"Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" is a contemporary rural drama starring Zhao Liying. The Wang family concealed the fact that Wang Xiuyu signed a confidentiality agreement, but He Xingfu finally found out about it. This was a big deal. With her stubborn character, she would n

2024/07/0109:56:32 entertainment 1520

Wang Qinglai finally realized his mistake

When Wang Xiuyu was in the company, she was often discussed by some female colleagues, saying that she received special care from Wan Chuanjia and that her relationship with him was very unusual. Wang Xiuyu is tired of these female colleagues and sometimes conflicts with them. One day, Wang Xiuyu couldn't stand the rumors anymore, so she decided to go somewhere quietly alone and didn't go home for a long time. The Wang family was particularly worried about Wang Xiuyu and acted particularly anxious, which aroused He Xingfu's suspicion.

He Xingfu learned that Wang Xiuyu and Wanjia signed a confidentiality agreement. The matter was so important, but no one told He Xingfu. Wang Qinglai said that everyone had discussed it and Wang Qingzhi had no particularly good solution, so he asked Wang Xiuyu to sign. He Xingfu felt very angry and said that Lin Guizhi had done something wrong, and Wang Qinglai had also done something wrong, which was betraying Wang Xiuyu. Wang Qingzhi finally admitted his mistake. He really should not have betrayed his sister, nor should he have concealed it from his wife.

He Xingfu went to settle accounts with Wan Chuanjia

Wang Youde and Lin Guizhi discovered that He Xingfu already knew about Wang Xiuyu and wanted to calm her down. However, according to He Xingfu's temper, he wants to be reasonable and not be bullied. He Xingfu took the initiative to go to the Wan family and broke the agreement in front of the Wan Chuan family, saying that the Wan Chuan family wanted to deceive people but could not deceive her. Wan Chuan's family felt helpless and said that since He Xingfu appeared in the village, many things had not been peaceful. He had already made compensation and apologized, and that was the end of the matter.

He Xingfu said that Wan Chuanjia had done something wrong, and of course he wanted to pay for it, but he ruined Wang Xiuyu's future, and neither paying for it nor apologizing could solve the problem. Wan Chuanjia thought He Xuxing was unreasonable, and accidentally mentioned He Xuxing's name, implying that she was involved in the agreement, and told He Xingfu to stop caring about this matter. He Xingfu immediately understood that she was the only one who didn't know about Wang Xiuyu, and for a moment she felt that it was too late to know the truth.

Wang Xiuyu is eager to go to college

Wang Xiuyu has not been home, and everyone is looking forward to her return. At night, He Xingfu drove to look for Wang Xiuyu and finally found her in a place. Wang Xiuyu appeared confused and said she didn't know where she was going. He Xingfu immediately comforted the girl who had been greatly wronged, and said that he already knew the truth of the matter and would seek justice for her. Recently, Wang Xiuyu has been depressed. Today, she heard that someone was willing to help her, which made her feel the warmth she had not seen for a long time.

Wang Qinglai was very happy to see Wang Xiuyu back and quickly helped her carry her luggage. But Wang Xiuyu was still angry with her elder brother, so she didn't want to pay attention to him. After Wang Xiuyu returned to the house, she always lay on the bed and refused to eat. Wang Qingzhi kept comforting her, but she couldn't be happy either. One day, Wang Xiuyu passed by the university campus and found that she still wanted to go to university. When she knew that although she was on campus, she felt that going to university was out of reach, she acted particularly sad.

Guan Tao said the key issues

He Xingfu decided to find Guan Tao to understand the legal issues for Wang Xiuyu, and asked him whether the agreement signed by Wang Xiuyu was valid. Guan Tao warmly received He Xingfu and told her that after his analysis, he could know that someone invited professionals to draft this confidentiality agreement and spent a lot of effort on "covering up" to cover up the shameful aspects. The fact is that it was an imposter, and it can be concluded that this agreement is invalid.

Impersonation is illegal. From a small perspective, it infringes on a person's right to name and education. From a large perspective, it disrupts social management order and damages national interests and social public interests. Although such agreements are invalid, the settlement content and compensation items are protected by law. Guan Tao pointed out that Wang Xiuyu is already an adult, and the key still depends on her choice.

It seems that Wang Xiuyu was very lucky to meet He Xingfu. When the Wang family did not intend to help her, only her sister-in-law took care of her. With He Xingfu's support, Wang Xiuyu will greatly improve her chances of winning. And I also thought of the saying "God will help those who help themselves." Even honest people must have a correct understanding of themselves.

Are honest people always bullied? of course not. Honest people are easily bullied when they are passive, do not understand the truth, and lack courage. Changing backward concepts and having the courage to practice has become the ideal way for honest people to counterattack.

When a person sees the essence through the phenomenon and decides to rise up, he will continue to gather energy to challenge those who bully him and become a brave person.

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