I just made a mistake that many men in the world make" is even more... Making her the object of ridicule by others.

She is just a child. On the road of life, no one tells her what to do? All her rebellion is a manifestation of inferiority and helplessness, and even self-abasement.

Her mother, Wu Qili, used her as a tool to force her to have an abortion. Her father, Jackie Chan, did not recognize her at all. Her classmates even laughed at her and bullied her because of her status as a

Jackie Chan was wrong, the fault was that he should not be romantic. Wu Qili also made a mistake. The mistake was that she should not use her children as tools. But the last thing they should do is for their children to bear all this!

Wu Zhuolin is now 23 years old. If she had not had these experiences, she might be wandering around the university campus, or she might have a satisfactory job. But what about reality? After cutting my wrists, committing suicide, running away from home, and coming out, I don't know where I should go in the rest of my life.

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