There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the "godfather of spy movies". The other one is Yu Zhen. According to statistics, he has participated in more than 30 anti-Japanese TV dramas and can be called "the first person to fight the anti-Ja

2024/06/2923:49:33 entertainment 1466

There are two heroes in the anti-war drama. One is Liu Yunlong , who is known as the "godfather of spy films".

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

The other one is Yu Zhen. According to statistics, he has participated in more than 30 anti-Japanese TV series. can be called "the first person in the anti-Japanese war on screen" .

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

This time, Yu Zhen took action again, bringing his latest anti-war drama " Hutuo Children " to CCTV. On the first day of broadcast, it ranked second in the national ratings list, second only to " Dashan's Daughter " 》.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

However, in the face of this drama, two voices emerged.

Some people say it looks good.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Some people say that Yu Zhen acted in a "magic drama" again.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

What is so good about this drama and where is its "god"? Let Mr. Tomato tell you slowly.

1. Give a counter-narrative at the beginning, which is fascinating

Whether a drama can attract the audience, the first episode is very important. The audience does not have so much patience to wait for you to tell the story straight. If you can't catch people's attention quickly, then they can only say "goodbye" to each other. .

The director of "Hutuo Children" obviously knows this well, so he doesn't mess around. He showed his true ability in the first episode. In the first ten minutes, he presented everyone with an anti-intelligence drama.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

In the ancient town of Hongzhou in Pingshan County at the foot of the Taihang Mountains, the villagers who were troubled by the warlords' melee decided to follow the party's lead. For this reason, they specially raised funds to purchase guns and ammunition in preparation for joining the Eighth Route Army.

The task of buying a gun was handed over to the always astute Xiang Huaizhong. In addition to buying guns, Xiang Huazhong also had another more important task during his trip - to deal with Liu Jiwen, the special commissioner sent by the Party Central Committee from Beijing.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be a cunning man. He took everyone's money and planned to buy some cheap goods from the black market to embezzle the property of the villagers.

The black market was full of fish and dragons. The gun dealer and Xiang Huaizhong were discussing business with Xiang Huaizhong and brought him to Xiaoyao Cave.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Little did he know that this was his large purchase of firearms that attracted the attention of the Japanese, who set up a trap for him.

was captured on the spot by the Japanese in Xiang Huaizhong in the brothel.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Xiangzhong was greedy for money and lustful, and naturally he was not a hard-core person. He was beaten a few times by the Japanese and threatened his son. He immediately gave in and turned against him. He revealed the whole purpose of his trip and was exposed. Liu Jiwen’s whereabouts.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

The Japanese planned to take advantage of the situation and ordered Xiang Huazhong to continue to meet Liu Jiwen, and then took the opportunity to take him down.

Soon the day came for the two to meet.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Liu Jiwen was sitting on the train coming from Peiping. Before the train stopped, he saw Xiang Huaizhong standing on the platform to pick him up.

Liu Jiwen's vigilance made him discover the clue immediately - he saw the injury on Xiang Huaizhong's face.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

After getting off the train, Liu Jiwen walked towards his arms. At this time, the platform was full of plainclothes Japanese agents, planning to swarm him and subdue him when the two shook hands.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

However, the moment their hands touched, something unexpected happened - Liu Jiwen fell to the ground with a bang.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

The agents looked at each other, and some careful people found that he was still holding a bottle containing heart disease medicine in his hand. It turned out that he had a heart attack.

Liu Jiwen was an important figure, and capturing him alive was as valuable as a corpse. Therefore, the agents did not dare to neglect and immediately sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

However, after entering the operating room, except for a doctor coming out, there was no other movement. Soon the spies discovered something was wrong. They rushed in and saw that the real doctors and nurses were tied up, and Liu Jiwen had already pretended to be Doctor Cheng fled and went to Pingshan .

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

The opening scene is truly wonderful.

can not only attract the audience to get into the drama quickly, but also fully reveal the chaotic situation of Pingshan forces and the low party spirit of the masses in front of the audience.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

The plot is compact and full of dangers. It can be said that the director made a good start in the first episode. It is no wonder that some people think this drama is good to watch.

So why do some people think this is an anti-war drama? Then we have to look at it later.

2. The direction of the drama is astonishing

Liu Jiwen came to Pingshan on the front foot, and his admirers also followed him on the back foot, and the way he appeared was very special.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Jiang Xu, played by Michelle Ye, was partnered with Liu Jiwen in Peking. They were a common fake couple combination in anti-war dramas. As a result, Jiang Xu fell in love with Liu Jiwen, so he followed Liu Jiwen's footsteps and reached Pingshan. .

