The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog: "There is a shady story." .

2024/06/3013:31:33 entertainment 1886

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

Yi Yang Qianxi , we are in trouble.

A few days ago, an entry of #伊烊千玺考ed# reached the top of the hot search list. As soon as fans congratulated his brother for landing, the anger of passers-by was directed at Yi Yangqianxi.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog that : "There is a shady story."

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

Originally, celebrity overturning was a popular thing to see, but after digging around, it tasted wrong -

He is a top earner who earns tens of millions a month, why would he compete with ordinary people for a carrot and a pitfall?

This fact instantly penetrated the hearts of countless ordinary people. They did not understand that they had stayed up late reading countless times at night, struggled with life and death, and finally gritted their teeth and landed, just to have a stable job.

But some people can easily come aboard by virtue of their "fame", and even have to tell the world about it. This... is a bit funny.

This time, there was no fight between fans and villains, nor was it a fight between rivals. What the four characters committed was public outrage. Within a few days, his popularity with the public collapsed again and again, and it continued to decline in an unpredictable direction.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

However, the public opinion here about Yi Yang Qianxi VS ordinary people has not yet subsided, but someone over there said: Why can't Yi Yang Qianxi take the exam? This is the town's topic maker in Suanyi Yang Qianxi!

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

As soon as these remarks came out, they completely added fuel to the fire. Not only did they not calm the public opinion, but it intensified -

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

What is a small town being a topic writer?

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

Question-answers who once came from third- and fourth-tier cities or towns. They are ordinary people like you and me. They laugh at themselves as "only doing questions", but they also rely on "solving questions" to change their destiny little by little.

Such a strong vitality should not be laughed at, let alone criticized. When commentators angrily denounce injustice, maybe it is not jealousy, but simply feeling aggrieved?

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

Just when everyone was having a heated fight about "being a topic writer in a small town", the girl remembered someone.

Like the essayist in the small town, he did not choose to bow his head when faced with the difficulties in life, but cultivated the future bit by bit, bursting out the power to shake destiny with his mortal body.

He is Pang Zhongwang -

His father suffers from schizophrenia, his mother is paralyzed in bed, and he suffers from congenital heart disease. , but the turbulent family does not make him depressed and frustrated. On the contrary, he becomes silent. An instant success. In 2017, he became the top scholar in science in Hebei Province with a high score of 744, and received an admission notice from Tsinghua University.

In his early 20s, Pang Zhongwang resisted fate tenaciously and tenaciously, and finally broke through the shackles and grew into a towering tree, just like the orchid and jade tree of a gentleman.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

Whenever Pang Zhongwang is mentioned, we cannot avoid one person -

his mother, Pang Zhiqin, a great and simple mother.

Pang Zhiqin has been in pain since birth. She was born with congenital bone fractures, resulting in underdevelopment of the lower limbs and the amputation of both legs. He was in a wheelchair at a young age. At the age of 26, he married a schizophrenia patient from the same village.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

In the eyes of onlookers, this is suffering leading to suffering, but Pang Zhiqin is not an ordinary person. She has a strong heart. She has never traveled thousands of miles or read thousands of books in her life, but she has a lofty outlook and clear wisdom.

After Pang Zhongwang was born, she named her son Zhongwang, which means: everyone’s hope, and said:

"I have never read a book in my life, and I envy those who read, so I want him to read as much as possible. Read good books."

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

But fate did not let go of this special family of three. When Pang Zhongwang was six years old, he was diagnosed with congenital heart disease. The cost of surgery was too high for this family.

Tens of thousands of dollars is money that some people spend without blinking an eye, but it is also life-saving money for some people.

Six-year-old Pang Zhongwang didn’t know that he was facing life or death at this time. He pushed his mother in a wheelchair and knocked on doors door to door to borrow money. In the end, more than 20 households borrowed more than 40,000 yuan.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

On the day of the operation, Pang Zhiqin could not go to the hospital due to physical inconvenience, so she had to sit at home and wait anxiously for a call from the hospital.

Fortunately, the operation was successful and the child, who the whole family had placed high hopes on, survived.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

Pang Zhongwang is healthy, but the family is saddled with a huge debt.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

The days of repaying debts are always so miserable, but Pang Zhiqin doesn’t want his son to experience even half of this misery. He wants to study hard, get out of here, and see the bigger world.

