Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a

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preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Every time I take a break, I put down my phone, half an hour and half an hour later.

deeply cultivates what it wants to do and turns it into persistence. The time and power are huge.

If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing situation and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic and irritability!

Long-term reading will make your mind broad and profound. Even if your knowledge of

is very shallow, you will find certification in the book, and the summaries of predecessors are even more enlightening!

books are human treasures and will accompany you at any time.

When you are at a low point in life, learn to re-examine yourself and reset yourself .

changes the way of thinking and uses the law of growth to guide yourself.

Growth will bring failure, but failure is also part of growth.

It is normal to be afraid of difficulties and setbacks. Abandon shame, look at it with a normal mind, and solve this problem. Don't let anxiety and depression wrap yourself up and tie you in a dark cocoon.

In this life, people are always on the road to solving problems.

In the midst of hardships, never forget to learn and summarize, and the problem will eventually be solved.

feet are on the road, and the road is at your feet.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Life is a personal movie, be your own director and unfold the story slowly.

When Einstein was working as a technician at the Swiss Patent Office, he said he wanted to change the world. You can imagine how many people would sneer at his dream.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


Choosing the direction of life

What determines your life is not effort but choice.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

How to get rid of "poor people's thinking"?

Poor: No money, stuck in one state, never thinking, let alone working hard.

Poverty is not only material, but also spiritual.

Materially, as long as you are not lazy and lazy, you can always escape the poverty line. In terms of the spirit of

, as long as it is not transformed, enriched internally, and expanded outward, it will remain poor.

Three characteristics of "poor people's thinking":

- Thinking about problems in a negative and negative way:

When faced with problems, poor people think about escaping, being overly suspicious, and caring about other people's opinions; rich people think about the challenges of thinking, thinking methods and Path, call resources to do things.

2 Be content with the status quo and dare not take risks:

The poor tend to have stable thinking and dare not step out of the frame, while the rich tend to think innovatively and think about building ships when they see the river.

3 Distrust of the world, society, and friends:

The poor think that their own world is safe; the rich think that the relationships in the world need to be structured.

"Poor people's thinking" is accustomed to denying themselves, doubting their own abilities, distrusting the world, and being unwilling to break through existing limitations.

"Rich people's thinking": thinking that is used to moving forward courageously and daring to break through one's own limitations.

We must get rid of the "poor mentality" and actively and healthily explore new opportunities.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


The secret of a strong heart!

firm belief .

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Faced with difficulties and blows, some people are unable to recover; some people are indomitable.

Never give up at step ninety-nine!

Five characteristics of success: Firm belief, strong willpower, optimistic attitude towards life, broad mind, and full self-confidence.

Faith: A state of unwavering recognition of a cause.

Willpower: The mental strength to overcome hardships.

Optimism: Treat setbacks and failures as tests.

is broad-minded: ambitious and far-sighted, and does not care too much about the immediate gains and losses.

Confidence: a life attitude that has been tempered through experience.

people are constantly training and growing. If we find the right direction, continue to develop, and continue to practice and make improvements, we will become stronger and stronger.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


Mature people should help young people grow

We can never stop the progress of time, nor can we stop each generation from becoming mature and aging.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

There is no such thing as saying that one generation is better off than another.

In addition to these superficial things, there are many profound things in life. For example, a person's maturity, understanding of society, life experience, etc., add up to a complete life.

Every generation has its mission of the times. The portraits of the two generations come from two planets. The reason is:

- The break of tradition.

2 The generation gap caused by cultural shock.

three social transformation.

learn to sincerely support and help young people grow. As a person who has been here,

has created wealth for the world and accumulated a certain amount of life experience. He must learn to enjoy the world, not pay too much attention to the shortcomings of young people, but to see the energetic side of young people.

Mao Zedong: The world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


Let your goals escort you forward

There is no end to success.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Real success is when one’s character and state of mind are cultivated to a relatively complete state.

"Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself".

There is a difference between ambitions and goals in life.

Ambition: I am willing to devote my whole life to it. I may not be able to finish it, but I will continue to work hard and achieve success.

Break down ambitions: goals for three years, one year, and one month .

No matter how society develops, only those with outstanding talent and knowledge will be appreciated.

