On July 16, the National Theater issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022, stating that the proposed candidates all meet the conditions of "non-employed personnel" and have participated in three rounds of interviews, and there are no positions based on peo

2024/07/0216:45:33 entertainment 1324

On July 16, the National Theater issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022, saying that the proposed candidates all meet the conditions of "non-employed personnel" and have participated in three rounds of interviews, and there are no job positions based on personnel. Previously, , Yi Yang Qianxi, and others’ “celebrity examination” caused heated discussion.

On July 16, the National Theater issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022, stating that the proposed candidates all meet the conditions of

According to the announcement on July 6, Yi Yang Qianxi and others were admitted to the actor position. The recruitment announcement showed that the actor position does not require a written test and the interview is divided into three times. Some netizens said that they did not receive notice of the third round of interviews, but Yi Yang Qianxi and others have been proposed for employment. The National Theater responded that the shortlisted candidates for each round of interviews will be notified of the next round, and those who are not shortlisted will not be notified separately. notify.

Some netizens said that they don’t know what the outcome will be, but it’s very ugly for both celebrities and theaters when things happen like this. In fact, there are still ways to solve the problem. Don't celebrities like to be staffed? Then just use ordinary staff as employees, go to work on time, go to the countryside regularly, don't take on external jobs, and just pay a salary of 3,000 per month to serve the people.

On July 16, the National Theater issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022, stating that the proposed candidates all meet the conditions of

Some people think that normally, as a cultural institution, the National Theater has to go through various levels of reporting and approval to establish any position. It is impossible to set up a separate recruitment position for a certain person. There are many rules and regulations for the National Theater to recruit people. A big role of celebrities entering the program is to attract traffic and then bring new life to the drama. Otherwise, the drama will always be watched by a small audience and it will be difficult to develop. Just like "Sound into the Heart", many people now watch the musical Similarly, there is no need to go online, people will also participate in the filming of the Grand Theater's works.

Some people also question whether it is appropriate for celebrities to take the editorship test, which has both high income and high stability. Social resources are highly concentrated in celebrities. Then there is the pursuit of celebrities, is it a value-oriented bias? Some people believe that art is art and traffic is traffic. Once traffic invades art, the independence of art will be lost.

But what are people angry about? Ordinary people need a written test, but celebrities don't need a written test. Ordinary people need to take an offline test, but they need to take an online test. It's a blatant double standard, so it arouses people's anger. We just hope that no one will be special, and that everyone can compete fairly and fairly for positions within the system, and we cannot let these people take all the benefits.

On July 16, the National Theater issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022, stating that the proposed candidates all meet the conditions of

The current surveyed unemployment rate of young people aged 16 to 24 continues to rise, reaching a record high of 19.3%. When a star gets a job title, does it mean that an ordinary person loses his job title? The priority that public institutions should solve is the employment problem of young people who are unemployed or unemployed, not the employment problem of celebrities with annual salaries of tens of millions!

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