Many netizens are unhappy with the intersection between Guan Tao and He Xingfu and their final separation. To be honest, I felt quite sorry when watching the drama, especially when I saw that Guan Tao wanted to keep happiness until that moment. For a few minutes, the tears in Gua

2024/07/0209:08:32 entertainment 1174

Many netizens are unhappy with the intersection between Guan Tao and He Xingfu and their separation at the end. To be honest, I felt quite sorry when watching the drama, especially when I saw that Guan Tao wanted to keep happiness until that moment. In just a few minutes, the tears in Guan Tao's eyes and the confusion of knocking over the tea cup made me feel extremely sad and helpless.

There are also many people who think that Guan Tao's appreciation of happiness is purely about work and has nothing to do with love. They think that it is vulgar to talk about the love between them. Indeed, I admit that I have become vulgar after staying in the secular world for a long time and have experienced a lot. , on the contrary, the inner feelings become deeper.

said that Xingfu has no love for Guan Tao. I believe this, because no matter whether Xingfu grows up, she is still a mother. She cares about the integrity of a family. She must rely on her own efforts to give Xiaodouzi a bright future.

Many netizens are unhappy with the intersection between Guan Tao and He Xingfu and their final separation. To be honest, I felt quite sorry when watching the drama, especially when I saw that Guan Tao wanted to keep happiness until that moment. For a few minutes, the tears in Gua - DayDayNews

So happiness for Guan Tao means gratitude and appreciation, and has nothing to do with love. She is grateful to Guan Tao for helping her and helping her grow. She appreciates his integrity and talent in doing things. So although Xingfu was reluctant to part with her when she resigned, she didn't hesitate at all for Qinglai and her family, because gratitude and appreciation are pure friendships. She might be reluctant to part ways, but she wouldn't be that sad.

But Guan Tao's feelings for happiness are too complicated. At first, he really appreciated her courage and sympathized with her situation, so he gave her some help, but gradually happiness worked hard and constantly improved himself, and regardless of The upright acceptance of death in his heart is incomparable with Guan Tao's three views. So Guan Tao likes to see happiness hanging around under his nose every day, and the law firm is getting better and better. Guan Tao's subjective feeling is that happiness will never leave the law firm again, so he probably doesn't think too much about it. , after all, being able to see her hanging out every day and accompany her to witness her growth is enough for Guan Tao to feel satisfied and good, because the reality is like this. Even if a mature person has a good impression of the other person, he will still be because of the other person. Having a family brings this feeling closer to friendship or pure appreciation.

Many netizens are unhappy with the intersection between Guan Tao and He Xingfu and their final separation. To be honest, I felt quite sorry when watching the drama, especially when I saw that Guan Tao wanted to keep happiness until that moment. For a few minutes, the tears in Gua - DayDayNews

But Guan Tao was obviously sinking deeper and deeper. When Xingfu proposed to resign, he panicked. His eyes showed that he was at a loss when he knocked over the tea cup. He still wanted to hide it. It should be that he didn’t even want to admit it to himself, but he The panic in his heart could no longer deceive himself, so he said: "Do you want a salary increase? You said, you can have as much as you want." This sentence far exceeded a boss's efforts to retain employees, and also exceeded friendship between friends. In fact, Guan Tao himself knew that this sentence was inappropriate, but it was his most normal reaction without thinking at the time. He would do anything to retain happiness. If you still say that Guan Tao has no love for happiness, then the tears in his eyes can't deceive anyone. Men's tears are generally shed only for the people they love.

Many netizens are unhappy with the intersection between Guan Tao and He Xingfu and their final separation. To be honest, I felt quite sorry when watching the drama, especially when I saw that Guan Tao wanted to keep happiness until that moment. For a few minutes, the tears in Gua - DayDayNews

But the best thing about the portrayal of this drama is that it does not break this relationship, allowing the audience to experience it for themselves, and also letting Guan Tao and He Xingfu in the stills experience it. So I always felt that the only moment Guan Tao fought for his relationship was when he heard from Xingfu that he would go back to the countryside for Qinglai and said this: "Let's not talk about others, just talk about yourself." This is it. The way a smart person talks, this sentence is the only way he fights for his relationship, or maybe he just wants happiness for him. Because he subconsciously called him and Xingfu us, while Qinglai was an outsider.

Many netizens are unhappy with the intersection between Guan Tao and He Xingfu and their final separation. To be honest, I felt quite sorry when watching the drama, especially when I saw that Guan Tao wanted to keep happiness until that moment. For a few minutes, the tears in Gua - DayDayNews

That's why Xingfu said: "Qinglai and I are a couple, we have a child in common, and we are a family." In fact, Xingfu understood him and completely rejected him. This is reality, so I think here The emotional details are handled particularly well.

Guan Tao also understood the meaning of happiness. The loneliness he lowered his head was just the sadness that he couldn't digest after being rejected. But the adult world is like this. Maybe this rejection is also the answer he wants most, because this is the answer he wants most. It was happiness in his mind. Because of this answer, he could stop thinking about it, so when happiness came to the company to meet again, everyone was still open and had nothing to do with love.

Guan Tao's feelings for happiness prove a sentence: I wish we could meet each other before we were married.There is also a saying when letting go: If you are well, it will be sunny.

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