If a person wants to achieve real success, polishing his talents is the core way.

1: Clarify what your talents are.

2: Talents that must persist in development.

When the strong wind blows and the ground is covered with dead branches and leaves, what really stands there must be a deep-rooted tree!

Face pressure: You must adjust your expectations for your goals; develop the ability to withstand and resist blows.

When motivation is insufficient, it means that you never think about your future, or encounter great difficulties, and are easily negative and hesitant.

can dismantle difficulties, simplify them, overcome them, and transform them into your own experience before moving on to the next challenge. Only by laying a good foundation can

move to the next level.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


Habit formation is not only reflected in food, clothing, housing and transportation, but also in thinking habits.

exercises the ability to live, think and develop independently, laying the foundation for lifelong development. How to lay the foundation of


1: Determine your preferred learning direction.

2: Read a lot of various books to increase your knowledge base and depth of knowledge.

Three: Try to associate with like-minded people as much as possible.

four: Establish a clear value system, and constantly think about it to make it more stable and perfect.

work can polish off the romanticism and idealism of your study days.

always maintains spiritual and financial independence.

Practice your theoretical knowledge at work, integrate knowledge and action, and integrate each other.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


Make the best choice between high salary and interest

Life is limited. If you can do something you love, you will devote yourself to it wholeheartedly.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

The prerequisite for a person to choose his own preferences is to shoulder the responsibilities.

When responsibility is greater than love, you will make a courageous and responsible choice!

Churchill : You can’t do what you love, but you should love what you do.

Because you have to take responsibility and support yourself, you have to do this job. What should you do?

First do the job at hand, unless it is boring and repetitive. When I started working on

, I didn't know whether I really liked it. Only by in-depth understanding and exploration can I understand my true thoughts.

Be brave and insist on doing what you should do at the moment.

The questions about salary and preferences will be solved naturally.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


The most important things in life are only two things

A job that I will love for the rest of my life; a family that I will love for the rest of my life.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

looks easy but is difficult to do.

How can you make yourself like your job?

continues to develop his hobbies in all aspects.

Some hobbies are explicit, and some hobbies are implicit.

There are three characteristics of things you like:

1: Doing these things will bring you a sense of accomplishment;

2: It will bring you rich spiritual enjoyment;

3: It will bring you financial income.

The most important thing in life is not to regard a job as just a simple job.

Because you have to spend half of your life and half of your life at work.

The most important choice in life, apart from choosing family members who can live in harmony with each other for a lifetime, is undoubtedly to choose a career that you like.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


The struggle of life should never be limited by location.

From the overall development trend, in the future, large cities will gradually spread to sub-central cities.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Whether to stay or stay in a city depends on your own ambitions.

Everyone's life choices have different directions, and there is no distinction between high and low. The key to

is our own inner satisfaction and fulfillment, which is even more important to us.

's escape from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen is actually a false proposition.

The path in life is chosen by oneself, not limited by location.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


Look rationally at dreams that are opposed

Is what you want to do appropriate?

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

First of all, you need to make a basic judgment. What is it that you want to do and like to do? What meaning will

have on your life?

Is your dream reasonable?

1: Is the dream consistent with your inner beliefs and beliefs?

2: Whether the behavior of realizing your dream is consistent with what you want to do and your interests and hobbies.

three: Dreams need meaning. It is meaningful to personal interests, personal growth and personal development; it is meaningful to society.

Do the people who oppose you have valid reasons?

Take the initiative to listen to and analyze the reasons for other people's objections and whether the objections are correct.

What is the reason for the objection to be treated rationally.

The root of the problem is: What is the thing that you insist on?

What we insist on is truth and belief, so persistence and dedication are necessary.

If you don’t know whether something is right or wrong, you must listen to other people’s opinions and verify whether your insistence is correct.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


Carefully challenge the things you are not good at

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Discern whether to do the things you are not good at.

sticks to what he is good at and is certain of its success.

Secondly, you can try to expand areas that you are not good at and give yourself a challenge.

Giving up is a kind of wisdom, persistence is a kind of courage.

Life is a process of moving forward through constant choices, persistence, giving up, and choosing again.

