1. Jay Chou starts an exclusive live broadcast, and Kuaishou deeply explores the celebrity content ecosystem. Following Jackie Chan’s global exclusive live broadcast debut on Kuaishou, music superstar Jay Chou will appear in the Kuaishou live broadcast room at 7 pm on July 18. In

2024/06/2908:08:32 entertainment 1055

1, Jay Chou starts an exclusive live broadcast, Kuaishou deeply explores the celebrity content ecosystem

Following Jackie Chan 's global exclusive live broadcast debut on Kuaishou, music superstar Jay Chou will appear in the Kuaishou live broadcast room at 7pm on July 18.

In addition, the number of likes for Jay Chou's new album "'s greatest work " prelude music video has soared since it was released on the Kuaishou account. Kuaishou also launched the wishing pool function. In just 5 days after its launch, more than 1.3 million Kuaishou veterans made wishes to Jay Chou for live broadcast.

As of June 2022, Kuaishou has a total of 2,000+ celebrity accounts, and the overall number of fans has reached 870 million. The scope ranges from actors and artists to popular idol groups, and celebrity entertainment methods are becoming more and more diversified. From this, we can also see that Kuaishou is moving towards a new stage of intensive content operation and .

1. Jay Chou starts an exclusive live broadcast, and Kuaishou deeply explores the celebrity content ecosystem. Following Jackie Chan’s global exclusive live broadcast debut on Kuaishou, music superstar Jay Chou will appear in the Kuaishou live broadcast room at 7 pm on July 18. In - DayDayNews

2, Kuaishou was selected as China Academy of Information and Communications Technology Outstanding Cases of the 2022 Child Protection Program

Recently, the selection event for the 2022 "Child Protection Program" of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology concluded successfully. Kuaishou relied on its children's personal information protection solution for its innovative and complete Xingxing was well received by the expert team and was selected as an outstanding case of children's personal information protection in the 2022 "Child Protection Plan" APP.

The relevant person in charge of Kuaishou said that in the future, Kuaishou will continue to explore the construction of a minors protection system. By introducing innovative and interesting activities, it will unite various social forces to carry out minors protection themed activities to build a rich, interesting, active and healthy environment for children. unique community.

3, Kuaishou E-commerce released the list of high-quality service providers

html On July 15, Kuaishou E-commerce compiled and released the list of high-quality service providers in June, which is mainly divided into new business incubation list, small and medium-sized business transition list, brand service provider list, and trader list. .

Among them, Kuaifen, as the core service provider of Kuaishou e-commerce, has always insisted on accompanying all small and medium-sized merchants on the platform to grow together. In June, through a complete and refined operation system, it helped Dandan sell overseas in Russia, Moro Fashion Men's Wear, and Xiaojie Haute Couture. Women's clothing and other merchants achieved a jump of 500,000.

1. Jay Chou starts an exclusive live broadcast, and Kuaishou deeply explores the celebrity content ecosystem. Following Jackie Chan’s global exclusive live broadcast debut on Kuaishou, music superstar Jay Chou will appear in the Kuaishou live broadcast room at 7 pm on July 18. In - DayDayNews

4, Kuaishou disposes of more than 5,700 illegal accounts for Legendary Game private server live streaming

According to the new list, on July 11, Kuaishou issued the "Announcement on Combating Legendary Game Private Server Live Broadcasting (Second Issue)" stating that the platform found that some Legendary Game live broadcasting rooms had Diversion to third-party platforms for private server promotion, fraud and other issues, harming the rights and interests of relevant users. From June 2022 to now, the platform has dealt with more than 5,700 such illegal accounts, involving more than 7,800 illegal live broadcasts.

1. Jay Chou starts an exclusive live broadcast, and Kuaishou deeply explores the celebrity content ecosystem. Following Jackie Chan’s global exclusive live broadcast debut on Kuaishou, music superstar Jay Chou will appear in the Kuaishou live broadcast room at 7 pm on July 18. In - DayDayNews

5, Kuaishou Live Released the "Punishment Announcement on Adverse Content"

Recently, Kuaishou Live released the "Penalty Announcement on Adverse Content". This move demonstrates Kuaishou Live's determination to crack down on illegal PK, induced consumption, vulgar pornography and other illegal content. .

According to the announcement data, Kuaishou blocked 1,986 live broadcasts and warned education anchors in real time, intercepted and closed 3,762 live broadcast rooms in real time, and banned 1,137 anchors who seriously violated the live broadcast rights.

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