Jiang Xu not only came, but also came with a big belly. He lied to the villagers that she was Liu Jiwen's daughter-in-law, and stayed alive while Liu Jiwen was not at home. In fact, there is a ball of cotton in his stomach, which is completely Jiang Xu's trick.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Everyone is probably speechless after seeing this. Such a serious subject is actually being dramatized. Isn’t this an inappropriate direction for a drama?

However, the more amazing thing is yet to come.

Because Pingshan County has been occupied by warlords and the Japanese army all year round, the people do not have a good impression of these armed forces. This is very painful for Liu Jiwen - the conscription can't recruit people!

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

In order to gain the trust of the people, Liu Jiwen planned to do something big and launch a surprise attack on the hospital where the Japanese army was located, so that the public could see the strength of the Eighth Route Army and its determination to resist the war.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

This vote went very smoothly. Not only did they seize the hospital from the Japanese army, but they also annihilated a large number of Japanese soldiers.

However, this surprise attack still failed to inspire everyone's enthusiasm to join the army.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Guys, guess what finally awakened the blood in the hearts of the people? No one can guess it.

Finally, they found a little girl to compose a Pingshan tune about the principles of protecting the family and the country, and sang it to the people.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

In the end, the people were not shocked by real swords and guns, but were shocked by a song, and they began to join the army one after another.

Although the power of literature and art is very powerful, to be so powerful is really eye-opening.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

There are even more eye-opening ones.

Murong Ruixue is an intelligence agent of the organization. One day she witnessed the Japanese army brutalizing civilians on the street and stabbing to death a mother and son. Murong Ruixue was filled with indignation and followed the Japanese soldier with a brick, intending to hit him on the head with a brick.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

But she may not have noticed that the Japanese soldier was wearing a helmet and was hitting people through the helmet. I don’t know what the screenwriter thought. This scene was similar to the one with the leather jacket in the water.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

These inconspicuous little details have become an anthill that breaks the dam, making the audience feel more and more uncomfortable as they watch.

Some people also pointed out that the screenwriters have too little understanding of female characters in Japanese dramas.

On the one hand, screenwriters hope to reflect the contribution of women in the Anti-Japanese War, so most anti-Japanese dramas have images of female soldiers. On the other hand, they did not write stories for these female characters, which resulted in the female characters becoming useless or failing in the drama.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

As far as the female characters in "Hutuo Children" are concerned, each of them is an " atmosphere group ", and even makes the audience feel that their existence has helped this drama go further and further on the road to a divine drama.

In fact, there were many women in history who contributed real strength to the Anti-Japanese War. Some viewers pointed out that the female characters in "Shangganling" were well portrayed. Unlike current dramas, the female characters have nothing to do with the war. Content.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

Mr. Tomato believes that either these characters can be omitted, or if they are added, the power of women must be properly expressed.

3. The audience thought the actors were too "robust"

In addition, an audience member raised an interesting question: He felt that the male actors in the drama were all over the top, and the actresses were all too beautiful, even the old rural ladies. All in vain and fat.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

The setting in the drama is that the people in Pingshan do not have enough to eat and clothing, and the rice, flour, oil and salt are controlled by the landlords and warlords. But as the audience said, apart from the shabby coats on their bodies, it is really impossible to tell that the people in the drama have anything. Signs of starvation.

Although it is unrealistic to require actors to lose weight until they are skinny before acting, it is indeed easier for the audience to get into the drama if the male actors are appropriately leaner and the actresses use lighter makeup.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

On the one hand, it has a compact plot, but on the other hand, it has imperfect details. Audiences with a big heart will find it good to watch, while viewers with a careful mind will notice the twists and turns. This is also the reason why this drama has polarized reputation.

Good stories are hard to come by. "Hutuo Sons and Daughters" is adapted from the long documentary "Searching for the Pingshan Regiment" which was reprinted by People's Daily . It tells the true story of the famous Pingshan Regiment in history.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

This should have been a good story, but due to some details, it was considered a "magic drama" by the audience, which is really a pity.

In fact, everyone likes to watch anti-Japanese dramas. What they like is the enthusiasm of the anti-Japanese ancestors and the battle of wits and courage between the Chinese people and the Japanese army under difficult circumstances. We don’t need to tear up the devils with our hands to watch it passionately, and we don’t need to be legendary to appreciate its spirit.

What we want to watch is an anti-Japanese drama, not a divine drama.

There are two heroes in the Anti-Japanese War drama. One is Liu Yunlong, known as the

(movie Rotten Tomatoes Editorial Department: Sunview)

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