Be as careful as possible before making a choice. It is better to make a decision slowly than to choose blindly. Once you make up your mind to choose

, you must stick to it. If

gives up after repeated rational thinking, then giving up is the best choice.

Giving up has nothing to do with face.

Regardless of persisting or giving up, never think about face issues, and don't think too much about what others will think of you.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


The fundamental reasons for keeping distance between people

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Differences in job positions; differences in friends; differences in learning abilities; differences in opportunities; differences in personality and character.

should challenge themselves and develop upward.

Make friends who can help you learn something, keep learning, look for different opportunities, and people who bring you opportunities.

Get rid of the student mentality and become a professional expert.

accepts the change of roles, positions his work and hobbies, learns from others seriously, and maintains a learning state.

continues to increase its understanding of the real world, absorbing and accumulating various experiences and lessons.

can be employed slowly, but must grow!

Facing the future, you can try and make mistakes, gain a deep understanding of society, think proactively, and take action.

can be slow, but it cannot be used as an excuse to keep delaying employment.

Not all jobs are worth enduring!

1: To start working, you need to accumulate experience from actual combat.

2: I don’t like it, but my efforts are proportional to my income and I am willing to persevere.

three: I like working and I can make money.

Some people say, "I may not be able to find another job besides this job." What should

do at this time?

You shouldn’t sit through it, you should study and improve your abilities.

Think you don’t have time to study?

There is a conflict between learning status and working methods.

needs to adjust work efficiency and working methods!

Work that cannot make you improve is meaningless.

Growth is about making yourself more and more valuable!

In the process of personal self-development, the most important thing is to continuously improve your talents.

makes the work you do more and more valuable, and then looks for a return system that is willing to pay a high price to buy your talents.

Successful people have efficient working methods!

1: Focus on getting things done without any distractions.

2: Manage time, do important things in the whole time, and improve learning ability and work level in fragmented time.

3: Keep things going in an orderly manner.

Four: Develop habits that promote career success and make conscious progress; learn from experience; expand horizons; work with like-minded partners.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


Reading and learning

Let knowledge become the power of your life!

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Those who are good at reading pictures have taste, and those who love reading are not shallow.

Can’t calm down and read, or do you have the inability to read?

lacks complete thinking and thinking capabilities; or lacks complete logical and analytical capabilities.

calm down and read, get rid of shallowness and impetuousness.

Read useless books and become useful people!

"Useful reading": Informative reading with a certain purpose to learn.

"useless reading": reading "useless books".

What is the concept of "useless book"? On the surface,

is of no direct use to us, but can elevate our entire life to a higher level and add a beautiful scenery to our life.

For any "useful book", reading it once is not enough.

should be read and applied repeatedly, and knowledge should be transformed into actions and thoughts.

The most important thing is "transformation", that is, practice makes perfect!

Read "useful books" to transform them into your own abilities, and read "useless books" to improve your temperament and vision.

You can learn spoken English well without any conditions!

English is not a kind of knowledge, it is essentially a language skill.

Skill Features : You can master this skill by practicing repeatedly until practice makes perfect and you can use it freely.

When your English proficiency is not high, blindly reading a lot of books will yield little results.

selects one or two textbooks, including listening and speaking. Imitate the recording and practice over and over again. If you practice

to the point where practice makes perfect and you can blurt it out, you will have a good language foundation.

How to improve your listening and speaking skills?

One: listen to the news, two: watch the original movie.

Choose a movie, listen to it over and over again after watching it, until you can basically understand every sentence, and then correct the pronunciation and intonation through imitation. If

imitates one to ten movies or one to ten episodes of a TV series, it will have a better voice and intonation.

After a lot of listening and speaking exercises, the listening and speaking skills can be further improved.

Language learning only needs to grasp two points:

1: Repeat continuously under limited conditions to the extent that practice makes perfect;

2: Leave enough time for training every day.

Keep training every day, your tongue will become more and more flexible, and your ears will become more and more sensitive.

Slowly, your English level will improve.

Do what you like, life is meaningful!

Determine the most important thing in your life, which is what you like to do the most.

Any choice in life is the result of a struggle with one's own weakness.

Reading makes a person more perfect.

How to find time to read?

