As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou.

2024/06/2911:47:32 entertainment 1776

Last night, because New Zealand stole the music source, Jay Chou and 's new album could be listened to at 9:30.

While writing this article, I have been listening to the entire "'s greatest work " on repeat.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, form the fresh Jay Chou .

I didn’t expect that when I woke up, #寷婷# became the top trending topic.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

#寷音# seems to have become a trend. No matter who releases what song, this topic will rush to the rankings.

As an ordinary listener, I can only say that Jay Chou is still the same Jay Chou.

His new album is not that bad, and it really shouldn’t be equated with being unpleasant.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

But this can be regarded as a reappearance of yesterday, a comeback.

Before Weibo, wasn’t Jay Chou ever questioned?

His music career seems to be smooth sailing, but in fact it is full of thorns. Early music critics' evaluations were more harsh and direct, wishing to describe Jay Chou as worthless.

I believe that Jay Chou will not break his guard because of a few ugly words, otherwise his job of more than 20 years will be ruined.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

(*Music critics reviewed "Qili Xiang")

In 1997, Jay Chou participated in the variety show "Super Rookie King" and was discovered by Wu Zongxian, and he worked as a music assistant and other behind-the-scenes jobs.

However, Wu Zongxian didn't care much about signing people back. At that time, the songs composed by Jay Chou were frequently "returned", and the salary was pitiful. He lived in Liu Genghong 's studio, and relied on his brothers for food and clothing.

Fang Wenshan joined the company at about the same time as his old partner and had little income. Xiao Fang and Xiao Zhou were brothers in distress.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

In 2000, under the strong recommendation of Yang Junrong, Jay Chou came to the stage and released his first album "Jay".

Jay Chou mentioned in an interview that the first two albums included a lot of songs that others didn't want.

"Jay" became a big hit in Taiwan, but at the 12th Golden Melody Awards the following year, Stefanie Sun defeated Jay Chou and won the Best Newcomer Award with her album of the same name "Stefanie Sun".

The Chinese music scene at that time was so good, with Ziwei stars rising everywhere.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

Who would have thought that 22 years later, when the public is keen on creating gods, Jay Chou would actually sit on the altar and refuse to leave.

The music world is still the same, and Jay Chou is still the number one.

The meaning of the word Jay Chou has become more profound as time goes by. Whether I think it or not, he is a well-deserved C-position in the Chinese music scene after 2000.

Next, I won’t talk about Lao Zhou’s rainbow fart, nor will I discuss how rubbish the current popular music is. What needs to be said in the previous “Knowing Words” has been pretty much said.

Friends who haven’t watched it can check it out. It’s also good to just listen to the music as BGM.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

What is the first Jay Chou song you heard?

I am "Nunchaku".

When I was in school, my class teacher confiscated the Walkmans of the students in the back row and the whole class was shocked when he played "Nunchaku".

Is this also a song? What are you singing? It’s so noisy!

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

Within a week, my friends and I were really enjoying ourselves.

"Xingqing" or "Tornado" seems to have opened the door to a new world for a group of teenagers born in the 80s and 90s.

I still remember my favorite line from " The Clock in the Reverse Direction ".

"The clock in the time travel screen

starts moving in the opposite direction

Returns to the time and space when I loved you

Stop content is unfaithful"

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

However, I have to admit that I am not a pure fan of Jay.

Due to my work nature, I watch a lot of movies and TV shows, but I rarely listen to music in the past few years, both old and new songs.

I remember that when the real Jay fans around me could attend concerts a few years ago, they would take videos of each song and play them back to me.

What can I say? I couldn’t even hear what Jay Chou sang. All I could hear was his howling like ghosts and the chorus.

The happiness of watching the concert is worth recalling by my friends, and it makes me eager to feel the touch of meeting my youth.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

Of course, if I could, I would rather go back to the past.

When Jay Chou is not required to support the scene alone, there are many singers to look forward to.

Let alone the music market, every market is in recession now.

Everyone criticizes short video platforms, but they have to admit that there are also good songs that became popular thanks to short video platforms.

