1. Don’t just ask other people questions. Think about the interview situation. Generally, interviews are full of pressure. The interviewer will constantly ask you questions and questions, as if they are investigating your identity and family background. Will you feel comfortable?

2024/05/1718:07:33 emotion 1033

1. Don’t just ask other people questions. Think about the interview situation. Generally, interviews are full of pressure. The interviewer will constantly ask you questions and questions, as if they are investigating your identity and family background. Will you feel comfortable? - DayDayNews

1. Don’t just ask other people questions.

Think about the interview situation. Generally, interviews are full of pressure. The interviewer will constantly ask you questions and questions, as if they are investigating your identity and family background. Will you feel comfortable? Many people make the mistake of interrogating the person they are chatting with as if they were on trial, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable and boring. When you keep asking questions one after another, the conversation will become a one-way output, let alone communication. You will not output the information you want to convey to the other party at all, but just blindly ask for information from the other party. , will make people feel that you have a strong desire to control, which will lead to an uncomfortable feeling.

One-way chat makes it impossible to connect the relationship, because one-way communication cannot be communicated - I don't want to be interrogated like a prisoner all the time.

1. Don’t just ask other people questions. Think about the interview situation. Generally, interviews are full of pressure. The interviewer will constantly ask you questions and questions, as if they are investigating your identity and family background. Will you feel comfortable? - DayDayNews

2. Statement instead of asking .

When you make a statement, you share information about yourself. Think back to when you were with your best friend and you will find that most of the conversations between you will be statements rather than questions. There may be some small pleasantries sometimes, but most of them are statements. Statements can not only convey your information, but also keep the topic going. For example, what do you like to eat? This is a question, and you cannot establish your own message in his mind because the question itself conveys no message of your own.

And the answer you may get is, I like to eat burgers, noodles and other ending topics. Maybe you will ask again, what kind of noodles do you like to eat, or are you still asking, and so on, the interviewer will be possessed. Make your chat partner feel stressed. What if

is replaced by a statement? For example, I like to eat hamburgers because I rarely had the opportunity to eat them when I was a child. Every time my parents took us brothers to eat, I would be very happy. From a simple statement, our own information will be conveyed to the other party. Now he knows that you are a burger lover, and your identity information is slowly established in his heart.

Secondly, this statement can also give the other party a chance to continue the topic. Here are a few points. He may say that I also like to eat burgers, especially in certain flavors. Secondly, how many brothers and sisters do you have? Or maybe my parents would take me to eat burgers because... or something like that.

is such a simple statement that can be extended to various topics. There is no need to worry about the topic being stillborn.

1. Don’t just ask other people questions. Think about the interview situation. Generally, interviews are full of pressure. The interviewer will constantly ask you questions and questions, as if they are investigating your identity and family background. Will you feel comfortable? - DayDayNews

3. Talk about your family .

The topic of family is the easiest to bring up. There is no need to test your memory at all, and you can talk about your family affairs naturally. You can talk about your family, relatives, etc. You can talk about any one of them for three days, so you don’t have to worry about having nothing to talk about. For example, you said that my sister bullies me every time and asks me to wash her shoes every weekend. She is lazy and overbearing and doesn't like her very much. After you finish talking, the other person can't help but want to let you know what kind of person his sister is. For example, he may say: My sister is very good to me, and then... and so on.

Another advantage of talking about family is that it is the easiest topic to resonate with, allowing you to quickly establish a sense of intimacy with the other person. Because everyone has a family, even if they are orphans, the dean or nursing volunteer is their mother, and the people we are most familiar with are our family members, so when we describe our family members, it is easy to establish a relationship with each other. Familiar feeling. Research has found that when we share fun facts about our family with strangers, they feel closer to you.

4, use pause .

uses pauses instead of words like "um" and "ah". The most important thing in conversation is quality. Try to remove words like "um", "ah" and "I think it should be". Even if you have the best content in the world, if your words contain a lot of "ums" and "ahs", people will lose interest in your content, and the words themselves have little value and no meaning. , try these to turn words into pauses.For example, what did you do last weekend: Well... I went to the Mayday concert. Then... I went drinking with my friends, and the next day... I went on a date with my girlfriend. I thought I was having a good time... Look at this again: what you did last weekend. I went to the Mayday concert, then went drinking with friends, and had a great time on a date with my girlfriend the next day. Although it was the same message, the second one sounded more concise and confident, and the pauses were strengthened. The focus of the sentence is emphasized, and pauses are used instead of spoken words, making the originally procrastinating and boring content become steady and confident.

1. Don’t just ask other people questions. Think about the interview situation. Generally, interviews are full of pressure. The interviewer will constantly ask you questions and questions, as if they are investigating your identity and family background. Will you feel comfortable? - DayDayNews

5. Use cold reading .

This trick is very suitable for friends who have just met. Cold reading assumes that you already know the other person’s interests or things, such as asking the other person what you like to eat. You can use cold reading instead of asking questions: look at your face and feel. You should prefer noodles to burgers. Then you will get several reactions:

1) You are wrong, and then he will correct you, what do I like to eat, and then….

2) You are wrong, and then he will ask you why you said that, why do you think I like noodles?

3) You guessed it, and you will quickly connect to him. I do like noodles, how did you know that? It’s amazing. I wonder how this person knows me so well?

cold reading allows you to ask questions to the other party indirectly, avoiding becoming an interviewer and allowing the topic to continue. If you guess correctly, your goodwill will double, which is killing two birds with one stone.

The above are 5 practical tips for chat communication shared with you. You will find that you don’t need to prepare any topics during the entire chat process. The chat itself will bring you countless topics, and you don’t have to rack your brains to think about them. What should I talk about, because you will have countless topics, so many that you don’t know what to choose to talk about, and all you have to do is remember these few skills, and then practice them repeatedly, and soon you will become a chat Expert now.

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