Use your spare or fragmented time to read as much and read good books as possible. The combination of

reading and social practice will definitely make a person more perfect!

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


personal skills improvement!

Talent is necessary to achieve great things.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

effectively controls social interaction and time.

Participate in social networking: Participate in social networking among acquaintances; participate in social networking that can enhance your horizons, enrich your knowledge and improve your taste; have the ability to plan your own time and manage your time well.

selectively socializes, takes the initiative to control his own time while trying to associate with people who can make him grow.

Only when you move from inferiority to self-confidence can you have true self-confidence!

Expressions of low self-esteem: is restrained and has his own opinions, but is unwilling and afraid to express them.

can do good things, but dare not do them for fear of making mistakes and being laughed at by others.

To liberate inferiority, you only need two things: emancipate your own thoughts; and build a support point for self-confidence.

Those who want to achieve great things must first have charisma.

Build a broad knowledge structure; stand out from the crowd.

Positive attitude and ambition: generate an attraction and aura.

Seven factors that determine a person's success!

one Grit, perseverance;

two Self-control, self-control ability ;

three Social intelligence, social and gregarious ability;

four Zest, enthusiasm or passion for life;

five Gratitude, the ability to be grateful;

six Optimism , optimism;

seven Curiosity, curiosity.

It is easier to achieve success when you do things from a sunny high point.

Good eloquence comes from practice!

is eloquent: is easier to be accepted and liked; has persuasiveness; has more advantages in life and work.

Being good at eloquence is not about glib words and glib words.

means that the expression must be persuasive, organized, connotative and attractive.

1: Read more, compare different viewpoints, and learn humorous, interesting and attractive language expressions.

2: Watch a large number of excellent speeches and imitate them.

3: Find a topic, try to give a speech, control it within ten minutes, be clear and organized, what points to talk about and how to talk; the language should be concise or humorous.

Practice makes perfect!

must dare to speak, learn to be precise, clear, and humorous.

"Only those who know how to stop know how to speed up."

What is the correct speed?

knows how to do things just right to speed things up. The biggest fear of

is that it will only move forward without knowing how to stop.

can be combined to be fast and slow. When

is very busy, stop and take a rest.

Meditate for a while, digest the knowledge you have learned and turn it into your own wisdom.

All concentration comes from self-control.

1: Carry forward the spirit of self-discipline.

2: Insist on in-depth reading and research.

three: Strictly manage your time.

4: In addition to time management, you also have the courage to say "no" to others.

Strong perseverance is the driving force to move forward in life.

1 Cultivate thinking ability: demonstrate repeatedly and learn continuously.

2 Cultivate judgment and decision-making: correctness and foresight. It consists of two elements, the ability to make choices and the ability to be decisive.

Three: Fully understand yourself, your personality strengths and weaknesses, and your character.

Life is a process of constant adjustment.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews



Life can get better.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

Persistence is to develop excellent habits!

Good habits do not require deliberate persistence or determination. They are things that you will do naturally.

Good habits are not just for 100 days, but are worth persisting for a lifetime.

"Habits become natural, nature becomes destiny."

Both the process and the result are important!

How you live your day is how you live your life!

How to reasonably plan 24 hours a day?

1: Prioritize and arrange important things first.

2: Don’t let time be occupied by unplanned things or wasted casually.

three: Spend more time on work, study and progress.

uses time conditions to ensure good health, maintain regular exercise and get enough sleep.

The more "playable" a person is, the easier it is to succeed!

The so-called "play" means using a playful attitude to do serious things in life.

1: Don’t take anything too seriously and take the results too seriously.

2: Care too much about winning or losing.

three: Keep a chance to start over, clean up the past, sum up experience, and start over.

four: Fun mentality, with likes and hobbies as the core.

wants to "play" his life to a certain level.

Eliminate inner anxiety, the most important thing is to work hard and make progress!

Anxiety: Whether you can keep up with the changes; whether you can keep up with the changes in the people around you; the increase in material wealth and rising prices; the partners around you; the marriage caused by the gap; the uneven distribution of resources.

Faced with so much anxiety, how should we deal with it?

improves social mechanisms.

Don't pay too much attention to the outside world.

