"Extramarital affair" caused by a pen: the pain of people coming over, tell you what a man really thinks

2021/10/0623:55:21 emotion 946

[Reader's emotional story sharing]

Is the seven-year itch in marriage really an unavoidable difficulty?

Recently, a reader confided his feelings to Bai Xiaojing. It is a story about a man who fell in love with his female subordinate after seven years of marriage.

This is a real case. In order to keep the parties confidential, the article uses a fictitious name to state it.

Story summary:

is a 35-year-old man with a busy career, and his family is slightly beautiful. Open handover.

His wife is impeccable, but with the passage of time in their married life, the two have gradually lost their passion and spiritual collision.

One day, his female subordinate told him: "Boss, today is your birthday, and this is my gift to you." When you opened it, it was a limited edition signature pen from Montblanc.

The female subordinate said: "I like your words so much.You deserve to have a good pen. Be kind to yourself..."

Then, the world can imagine the development of the next story. It was a heart-rending extramarital relationship.

Because of a pen, it triggered an extramarital affair.

Mr. Xu, really just fell in love with his female subordinate because of a pen _span4 pspan _span4 pspan? I asked him what his true state of mind was at that time. He said: "I was moved, and it was more recognition of talent. "

He felt that the handwriting he wrote was actually not good-looking, but some people even appreciated it. Moreover, the pen was very expensive, almost equivalent to the female subordinate’s salary for one month. _p1span

span This birthday, the female subordinate also customized a very special cake, and said that everything is wrapped on her body, so that he does not care about anything.

may be a long-lost heartbeat, suddenly someone So, he prepared his birthday carefully, and Mr. Xu was very surprised and moved.

At the same time,It is Mr. Xu's wife who is in sharp contrast. They spent eight years of marriage together. As for the birthday each year, it is also a routine, without any surprises.

Therefore, in such an atmosphere, the female subordinate succeeded in allowing herself to gain the upper hand and captured Mr. Xu's heart.

This is a case worth thinking about.

In this extramarital relationship, what are the roles of Mr. Xu, the female subordinate and Mr. Xu’s wife? And Mr. Xu, , a middle-aged man, what kind of psychological appeals and emotional gaps does he have to play with fire at the risk of family breakdown?

A twisted marriage relationship must be inseparable from everyone in it.

In order to learn more about men’s real thoughts, I asked Mr. Xu carefully what he thought at the time.

He told me: "The real feeling is that I suddenly feel that the female subordinate is the true love I missed and is the one who appreciates myself. However, another villain’s heart popped up, suggesting that she is a green tea. , I just want to have everything you have now. Then my mind is in extreme struggle."

Many men cannot resist a woman who admires and admires themselves,Especially such a person who takes the initiative to show love.

The female subordinate is only 3 years younger than him, but she knows how to please men. As the saying goes, when a woman chases a male compartment yarn, the two are prone to love each other for a long time at work, so once one party stabs the layer of paper, it is easy to detonate each other's emotions.

If a man doesn't know how to reject other people's favors, letting each other's feelings happen, then it will be sooner or later to cross the border.

This female subordinate, all her actions are prepared.

She carefully studied men’s preferences, gifts, well-prepared surprises, and even the language of expression directly hit men’s hearts.

Therefore, men will have a feeling: "She really understands me!"

This woman has good skin and she knows how to wear it. No matter how late she stays up at work, she will apply the most expensive essence and mask, which is not careless at all.

Therefore, a man is a visual animal, and this cannot be wrong at all times.

and looking at his wife,Although her congenital conditions are also very good, her negligence in dressing up makes her unkempt every day.

To say this, although it is not pleasant, it is not fake at all.

If a woman cannot visually grasp the attention of a man, it is easy for a man to divert his attention and focus on the more seductive person.

After such an extramarital relationship, what happened to Mr. Xu in the end?

Every pair of lovers who cross the border will experience a good time. They will date, date, make intimacy, chat, etc. just like men and women in their youth. All these make a man who has been standing for a year to feel the vitality of love again.

He uses this pen to write love poems;

He even accompanies her to chat late at night every night; The extent of...

However, has the wrong relationship,After all, we have to face the cruel reality.

In the end, this unseen relationship was exposed.

And this man, what is his final choice?

Mr. Xu finally chose to return to the family and gave up the woman outside of marriage.

This is an inevitable result, and it is also a wise move for every man who "steals".

Because men don’t have any long-term hopes of long-term business for their extramarital relationships. This is just an unexpected “gift” that stems from their own non-resistance and greed, but it is not essential. .

When things come to light, men will definitely focus on family and career. If women outside marriage threaten their future, they will cut off all connections without hesitation.

Therefore, men are labeled as "indifferent" and "indifferent" because they are based on their rationality and decisiveness.

Finally, this extramarital love ended without a problem.However, Mr. Xu still retains the position of this female subordinate.

The unreachable is always in a commotion. Although he gave up the relationship, the two decided not to contact each other again, but the inner worry still lingered.

It’s not that every extramarital relationship is a play or game. We don’t deny that there are many people who find people who are compatible with each other outside of marriage.

However, is always wrong. It is a catastrophe to meet someone who is more interested in the wrong time.

Maybe you will think of that person, but you also stop thinking about it, nothing else.

Here, I want to talk about the role of wife.

Mr. Xu said that he runs the family together with his wife, and he is responsible for making money to support the family, and his wife is responsible for managing household chores. After marriage, they give birth to children and revolve around the children together. For eight years, cars and houses have been built from scratch. Although they don't have much passion, they are safe and happy.

They are like the husbands and wives of countless families. They have experienced the happiness of marriage and the dullness of marriage.

However,Blandness does not mean smooth sailing. Behind every seemingly calm wave, there may be hidden swells of stormy waves.

Therefore, running-in is also a necessary process, and labor pains can also accompany troubled marriages.

Each marriage requires the joint efforts of both spouses to maintain it.

If a wife can care more about her image in front of her husband, and treat herself better and maintain a beautiful state, isn't it that her husband will not get tired of herself so easily?

If the wife cares more about her husband’s psychological needs and creates more opportunities for communication, instead of chatting around the housework all day long, will she understand the other half’s mind better?

If a couple can value the sense of ritual between the two and create some unforgettable memories together on every anniversary worth celebrating, will it be happier and more satisfying?

Whose marriage does not have rainy days, but those who know how to cherish and love will take the initiative to create rainbow .

The plain and watery life may be difficult to match the sudden freshness. However, no one can guarantee that the next relationship will not become ordinary and ordinary again.

We are all ordinary people, without the magic of eternal youth.

Everyone will get old eventually, so are their partners, and even more so for themselves. If you can hold a hand that is willing to accompany you to your old age, don't let it go easily.

Finally, you will find that people who have been unable to let go will have a day of forgetting; the love that has been entangled will also have a day of dissipation.

To love one person is the greatest respect for love.

Persistence is the greatest commitment to marriage.

A short-lived feeling is lighter than a feather; a perseverance to death is heavier than Mount Tai.

Marriage is not easy, and it should be done and cherished.


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