Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to "Urban Scene" that they looked for jobs through "", but they did not expect to find a job and lost hundreds of dollars.

2024/07/0111:21:33 education 1187

Source | Urban Live Original Release

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Summer vacation is here, and many students will choose to work summer jobs to earn some pocket money. Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to " Urban Live " that they looked for jobs through "58 Same City ", but they did not expect to find a job and lost hundreds of dollars.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

High school students Xiao Wu and Xiao Ye have been looking for summer jobs after the holidays. In late June, they found a human resources company located in the office building of Honggutan Wanda Plaza on and said they could help introduce jobs.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

High school student Xiao Wu: He said that there are jobs, and you have to pay a non-refundable resource fee of 400 yuan first. He said that you can rest assured that he will introduce jobs to you.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

After Xiao Wu and Xiao Ye paid the resource fee of 400 yuan respectively, Xiao Wu added the staff's QQ. After communication, the company said that they could recommend Xiao Wu to a cake shop for a summer job on July 9th. You can join the job.

High school student Xiao Wu: I called him on July 8 but never answered the phone. We came to the company at noon on July 9, and he ran away.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

The reporter noticed that the company is currently empty of people, and the person in charge cannot be reached on the phone. At the interview site, another high school student, Xiao Jin, also claimed to have been cheated, but she only paid 200 yuan.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

High school student Xiao Jin: They said that they might introduce me to jobs in cake shops or jobs that are close to each other and jobs that are paid on a daily basis. However, when they sent me, many of them were jobs in factories or had restrictions. At work, I asked you to return the money to me. They kept saying that they would only apply to return the money to you at the end of the month, but now there is no one.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

Xiaoye told reporters that after discovering that he had been cheated, he continued to look for other jobs in, but he also needed to pay fees.

High school student Xiaoye: I recommend you to go to a restaurant. He said that the monthly salary in the restaurant is 3,500 yuan. Then he will submit our resume to the restaurant and charge 500 yuan for information fee.

Reporter: Why was it not completed later?

High school student Xiaoye: I am afraid of being cheated again, so I never dare to go out to work during the summer vacation.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

Then the reporter called the 58 customer service number in the same city to learn about the situation. The staff said that they bought insurance for the job seekers and hoped to recover the lost money.

58 local manual customer service: A claim settlement email will be sent to your email address after 6 pm today (12th). You need to reply within 24 hours. After the reply, the review department will review your materials, and then you will be contacted within 3 working days. Call and communicate with you.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

This customer service staff told reporters that they are expressly prohibited from charging fees during the job search process, but it is difficult for them to supervise offline charging.

58 Human customer service in the same city: Our platform definitely does not allow them to charge additional fees. On the page There is a warm reminder that if fees are charged for offline communication when leaving the platform, we will not be able to supervise it, and we will also increase our review efforts.

Several students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province reported to

At present, these students have reported the relevant situation to the local police station.

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