Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl

2024/07/0100:19:32 entertainment 1530

invites Wu Bai to sing on stage, which is bound to ruin the scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow the others.

Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer.

Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl - DayDayNews

When the blower was turned on, the rock god had forgotten his identity as a guest and sang so intoxicated that the fans in the audience were even more excited.

was obviously his home court, but Ashin felt like he was the invited guest. Instead, Wu Bai controlled the field with ease, and the two sang a song called "Norwegian Forest" in tacit understanding.

When Cyndi Wang held a concert at the Arena in 2021, the opportunity to sing with Wu Bai came.

Both of them wore suits and costumes. Their singing styles were completely different, but they still presented a rare fairy chorus.

In the end, Teacher Wu Bai seemed to have a great time singing and turned the concert into a disco scene.

But there are always exceptions to everything, and Wu Bai also has his moments when he meets his opponent.

Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl - DayDayNews

At the 2010 Beijing Worker Sports Concert, Wu Bai and Stefanie Sun sang a duet of Green Light, and Stefanie Sun was not to be outdone in the climax.

There are often different sparks between Wu Bai and the female singer.

This is why they all want to invite Wu Bai to sing songs. Wu Bai also admitted that he prefers to write songs for female singers.

Who would have thought that Wu Bai, who has a rough appearance, is best at writing sentimental love songs.

Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl - DayDayNews

In 2005, Cyndi Wang was heartbroken after falling out of love. Wu Bai was deeply touched after seeing the news.

So I made a song for her overnight and I will be happy.

But they didn’t have the opportunity to sing on the same stage until 2021. Cyndi Wang couldn’t help complaining on the spot. Eight years ago, Wu Bai promised to help her write songs but broke his promise.

Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl - DayDayNews

In fact, it’s not that Wu Bai is unwilling, but that he is really incapable of doing all the work. As a creative genius, many female singers regard him as their idol and queue up to sing.

At an award show, Tian Fuzhen learned that Wu Bai was at the scene, and rushed forward to take a photo. She was so excited that she couldn't care about her goddess image.

In addition to Karen Mok is also a loyal supporter of Wu Bai. During the Rolling Stones era, she almost became Wu Bai's experimental product in his creation. Because of their mutual trust for many years of cooperation, Wu Bai directly overturned the style of Mo's love songs and created a new model for her. A tailor-made song of strong reasons.

and Faye Wong After listening to Wu Bai's song "A Golden Flower" produced for Mok Wenwei, she couldn't wait to contact Wu Bai and invite him to write a song.

Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl - DayDayNews

The Bible for Two and One-Way Road, these two songs with very different styles, came into the hands of Faye Wong.

Because the effect was so good Na Ying was also famous, so Wu Bai created I Am Not an Angel for her.

The most distinctive feature of Wu Bai's creative style is that he can explore the soft side of female singers, but he does not create myths every time.

It’s hard to imagine how “careful” Wu Bai is when writing songs for others. The songs he sells are recycled repeatedly and he doesn’t have to pay royalties when he sings them again.

He once helped Tsui Hark 's movie Sanda , produced the theme song Breakthrough, and gave it to Huang Xiaohu to sing.

Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl - DayDayNews

However, the movie's box office was very poor, and the songs did not play their due role.

But Wu Bai cherished the fruits of his labor very much, so he sang it once at a concert and unexpectedly won the love of fans.

This just shows that the popularity of a song is not only related to the singer.

is also inseparable from the timing of singing.

In Wu Bai's creative career, there was a song that made him very frustrated. He was not popular but he helped others.

At that time, the songs he composed were number one in the world, but they were not recognized by fans when he sang them for the first time.

So he sold the song to Andy Lau at a low price and used it as the theme song of the movie Black Gold .

Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl - DayDayNews

And Black Gold tells the story of Andy Lau's fight against the forces of darkness.

The flesh-and-blood scenes in the film pushed the world's number one singing voice to a climax, and even became more popular than the movie.

Andy Lau even made 200 million with this song.

Inviting Wu Bai to the stage to sing a chorus will definitely cause a scene, because as soon as he opens his voice, he will overshadow other people's talents. Mayday held a New Year's Eve concert in 2019, and Wu Bai gracefully appeared on stage as a supporting singer. When the bl - DayDayNews

However, the most important thing for this song to achieve such high profits is that Andy Lau reached its peak in terms of appearance and popularity back then, and was even more exaggerated than today's traffic stars.

Later, when Wu Bai sang this song himself, it gave people a refreshing feeling.

For him, it doesn’t matter who sings the songs, because they are all the work of his painstaking efforts.

When a song can touch people's hearts, it is a singer's greatest achievement.

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