When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", are you suddenly enlightened? It was her, to her, he was Roland, a veritable veteran

2024/06/3008:21:32 entertainment 1520

mentioned the names Roland , the audience was very unfamiliar. But when it comes to the Qiu Qianren who spits date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", are you suddenly enlightened? It was her, to her, he was Roland, a veritable veteran actor who had many classic works in his life and was highly recognized and praised.

When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of

In his early years, he often played ghost roles in horror films. He was known as the "Hong Kong Ghost Queen" and once became the shadow of countless people's childhood. Just seeing her face makes my hair stand on end, and the memories come flooding back to me instantly. Especially the cold expression and the scary eyes, it really gave me nightmares at night. Her role as "Dragon Po" in "July 14th" has become a classic.

When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of

In the past two years, Roland has gradually withdrawn from the film and television stage and returned to real life, living like an ordinary old lady, eating three meals a day. I travel by taking the bus and live on my own, completely losing my celebrity aura and living my truest self.

Recently, some media photographed the 87-year-old Hong Kong star Luo Lan appearing alone in the hospital, which successfully attracted widespread attention. Everyone is worried about what happened to her, whether she went to the hospital because she was sick, or whether there will be any big problems. But after careful investigation, I realized that Roland showed up at the hospital this time to make arrangements for his death in advance.

When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of

Because she devoted her whole life to the acting career, she was busy filming movies when she was young. Although he had several relationships, they all ended in failure and he is still alone to this day. She had to have her knees replaced because of her age, and she had to bear the pain alone. But even so, she still worked hard and endured the pain.

When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of

It may be because of this that she wants to arrange her funeral affairs in advance. After all, she cannot leave it to others. She should handle everything properly while she is still healthy and able to move.

It is reported that when she appeared in the hospital this time, she made another important decision, that is, after she left, she would donate her body to the University of Hong Kong for research, dedicating her final value.

When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of

allows us to see another side of her fearless spirit. Such a decision is not something ordinary people can make, especially at her age. More people hope that fallen leaves will return to their roots. Even if they leave, they must walk dignifiedly and completely, not easily. Donating the body of to requires a lot of determination to achieve this step.

It can be seen that in Roland's later years, there were many bitter tears living alone. Because I am not married and have children, no matter whether I am happy or sad, I have no one to share my comfort with, so I may feel lonely in the dead of night.

When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of

Fortunately, she also met Louis Koo, a good person. The two got along very well because of their many cooperations, and their relationship was very deep. Roland also revealed on the show that he has no children, so he treats Louis Koo as his own son. He often comes to take care of her, and the two get along like mother and son.

Even every Spring Festival, Louis Koo would accompany her to dinner so that she would not be alone. It is precisely because of Louis Koo's care that she became more warm and comfortable in her later years, which is quite enviable.

When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of

The two of them met by chance, but Louis Koo's ability to achieve this is even more admirable and respected. He has always been like a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry. Not only has he donated more than a hundred primary schools to impoverished mountainous areas, he is passionate about public welfare, and he has also done so many good things in private. He is an example that many celebrities should learn from.

In addition, veteran actors like Roland are undoubtedly treasures in the entertainment industry. Veteran actors with acting skills, artistic ethics, and character are exactly what young actors today should learn from and become role models for more people.

When the name Roland is mentioned, the audience is unfamiliar with it. But when it comes to Qiu Qianren spitting out date seeds in the 1983 and 1995 versions of

She has won the recognition of the audience through her own hard work. Now she has retired from the acting stage. I hope she can pay attention to her health, live a long and healthy life, and have a happy and comfortable old age.

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