Just now, Guan Xiaotong's staff responded to the recent rumors about Guan Xiaotong through the media, saying bluntly, "It's too outrageous! There is no bottom line for spreading rumors. Lawyers have collected evidence and will never tolerate it!"

2024/06/3005:49:32 entertainment 1679

Just now, the staff of Guan Xiaotong responded to the recent rumors about Guan Xiaotong through the media, saying bluntly, "It's too outrageous! There is no bottom line for spreading rumors. Lawyers have collected evidence and will never tolerate it!"

Just now, Guan Xiaotong's staff responded to the recent rumors about Guan Xiaotong through the media, saying bluntly,

It is reported that the rumor came from a knowledge question and answer platform, Due to the information gap between platforms, many people who eat melon only found out about this thing after Guan Xiaotong responded. The original melon is a bit too outrageous. If you are interested, you can search it yourself. I won’t post the picture here/Baoquan

Just now, Guan Xiaotong's staff responded to the recent rumors about Guan Xiaotong through the media, saying bluntly,

However, As most melon-eaters mentioned, Guan Xiaotong's rapid response is enough to prove her team's ability to monitor public opinion. However, she chose to remain silent on the issue of milk tea shop franchisees related to her parents. How should I put it? A cold treatment can indeed maintain calm for a while, but after the court announces the verdict, public opinion may explode twice as much.

Just now, Guan Xiaotong's staff responded to the recent rumors about Guan Xiaotong through the media, saying bluntly,

Just now, Guan Xiaotong's staff responded to the recent rumors about Guan Xiaotong through the media, saying bluntly,

btw, you need to be cautious when investing, especially when joining a project where artists participate in the management, regardless of whether it is a milk tea shop or a hot pot restaurant, the thunderstorm rate is really too high.

(The pictures are all from the Internet and have been deleted.)

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