In order to pay off his debts, his schizophrenic father worked with relatives and still had thousands of dollars left over every year, while his mother, who was paralyzed in the lower limbs, did embroidery for others.

Every morning, Pang Zhongwang would wash and wipe his mother's face. He saw many pinholes on his mother's hands, which were traces of embroidery.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

He was too young and didn’t understand why his mother had to work so hard, but he felt sorry for her. At first, he kept picking up scraps, cardboard, and plastic bottles without telling her, and secretly threw them to his grandfather to sell.

Going to school and scavenging at the same time, this was Pang Zhongwang’s childhood life.

Pang Zhongwang has been learning to cook since he was five years old. The stove is much higher than him. Pang Zhongwang steps on the stool and cooks awkwardly and laboriously.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

The miserable days of the family are not bitter in his opinion, because he often remembers what his mother said -

"Whatever you encounter, just solve it. You always have to go on."

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

The days of paying off debts Just after it ended, another debt came one after another -

In the second year of junior high school, Pang Zhongwang's mother was hospitalized with anemia due to long-term malnutrition.

When I was at home before, there would be one or two eggs in the morning. Pang Zhiqin couldn't bear to eat them, so he left the eggs with Zhongwang, and Pang Zhongwang was also reluctant to eat them. The two of them would always leave eggs for each other.

Until Pang Zhiqin was admitted to the hospital for anemia, Pang Zhongwang said:

"Mom, don't be reluctant to eat, I will still be there in the future. I need you, and you will be with me. I will see you when I come back." He goes to the vegetable market every day to pick up rotten vegetable leaves and buy some cheap vegetables. Most of the time, he works odd jobs in restaurants.

My mother needed money for hospitalization and her family was very poor. This time, Pang Zhongwang knocked on doors and asked for money. Time flies, two debts, and the family's love for each other becomes warmer in the wind and snow of life.

Only then did Pang Zhongwang realize that his family was different from other people’s families. He has become the mainstay of his family at a young age, and life is so heavy, but he said frankly:

"Pressure will eventually turn into motivation, which will make me work harder to look forward, and will make me more successful in study and life." Work hard, I just want to change my home and prove that I can change my family."

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

is sonorous and powerful. Although he was in a difficult situation in life, he was still fighting unyieldingly. Fate gave him the start of a collapse of heaven, and he suddenly hit the king bomb.

Faced with the support from well-wishers, Pang Zhongwang and his mother politely declined, because he said:

"Being born in such a family, I know how difficult it is to make money. Their money is also earned by their own efforts, and we can do it ourselves." I can live on. I don’t accept funding, but it’s also a training for myself.” After entering the world, he never regarded his family as a gloomy past, but said seriously:

"I don't think there is anything in my family that cannot be taken advantage of, or anything that is not worth discussing, because my mother is so good. "My grandparents are so good, and every one of my relatives is so good. What is there about my family that cannot be discussed?"

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

He is only in his early twenties, but he already has such a clear wisdom. In the young man, we don't see the inferiority complex of the poor, but the calmness of the clouds and the wind.

Now Pang Zhongwang has completed his master's degree and PhD. Unfortunately, Pang Zhongwang's mother did not get to see him graduate and passed away last year.

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

Looking back on this young man’s twenty years, there were hardships and setbacks, but more importantly, there was a sunny smile. That was the spiritual wealth given to him by his family, which allowed him to change his destiny step by step with his perseverance.

Being poor but getting stronger and never falling into the clouds is a true portrayal of Pang Zhongwang and the epitome of countless "small town problem solvers".

The origin of the matter is that Yi Yang Qianxi, Luo Yizhou, and Hu Xianxu were all admitted to the National Theater. In fact, the National Theater recruits stars every year, but this time, a netizen named Tang Jieyuan posted on his blog:

"Don't bully young people into poverty" always sounds so passionate, but behind the passion, there are often ten, twenty years, or even a lifetime of a person.

If one day, your blood has run cold, then please remember what Pang Zhongwang once said -

"If there is a shadow behind a person, there must be light in front. Some people like to trace the shape of the shadow, but for me, I want to To chase the light.”

Hope we never give up hope.

Source: Book Picking Girl

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