Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of "easily being turned on by Qinglai" while watching "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousands of Homes". The barrage is always urging He Xingfu to divorce as soon as possible,

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Ever since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of "easily being turned on by Qinglai" while watching "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes ".

barrages always advise He Xingfu to get divorced as soon as possible, Qing Lai is not worthy of He Xingfu, and He Xingfu and Guan Tao are a match made in heaven... Generally speaking, the attitude towards Qing Lai is: I feel sorry for his incompetence. If you are angry for no reason, you will act like a monster.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

But what I want to say is, if you can be "He Xingfu", who really wants to be "Wang Qinglai"?

Why do viewers have such strong emotions? Mainly due to two major changes after Qing Lai entered the city:

First, work.

Qing Lai’s first job was as a security guard. How did you get this job?

At the beginning, he took cigarettes and alcohol to the place where his brother Qingzhi and his father-in-law worked to find someone. Qingzhi, who was originally a social fear in everyone's mind, suddenly became a social cow.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

Qingzhi’s father-in-law was very familiar with this scene. In order to prevent Qingzhi’s future from being affected, he took the initiative to arrange a security job for him. At this time, Qingzhi, who was "acquainted", had his tail raised to the sky.

He enjoyed the vanity brought by the popularity of his colleagues and thought he had high power. As a result, he made mistakes at work and was fired.

The second job is as a construction worker on a construction site. He didn't do this job later because He Xingfu saw him injured and felt distressed. The last job was as a cleaner at Guan Tao's law firm. This was obviously for He Xingfu's sake.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

The couple has been in the city for several years. Whether Qinglai has only worked these three jobs is not revealed in the play. However, judging from these work experiences, Qing Lai is not good at high or low levels, does not work well, and complains a lot.

So, for several years, he has been doing hard work that doesn't make much money. He Xingfu had no objection to this, but Qinglai himself was obviously not satisfied either.

Second, the emotional aspect.

Specifically, it is a change in attitude towards his wife He Xingfu and his brother Qingzhi.

He couldn't understand Qingzhi's difficulties and thought Qingzhi could do anything with a job of that nature. Therefore, he complained about Qingzhi when he first started looking for a job.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

The flash point of the conflict between the two was when Qing Lai made a mistake at work and the two quarreled. In the end, Qing Zhi asked him to resign, which was actually a notification that he was fired. Qinglai had a reason to attack Qingzhi, but after all, Yani's father helped him find a job, so this attitude was quite ungrateful.

This is only the second step, the key point is the attitude towards He Xingfu.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

His change in attitude towards He Xingfu involves both personal growth and emotional crisis, mostly the latter. The key figure is Guan Tao.

Guan Tao is a city man, well-educated, and a barrister. The key is that he has a good character, is righteous and tolerant. Qing Lai is not worried that Guan Tao will fall in love with He Xingfu, because in his inherent understanding, people like Guan Tao and they are in two different worlds, and it is impossible for him to like He Xingfu.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

However, he was worried that He Xingfu would fall in love with Guan Tao. Because Guan Tao will teach her knowledge and drive. Yong Qinglai's original words are: the person who shows you the way.

In other words, from Qing's point of view, Guan Tao is the guide to a happy life. That's why he panics and loses his temper uncontrollably.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

People often have a mentality of admiration for people who can make their own lives clear up, and when this kind of mentality is placed between men and women, it can easily degenerate or sublimate into the love between men and women. Qing Lai knew that he couldn't do it, he could only be He Xingfu's "follower", so he was afraid that He Xingfu would become another man's follower.

These two key factors caused Wang Qinglai's temperament to change drastically in the years after he came to the city. However, when he and He Xingfu returned home, although he was no longer the Wang Qinglai he used to be, he finally settled down and his life returned to peace.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

How can we be happy?

It can be seen from the initial marriage incident that she is very serious in everything and must be reasonable. The way to deal with everything is based on "reasonableness". If she violates it, she will fight to the end.After

entered the city, she didn't want to trouble her second uncle Qing Lai or her biological sister He Xuxun. Find your own job and move out as soon as you find it. After entering Guan Tao's law firm, she grew rapidly, and she made a qualitative leap when she later returned to Wanjiazhuang to open her own inn.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

He Xingfu has three commendable qualities:

First, he has a clear goal.

At first, she just wanted a job that would allow her and Qing Lai to have a stable footing in the city. After entering a law firm, working as a receptionist became a new goal for her. Later, opening an inn became a bigger goal. Step by step, open a travel agency and take over the legacy of Wan Shan Tang. The clarity of

is not achieved in one step from the beginning. Instead, she started with a small goal, and in the process of achieving it, she constantly set new goals, so her path became wider and wider.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

Secondly, it has strong execution ability.

At first she was just a cleaner at a law firm, but she wanted to be the front desk. After being rejected several times, I never gave up.

Although she only graduated from junior high school, when her professional skills and qualities did not match the position she wanted, she immediately asked the people around her for advice and found ways to make up for the gap.

finally adheres to the principle and is not easily shaken.

Again, He Xingfu accepts the truth and everything must be justified. Be very determined about what you want to do.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

He Xingxun finally compromised on the marriage issue. Later, when she left the law firm, He Xingxun tried to persuade her. Because as one of the original four people in the law firm, He Xingfu will most likely be able to hold shares if he stays. For someone from her class, this is what the world calls "success."

However, staying may violate her bottom line, which is the breakdown of the family.

Since He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai had no choice but to go to the city to work, the audience has been in a state of

A person like He Xingfu, no matter what her family background is or how difficult the process is, she will eventually live a splendid life of her own. Who wouldn’t envy such a person?

However, the reality is that there are many "Wang Qinglai" and "He Xingfu" is very rare.

Even so, I still hope that we can work hard and live and struggle actively. If you can’t change where we come from, then we’ll do our best to change where we belong.


Author: Liuliu

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