The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr

2024/07/0211:05:32 entertainment 1365
The divorce of

TV stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Now that her parents are in such trouble, what else can she do?

Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological problems, and must receive formal medical treatment. It also revealed Xia Keli's true face. Not only was he under house arrest, but he was also being fostered. Huang Jiaqian was so miserable that he finally decided to divorce after being persuaded by his relatives and friends.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

Taiwan media broke the inside story of Huang Jiaqian's divorce on July 13. It seems that it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. She had reported to Canadian police since December that she had been beaten by her husband and that she had a visible red mark on her neck.

After the police arrived, the two parties conducted mediation, and the woman filed a protection order with the court. Huang Jiaqian complained that she had been subjected to domestic violence for a long time after marriage, and even feared for her life. He also said that this guy had a very bad temper and anyone who disobeyed would be beaten. In the end, the police separated the two people on the grounds of domestic violence.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

Huang Jiaqian took this opportunity to flee from Canada to Taiwan to save his life. Unexpectedly, when he returned to Taiwan, Xia Keli took the initiative to request a divorce. However, she filed for divorce after returning to China on March 9, for fear that her daughter would be snatched away by him.

As soon as this news came out, many netizens became angry, condemned Xia Keli, and told him to stay away from him. They were all scolding him.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

It can be said that Huang Jiaqian was exposed by the Taiwanese media, and Xia Keli once again became the target of public criticism and became a real clown. I think no one can stand this kind of violence and everyone will unite against it.

Just when the public was pointing the finger at Xia Keli, defending Huang Jiaqian and blaming him, things changed drastically! This surprised many people. There is such an inside story about this marriage? It’s not just men’s problems, there are many women’s problems too.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

A friend who claimed to be Xia Keli sent a bombshell message, exposing Huang Jiaqian's five crimes, exposing his conspiracy, and letting everyone see her true face. Xia Keli's domestic violence was also intentional on her part. For example, she knew the video of the domestic violence in order to divorce him.

First of all, they have been married for 16 years. They are both strong women and have a language barrier. Huang Jiaqian has the final say in everything about Xia Keli. Her money is all hers, and her life is miserable.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

Secondly, after their marriage had problems, the other party was already mentally prepared. He knew clearly that it was a misunderstanding, but did not explain it. Instead, he spread rumors and caused trouble, causing him to lose his job. This incident was all because she wanted to get more evidence.

Third, even if Xia Keli is imprisoned in Taiwan, they have been a couple for more than ten years. Even if they don't have feelings, they should still have feelings. But she ignored Xia Keli and didn't know how to use a credit card, so she let it expire and let it handle it on its own.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

Fourth, Huang Jiaqian has been collecting evidence in order to give himself a greater chance of winning. He also asked Xia Keli to hire his own psychiatrist, secretly contacted the doctor, learned all their information, and even recorded them He stole the domestic violence video in order to gain the upper hand in the lawsuit.

Fifth, Huang Jiaqian, a mother, is not a good mother at all for his own benefit. He only focused on preparing for the divorce case and safeguarding his own interests.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

Judging from the five charges against Huang Jiaqian by her friends, this seems to be exposing her conspiracy. If she really wants an early divorce, it would be so inhumane and purely to satisfy her own selfish desires.A woman like

is so terrifying that one can’t help but wonder, could she be the one who did this?

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

However, on the Internet now, there are only some revelations from friends, domestic violence and divorce, but there is no positive response. Only the parties themselves know what happened between them and why they divorced. There are so many different opinions on the Internet now that no one can believe it.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

However, Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli have been married for 16 years, and they also gave birth to a very cute daughter. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your children. Don't offend your daughter to death just for some benefit.

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

Therefore, both of them should think about it and discuss it carefully. Many people were laughing at this scene, it was really embarrassing. I hope you two can break up peacefully and start over again. If you let each other go, you will let yourself go, right?

The divorce between Taiwanese stars Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli caused a sensation on the Internet. Many fans expressed regret and were worried about Xia Xia's future. Through the exposure of female friends, we can see that Huang Jiaqian is in trouble and even has psychological pr - DayDayNews

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