In the film and television drama "Tian Long Ba Bu", there are many martial arts masters, among whom the four evil men from Xixia Yipintang are famous for their evil. They are Duan Yanqing, who has committed many crimes, Ye Erniang, who commits all kinds of evil, the ferocious Sou

2024/07/0203:42:33 entertainment 1633

In the film and television drama "Dragon Babu ", there are many martial arts masters, and among them, those who are famous for their evil are the four evil men from Xixia Yipintang.

They are the evil ones Duan Yanqing , commit all kinds of evil Ye Erniang , the ferocious god the Crocodile God of the South China Sea , the extremely vicious Yunzhong He , Among the four evil people, the one who committed the most evil and committed the most murders resulted in The biggest villain who caused hundreds of families to fall apart must be Ye Erniang.

She is the only female in this evil group, but she is also the most ruthless one. Her favorite thing in life is to steal children. During the day, she will hold the children in her arms, take care of them tenderly, and... My son, my mother really misses you, but at night, she turns into a demon and kills the stolen child directly. [Caeying]

In the film and television drama

She never cares about how painful and sad the loss of the child is for the family whose child was stolen. She only cares about her own mood. She only knows how painful it is after she loses the child. sad!

And the child she gave birth to was also stolen.

For more than 20 years, she has been thinking every day, who stole her child, and what kind of thief separated their mother and child? She didn't even know whether her child was alive or dead, but as time passed, she no longer dared to have hope for her child to survive.

So she was crazy, she was completely crazy. When others stole her children, she would steal other people's children, stealing one every day. After stealing, she would raise her as her own son, but she could not raise her for more than a day. , but I feel that this child is not my own. No matter how good he is, how can he compare to my own child? Her child's life or death is unknown, and perhaps he is no longer in this world, so why should other people's children still be alive in this world?

In the film and television drama

So she stole first, then killed, and then stole again, and so on, over and over again, portraying the image of a sad mother who lost her child into an extremely vicious culprit who harmed countless families. [Caiying]

According to the original work, the way she killed the children was outrageous:

During the day, when Ye Erniang was traveling around or fighting with opponents, she would protect the stolen children like a loving mother, and always She let out a sad cry: " My son, I miss you so much for my mother!"

At night, Ye Erniang suddenly changed from a loving mother to a devil, "just like ordinary people buying chickens, ducks, fish, sheep, etc. at the vegetable market. "It's like choosing the best." Then used the gold and silver ornaments on the child's body as hidden weapons to personally shoot the child she called her son all day long. "There were no wounds or blood stains on the dead baby's body." Some are looking up to the sky, and some are lying on their sides," as if they died in their sleep.

Ye Erniang does whatever she wants, that’s how it should be!

In the film and television drama

But she never thought that her child would be stolen, not because she had offended someone, but because of the crime committed by the man she loved deeply.

That year, she fell in love with a man and dedicated her most precious virginity to him. She knew that man could not be with her, so she thought that even if she had a child, it would be a good thing for her. The crystallization of human emotions is also the testimony of the love between them.

The man arranged everything for her. Although he did not give her a status, he gave her enough food and clothing for the rest of her life. She also willingly stood behind the man to create heirs for him and keep a home for him.

But she didn't expect that behind this affair that would never see the light of day, there was always a pair of eyes staring at her. A few months after she gave birth to the child, she stole her child and put it in Shaolin Temple in the vegetable garden. The child

In the film and television drama

is Xu Zhu. And the man whom Ye Erniang loved deeply was actually the highly respected abbot of Shaolin Temple, master Xuanci.

Master Xuanci is a monk and has many taboos, such as not eating meat, not committing sexual desires, and not killing people without reason. All these are violations of the precepts, so in his relationship with Ye Erniang, he just finished it He ran away, leaving only a sum of money to send Ye Erniang away, completely ignoring how difficult it was for an unmarried girl to live with a child, and how much she would be looked down upon. [Caiying]

And Ye Erniang understood his difficulties and never asked for anything. Even after having a relationship with him, she took all the blame on herself. In order to no longer drag him down, she suppressed He suppressed his emotions and placed all his emotions on their child. However, he did not expect that this child would have to pay for the sins committed by his father.

The person who stole her child was Xiao Yuanshan. The reason why he stole her child and separated them was to let Master Xuanci experience the pain of being separated from his relatives.