Anxiety is useless, seize the opportunity yourself.

adjust your mentality.

To overcome anxiety, it is crucial to work hard and make progress.

learn to grow yourself in loneliness!

Spend time alone, reading, thinking about problems, and walking.

Signs of personal maturity: Have confidence in yourself internally, and be willing to face yourself alone externally.

grows up in loneliness, but also thrives in crowds.

Life will be better if you complain less. Reasons for

's complaints: can't solve the problem, it's unfair; shirking responsibility, acting emotionally, and lacking rationality.

Complaining puts people into a vicious cycle. How can

not complain?

1: Look at things with a positive attitude.

Two: Thinking should take responsibility.

three: Refuse to be emotional and analyze problems rationally.

Maximize your spare time!

insists on meaningful hobbies and continues to improve.

When you start to love yourself, the world will love you!

Love yourself in life: simplify life and interpersonal interactions, avoid complicated disputes, and affect physical and mental health.

Love yourself while learning: keep making progress and acquire new knowledge while being happy both physically and mentally.

Love yourself at work: do your job well and be dedicated to your job.

Love yourself in the family: sincere cooperation, consideration, tolerance, filial piety and love.

combines and blends the love of other things with the love of oneself.

strives forward in an orderly manner and leads a calm and peaceful life.

"Don't use tactical diligence as an excuse for strategic laziness."

"Do urgent things slowly": The more anxious you are, the more important things are, the more you need to think clearly before doing them.

Look at the overall situation, think things through, clarify them, and then start doing them.

No matter whether things are urgent or slow, the important thing is not to be tied down by desire and fame and fortune; a blind life is not worth living.

Don’t let bad habits ruin your life.

Improving life means constantly developing good habits and constantly getting rid of bad habits.

defines bad habits: sleeping in and adjusting, the important thing is procrastination and carelessness...

correction plan: refine the goals and complete them in small steps, so that they can be completed without procrastination and resistance.

is too difficult: there is supervision and external pressure is greater than internal pressure.

Get rid of bad habits, travel lightly, and work hard to make progress.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews


The value of life!

Live a truly meaningful life.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

The differences between people widen the gap between people.

Factors that widen the gap: Ideals, dreams, ambitions; differences in personality and character; concentration; learning ability and risk-taking ability.

Make yourself a truly rich person!

1. Rich in character; 2. Rich in character;

3. Rich in spirit; 4. Rich in life.

Live your life!

No matter what age you are, you can live for yourself!

Starting a family and establishing a career are sometimes put together to place good hopes.

You must live for yourself: whether you are making progress; whether your social status is gradually improving; whether your salary is growing; whether you have a foundation for your career.

Living for yourself is actually living for others.

for yourself, your career, your family, and society.

Life is about letting your heart fly with action!

People who are satisfied with the status quo, look forward to the future, and explore the unknown world.

stays too much in the comfort zone, making it difficult to break through and move towards the future. The internal consumption of

is in the state it is in and cannot do anything else.

removes external restrictions and lets your inner world fly.

insist on walking on your own life path!

You must be open-minded. No matter how others live, what you care about most is always yourself and how to pilot the ship of life.

Only when you don’t rely on your parents can you truly have a peaceful life.

1: Work hard to achieve, have a sense of accomplishment and have a wonderful life.

2: The most important thing in life is to gain a sense of sublimity and satisfaction.

three: What kind of attitude, what kind of reward!

Any time you rely on others to survive is a shame.

You must achieve self-improvement before the age of 35!

There are two stages in life that are particularly important. The first stage of

, from 16 to 22 years old, what kind of life path to choose in the future.

The second stage, from 23 to 35 years old, determines talents and the direction of life development; career positioning; the other half of life.


1: Continuous learning and accumulation.

2: Establish effective connections.

Three: Make yourself valuable through hard work.

Preface: Dreams rely on a little bit of persistence. Every time I take a break, I say put down my phone, half an hour after half an hour. If you don’t have what you want to do and are in a confusing dilemma and don’t know how to choose, start by reading and calm down your panic a - DayDayNews

True growth and success must be gradual, subtle, and accumulated.

The process of a person's growth is the process of making oneself more and more valuable.


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