"Summer Reading Plan" takes you to read classics together. Use books as a medium and reading as a bond! We have invited a number of reading instructors to start from the classics and guide children to study the classics in depth, accumulate reading experience, improve reading app

2024/06/2121:45:33 education 1883

"Summer Reading Plan" , will take you to read classics together. Use books as a medium and reading as a bond! We have invited a number of reading instructors to start from the classics and guide children to study the classics in depth, accumulate reading experience, improve reading appreciation ability, and form a reading method suitable for them; cultivate core literacy in Chinese and help children form a correct world view, outlook on life and values .

This reading plan will provide parents and children with key primary school reading strategies, making it easier for parents to learn reading guidance methods and play an active and effective guiding role in the entire reading process.

Almost every child cannot grow up without fairy tales. Brothers Grimm uses its rich imagination and beautiful language to tell children magical and romantic fairy tales one after another, teaching them to distinguish between justice and evil, kindness and cruelty, honesty and hypocrisy, wisdom and ignorance, and bravery. And cowardice, diligence and laziness...

" Grimm's Fairy Tales " is a collection of German folk literature collected, compiled and processed by two German scholars, Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm. It is a classic of fairy tales in the world. This book is selected from more than 200 stories in the complete collection, including "The Frog Prince ", "Cinderella", "Snow White" and other famous stories that are widely loved by children all over the world. It also includes some other equally interesting stories. , a masterpiece with metaphorical significance.

Talk introduction

Ask: What is a fairy tale? What fairy tales have you read? What is the difference between fairy tales and myths and legends?

Explore 4 secrets in "Grimm's Fairy Tales"

◎Look for the first secret at the beginning of the story

Once upon a time, there was a cat and a mouse who were good friends. Since they were good friends, the cat persuaded the mouse to live with him...

Once upon a time, there was a rich businessman who had everything. He had mountains of gold and silver, a virtuous and beautiful wife, and a very beautiful daughter named Cinderry. pull.

Once upon a time, there was a miller. He had a daughter who was so beautiful that even the king knew about it...

◎Decryption: The story all begins with "once upon a time". Once upon a time means that in the past, once, the time is very long away from us, and most of these stories are not true. This is the first typical feature of fairy tales: non-realism.

◎Look for the second secret in the protagonist of the story

Take a look, who do all the magical stories in "The Myths of Grimm" happen to? Who are the protagonists?

◎Humans: farmers, tailors, millers, princesses, kings...

◎Animals: lambs, hunting dogs, donkeys, crows, big bad wolves...

◎Elfs: elves, fairies, witch, monsters, devils... …

◎Decryption: The animals here can speak and have human thoughts and behaviors; mysterious elves and monsters will appear here, possessing magic and spells... This is the second typical feature of fairy tales: one-dimensionality.

◎Find the third secret in the plot of the story

Whether they are humans or animals, in the world of fairy tales, their lives are not always smooth sailing. The beautiful little princess lived happily in the palace, but she didn't know that she had been cursed by the bad fairy. On her fifteenth birthday, she pricked her finger with a spindle and fell into an eternal sleep; the beautiful little princess She originally lived a carefree life in the palace, but after her mother passed away, she was driven into the forest by her cruel stepmother and ate poisonous apples. The thumb doll lived happily with her parents, but was taken away by a stranger and returned. Swallowed by a wolf...

Take a look. People in the story have encountered all kinds of troubles. How to solve these troubles? How does the story end? Let’s sort it out.

◎Decryption: The third typical feature of fairy tale: structural patterning.

◎Find the fourth secret at the end of the story

From then on, the family lived a very happy life together.

From then on, no one heard anything about her again.

From then on, the thumb doll stayed with his parents.

From then on, the king rowed on the river every day...

◎Decryption: The stories all end with "from now on", which means: from now on, the good people get what they want, and the bad people are punished. This is also the fourth characteristic of fairy tales: oral narration conveys the belief of truth, goodness and beauty.

Design story

Based on the characteristics just summarized, can you try to choose a few words from the picture below and make up an interesting fairy tale?

Warm reminder: Who is the protagonist of the story? What troubles will he or she run into? What belief do you want to convey to people with this story?
Reading instructor in this issue

Character profile

Zhang Jian (Teacher Shui Xin): Founder of Yuanchuan Education; Dean of Yuanchuan Education Reading Research Institute; Senior teacher; 27 years of deep experience in the research and practice of children's reading guidance; New education seed teacher Training lecturer; cover character of "People of the Times·New Educators"; served as the national final review judge of Jack Ma's rural education plan for five consecutive years.

Summer whole book reading plan:

· Summer whole book reading plan first issue: read " The Amazing Mr. Fox " to teach children to perceive "amazing" from multiple angles

· Summer whole book reading plan second issue: read "The Wizard of Oz" Embark on a fantasy journey to decipher the code of reading and growth

· The third issue of the summer full-book reading plan: swim in " Forest News " and discover the magical mysteries of nature

· The fourth issue of the summer full-book reading plan: read "十" Ten Thousand Whys " Enter the colorful world of knowledge

· The fifth issue of the summer reading plan: Follow " Scarecrow " to enter Chinese fairy tales

· The sixth issue of the summer reading plan: Exploring the "Grimm's Fairy Tales" 4 secrets to understand the stylistic characteristics of fairy tales

Preview for the next issue:

· The seventh issue of the summer full-book reading plan: read " Alice in Wonderland " and explore the magical "rabbit hole"

Join the summer full-book reading plan to share insights

reading After completing the book, you can leave a message to our or send a private message to to share your reading insights (reading notes, writers’ stories, reading book reviews, etc.). There is no limit on the form of submission ( text, photos, videos are all acceptable).

· Reading notes

After reading the recommended books, write reading notes, sort out the exciting parts of the book, and record your own reading experience.

· Read book reviews

Read the recommended books, write down the memorable historical background, plot or insights, and think about the intriguing details in the book. Participate in the summer whole-book reading plan and have a collision and resonance of ideas.

·Writer’s Story

Let’s talk about the unknown story behind the writer. Under what circumstances did the writer write this book? Participate in the summer whole-book reading program and touch every profound soul.

This summer, let’s start from the classics and use books to measure the world! ! !

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