In-depth analysis: Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms regarding celebrity artists' examinations for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response to the examination of artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi: there is no "setting

2024/07/0222:19:33 entertainment 1678

in-depth analysis:

Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms about the celebrity artists' exams for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response, Yi Yang Qianxi and other artists' exams: there is no " because of people" "Setting up posts in ", there is no "carrot recruitment"! Specific recruitment information, details are as follows:

According to statistics, a total of 590 people signed up for this recruitment, of which 447 people passed the qualification review. Based on the ranking of the candidates' final scores from high to low, 10 candidates were identified, specifically 7 for the actor position, 1 for the director's position, 1 for the sound operation position, and 1 for the costume design position. The recruitment process implements the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit selection, and strictly follows the recruitment announcement procedures. Taking into account the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control in various places, the recruitment examination adopts a combination of online and offline methods. All 10 candidates to be recruited participated in three rounds of interviews. There was no case where anyone failed to participate in the interview, and the procedures and requirements were met.

In-depth analysis: Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms regarding celebrity artists' examinations for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response to the examination of artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi: there is no

Throughout Yi Yang Qianxi’s acting career and public impression, he gives people a reserved and cold image. Therefore, Sister Yu analyzed the life number of ’s four-character brother . Yi Yang Qianxi Born on November 28, 2000, I used decoding psychology to analyze his life numbers and learned that according to the definition of decoding psychology, he is a type 5 personality. Compared with Wang Junkai's html No. 34 personality and Wang Yuan's html No. 33 personality in the same period,

In-depth analysis: Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms regarding celebrity artists' examinations for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response to the examination of artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi: there is no

Wang Yuan's No. 3 personality has all his energy coming from his self-confidence. As long as he believes in himself, he can persevere and persevere until he achieves success. Self-confidence is a good thing and a bad thing, because once self-confidence collapses, it is easy to fall into despair. Why is it said that Wang Yuan is still in the stage of small number 3 and has not yet completed the nirvana of big number 3. Judging from Wang Yuan's current situation, he is still in the stage of collapse of self-confidence. The advantages he was once proud of no longer exist. In the increasingly competitive entertainment industry, if he wants to be in the age of 20-30 If you outperform others at this stage, you need to set new goals and plans.

In-depth analysis: Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms regarding celebrity artists' examinations for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response to the examination of artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi: there is no

People with personality No. 4 don't like to let troubles influence themselves. They prefer to lock their hearts directly without thinking or discussing, and they don't want to let themselves get depressed. This is especially obvious when dealing with people. In the process of dealing with people and things, even if the other party exudes malice towards him or does something bad to him, he will not care. Rather than being broad-minded, it is better to say that he has a strong ability to protect himself!

Therefore, no matter from the perspective of connections, resources, personality, origin, background... life password Yi Yang Qianxi, who is No. 5, is more suitable to develop his own career in many aspects, regardless of resources. Just from the personality traits alone, it fits the entertainment industry very well!

In-depth analysis: Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms regarding celebrity artists' examinations for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response to the examination of artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi: there is no

Yi Yang Qianxi has a personality type 5. He loves freedom by nature and likes an unfettered life. If you want to give them something to do, give them the maximum space. What they hate most is someone pointing fingers at the work they are doing. In other words, if you cannot give them the freedom to perform what they want, then even if you give them No matter how many benefits they receive, it will be difficult for them to comply with your wishes. Number 5 people’s desire for freedom has gone beyond the scope of most people. “Give me freedom or give me death.” This sentence as their motto is extremely accurate. Based on this, if you pay attention, you will find that 5 Some mantras that people often say:

Leave me alone...

I have my own sense of proportion...

This is how things should be reasonable...

I know very well...

What arrangements are there for you later? ...

Where to go for a while...

That's your idea, I don't think...

htmlPeople No. 05 are very intelligent and shrewd. They are born with a sense of the market and are good at observing the society as a whole. Trend. This is something that other people with dominant personalities cannot match. If you are interested, you might as well find a No. 5 person in business to verify. Then you will find that they are extremely relaxed and lazy. In this state, they don’t seem to be very concerned about business, but this is not the case. They can grasp every little disturbance in the business field in a timely manner.

In-depth analysis: Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms regarding celebrity artists' examinations for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response to the examination of artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi: there is no

Secondly, these people have rebellious qualities in their bones. They resist traditional things, but once they dare to subvert, this personality trait destined them to go to extremes in life, either to be superior to others, or to be inferior to others. In addition, people No. 5 are impulsive, irritable and emotional. They like to be suspicious and are a rather strange type of people. This kind of emotional reaction will make them rely heavily on the five senses of the human body to live their lives. As for the consequences of this sensory freedom, they rarely think about it.

In-depth analysis: Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms regarding celebrity artists' examinations for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response to the examination of artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi: there is no

In addition to analyzing the character traits of Yi Yang Qianxi, the term "a small town essayist" has also been used recently. The popularity remains high, which also shows that this matter has stung many netizens. Looking deeper, why do some netizens complain about celebrities taking editorial exams? Perhaps it stems from a sense of deprivation. There are many ordinary people taking exams. These small-town question-answers go to training classes every day and do real test papers, but they still fail to pass the exam for the position within the establishment that can bring them a sense of security.

In-depth analysis: Recently, there has been a lot of commotion on major Internet platforms regarding celebrity artists' examinations for editors. Therefore, the National Theater has just issued a response to the examination of artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi: there is no

Sister Yu believes: As a star, enjoying the glory of attracting attention and high income, he must not only serve as a role model and lead, but also be in the public eye with his words and deeds, and he must be cautious in his words and deeds.

So far, Yi Yang Qianxi has still failed to respond, and more and more netizens have begun to express dissatisfaction with his attitude.

In fact, all we need to do is respond positively, handle the matter proactively and properly as soon as possible, and as a star or actor, work hard to do your job well, concentrate on polishing your acting skills, and become an excellent performing artist. Presumably many viewers will accept it again.

As for the current public opinion turmoil and the anger of netizens, it is not actually about denying Yi Yang Qianxi’s own efforts and potential to become an excellent actor, but more about whether celebrities can enjoy privileges? Seizing the privileges of ordinary people? Have artists such as Yi Yang Qianxi been selected as national civil servants through formal written examinations and interviews? After all, these positions within the establishment require a lot of hard work for "small town problem solvers" to succeed.

hopes that Yi Yang Qianxi and his team can also come forward to give fans and netizens a response as soon as possible. After all, as a celebrity and public figure, if you cannot respond directly to netizens' questions and handle the matter properly as soon as possible, you may lose more trust and support!

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