Short videos are limitations, but they should not be an excuse for the deterioration of popular music.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

(*An online singer responded to the plagiarism of new songs)

In fact, it is not that there are no high-quality original musicians. There are still many new songs being released continuously when you open the music app.

But it is rare for Ziweixing to emerge from the sky and lead a trend that has never appeared before.

jazz, electronic, pop, rock, hiphop, all the genres you can think of are available on the market.

Our channels for listening to music are also scattered. Everyone listens to their own music, and it is difficult to break the dimensional wall.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

Jay Chou has obviously transcended the three realms and is not among the five elements.

He has not released an album for a year, but he has been praised by the general public for a year.

Everyone discussed how trendy his arrangement was, how meaningful the lyrics were, and whether he was Charlotte back in time.

Even though singles such as " Confession Balloon ", "Waiting for You After Class" and "Mojito" are similar to Jay Chou's previous works, it is true that only his taste is the most authentic.

The one you want to listen to is Jay Chou.

No matter how others imitate, it is neither fish nor fowl.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

Jay Chou is a genius who is self-aware. He clearly knows how much talent he has and is good at applying it.

It’s just that the stinky little king 20 years ago never imagined that when he was drinking milk tea, driving a sports car and taking care of his children, the name "Jay Chou" no longer belonged to him.

It has become a unit of measurement, it has become a loud slogan, it has become a label for some people to flaunt themselves, and it has also become a weapon to ridicule this era.

And I just want to press the play button and listen to " Octave Space " again, my favorite album back then.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

html "The Greatest Work" was just launched on July 6. The MV3 has been played more than 100 million times in an hour, and various related topics instantly dominated the hot searches.

Netizens have endless jokes and memes, Lang Lang has become a slimming item in July, and whether Jay Chou wrote a song to perform magic...

This kind of carnival atmosphere for a song, How long has it been since?

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

Then everyone started to pick out the details and easter eggs in the MV, as well as the great artists and their works.

I am like an illiterate, hesitating whether to listen to music or review the history of Renaissance .

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

As a result, while waiting for the release of the full album on the 15th, a group of "fans" were dissatisfied that 5 of the 12 songs in the new album were old songs, and even scolded Jay Chou to delete multiple INS updates.

The idol repeatedly backed down and still did not calm the situation. The so-called "fans" were not satisfied and threatened to scold him until he quit the network.

Emmmmmm Are these nasty keyboard warriors really fans? In the pre-sale of

, you can see the entire album. If you are not satisfied, you don’t have to buy it.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

turned out to be as powerful as Zhou Tianwang, but he was no match for the noisy voice on the Internet.

If these people really buy the album, then consumers will complain and no one can stop them.

I just think it's a bit sad. It doesn't matter if

reaches the top, it doesn't matter if it is highly anticipated, it doesn't mean that he will still be scolded.

Man can create gods, and he can also destroy gods into dust.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

(*Some connotations are also speechless)

This is not the first time for this kind of one-sided, seemingly just condemnation.

In fact, Jay Chou has received a lot of criticism over the years, but it is nothing more than talking about that little thing.

After 2002, the quality of albums has been "declined" in the media every year. They always copy their own old routines, and when they don't produce songs, they will be pulled out and ridiculed for their talents.

is still number one in the rankings after more than 20 years, which is so funny.

Jay Chou is already 43, let Zhou Lang rest.

Are there no songs to listen to in your Chinese music scene?

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

is not impossible, but there is really only one Jay Chou, there is no competing product, and there is no reference.

Think of Uncle Wang who worked hard but never got on the hot searches. Cherish the time when Jay Chou was still willing to use his spare energy.

This album has been hard-earned, and I don’t want “The Greatest Work” to end.

Can anyone help me tell those big brothers who scold Jay Chou to calm down a little bit?

There are really not many opportunities for us to listen to new songs.

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

If you will also buy Jay Chou's new album, please give me a and follow .

If you still have time, don’t forget to help me forward the article to more friends.

See you next time.

Goodbye ~

The pictures in this article are from the Internet

Editor: Dongdong

As I write this, I’ve been listening to the entirety of “The Greatest Hits” on repeat. 5 singles released in recent years, 6 new songs, plus piano intro, formed a fresh Jay Chou. - DayDayNews

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