In the film and television drama

Thirty years ago, Master Xuanci believed in the instigation of Murong Bo and thought that a Khitan master would sneak into the Song Dynasty and steal Shaolin martial arts secrets. In order to prevent Shaolin martial arts from flowing into the Khitan, he took the lead in involving a second... A team of more than ten people organized to intercept and kill the Khitan master Xiao Yuanshan outside Yanmen Pass. Xiao Yuanshan was outnumbered. Even though he tried his best, he could not protect his wife. This is why his beloved wife was killed by the sword of the Song Dynasty. The death of his beloved wife destroyed his life. Out of ambition, he jumped down from the cliff with his wife in his arms and threw his son back into Xuanci's hands.

Fortunately, during the fall, he was hung on a protruding branch in the middle of the cliff, saving his life and surviving. Xiao Yuanshan, who returned to the world, has been hiding in Shaolin since then, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge.

He hid in Shaolin and naturally saw clearly what happened between Xuanci and Ye Erniang. How the two fell in love, how they secretly dated, how they couldn't help themselves, and how they arranged the birth. He found out clearly about Ye Erniang. He took advantage of this opportunity to sneak out Ye Erniang and Xuanci's son.

In the film and television drama

His own son studied under the Shaolin Temple, so he also put Xuanci's son into Shaolin. He did not kill the child, but countless children were murdered by Ye Erniang because of the child's disappearance. This made The heinous evil deeds were not stopped until twenty-four years later, when Ye Erniang recognized her child at a martial arts competition. [Caeying]

It is said that since she lost her child, she has stolen other people's children almost every day. It has been twenty-four years so far. Then she has stolen at least thousands of children, and countless families have died because of her. Devastated and suffering from the pain of losing her son, she truly found her heart's belongings when she recognized her child with the nine scars on Xu Zhu's body at the martial arts competition.

was happy to have found her son, but when she knew that the enemy who stole her child was also present and questioned her about the biological father of her child in front of everyone, her desire for revenge was suddenly extinguished. , at this time, she did not dare to think about revenge, but tried every means to protect her beloved man from this crisis.

In the film and television drama

Heroes from all over the world gather in Shaolin. At this moment, if her Xuanci is exposed for violating the precepts of obscenity, it will be equivalent to wiping out all the reputation he has maintained for decades. However, Xiao Yuanshan has endured for more than 20 years and waited. On this day, he wanted to disgrace Master Xuanci and ruin his reputation in front of everyone when all the martial arts heroes from the Central Plains were present, in order to avenge him for killing his beloved wife.

Ye Erniang knew that Xiao Yuanshan would not let them go easily today. In order to protect Ai Lang, Ye Erniang, who had done all kinds of evil in the past and had madness in her bones, knelt straight on the ground and begged the enemy who stole her child, Don't ask any further. [Caiying]

The moment before, she was happily acquainted with her son, but at this moment, her affair was about to be revealed, and her husband's reputation was in embarrassment. At this moment, she burst into tears, and she no longer had any of the crazy pride of the past. It seems extremely gentle and fragile.

In the film and television drama

She said I seduced him, I seduced him. . .

She said that he gave me money and settled the rest of my life. . .

She said he was a good man and this was all my fault. . .

Even if that man has no way to give her a status, even if that man has never promised her anything, she still regards him as the most important man in her life. Her love story, even if it is only her from beginning to end, .

But even if she knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing and begging, it would not change Xiao Yuanshan's desire to expose everything and take revenge on Xuanci. In front of the heroes of the world, Xuanci watched Ye Erniang humbly plead for herself, Finally realized what karma is!

He knew that Xiao Yuanshan would never let him go. Today was the day when his reputation would be discredited and he would atone for his sins. Instead of letting others speak out, he should take the initiative to stand up. He could not let his women and children bear the responsibility for him.

In the film and television drama

He is the abbot of Shaolin Temple. He should have taken the lead and set an example and disciplined himself, but he knowingly violated the precepts. As a leader, his guilt should be doubled on the original basis. For this reason, he faced the world's heroes. In front of you, you will receive two hundred sticks of punishment. [Caiying]

He is already old. Even if he has strong inner strength, the two hundred sticks will be enough to kill him. Ye Erniang is like this, watching the man she has longed for, being killed in front of her. Beaten to death.

Her eyes were red with disbelief, and then she laughed crazily, laughing at her ridiculous life, laughing at herself for being unable to keep anyone, laughing at herself for being so weak and unable to protect the one she loved most. Then, she He pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed it hard into his chest. Blood splattered everywhere and he died on the spot.

Today is the day when she reunites with her son, today is the day when she can finally see Xuan Ci openly. She sacrifices her life to pay homage to the love she can't keep and the people she can't protect.

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