These days, people suddenly discovered that the "Mountain Myth Adventure" summer camp for young journalists, jointly launched by Jiyuan City Cultural Tourism Group and Top News, is blowing up this summer.

2024/06/2119:04:32 education 1844

Top News·Henan Business Daily trainee reporter Zhao Shanshan

On July 1st, the first phase of the camp was successfully concluded. On July 25th, the second phase of the tour will be launched soon. The children screamed with excitement, and the parents were extremely satisfied!

These days, people suddenly discovered that the "Mountain Myth Adventure" summer camp for young journalists, jointly launched by Jiyuan City Cultural Tourism Group and Top News, is booming this summer.

Judging from the first phase, the 5 days and 4 nights of summer camp activities were very successful. It connects the most representative natural beauty and cultural resources of Jiyuan all the way, bringing countless unforgettable moments to the children and the reasons why they can’t even pull them away.

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

This is a sign of the restart of the Jiyuan cultural tourism market, and it is also an epitome of Jiyuan cultural tourism's efforts to seize the first wave of summer tourists. Behind this, innovation to survive and never "lay down" are the keys to Jiyuan Cultural Tourism's ability to seize opportunities and ride on the momentum despite repeated epidemics.

[Those who have an insight into changes can always be one step ahead]

Jiyuan cultural tourism industry has never lacked crisis and contingency awareness. With the epidemic recurring, this is even more valuable.

Since May this year, under the guidance of the overall requirements of "preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safe development", a series of policies to "stabilize the market " have been introduced from the central to local governments to boost economic development. .

Zhang Lin, chairman of Jiyuan City Cultural Tourism Group, keenly captured the policy signals and made a bold prediction: "With the support of various relief policies, the market is expected to return to the recovery track in the summer of 2022. The student group will be the focus of Jiyuan Summer in 2022 The 'first march' of tourism."

Since the end of May, Jiyuan City Cultural Tourism Group has been planning in advance. On the one hand, it has guided scenic spots to plan summer activities for student groups and launched preferential coupon policies; on the other hand, it has actively cooperated with top news to use Its more than 10 outstanding research teams have tailored the "2022 Blue Research Summer Camp·Mountain Myth Adventure" activities for primary and secondary school students in Zhengzhou. The activities cover cultural tracing, red education, mountain adventures, animal science popularization and other tourism products, and have multiple functions such as traveling, learning, and exploring.

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

html In mid-June, good news came again. The Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued a notice advocating cross-city tourism and encouraging the "Traveling in Henan and Understanding China" summer study tour.

Jiyuan City Cultural Tourism Group seizes the "policy window period" and, on the basis of epidemic prevention and control, provides student groups with customized services such as "point-to-point chartered cars", one group policy, nucleic acid testing pick-up and drop-off, and launches "National Activities such as "Free Tickets for Students in the Summer". The popularity of summer tourism continues to rise, and major scenic spots are accelerating their recovery.

Under the epidemic, the first wave of passenger flow in the summer was firmly grasped by Jiyuan Cultural Tourism.

[Practice hard to be fully prepared to meet every opportunity]

Among the 18 cities in Henan, why did the Top News Young Reporter Summer Camp choose Jiyuan?

In this regard, the person in charge of the summer camp said: "The five-day itinerary of the Little Reporter Summer Camp must not only be supported by a rich curriculum system, but also ensure that all the children's needs for food, accommodation, and travel can be met in Jiyuan. It can be said that, Jiyuan’s study tours are already at the forefront of the province in all aspects. "

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

Such achievements are not easy under the continuous impact of the epidemic.

Jiyuan study tour started early and started from a high starting point. In 2015, Jiyuan was identified by the Ministry of Education as one of the top ten primary and secondary school study tour experimental areas in the country, which was the first of its kind in Henan Province. In the absence of experience and models to draw from, Jiyuan actively developed courses based on market conditions, provincial conditions and national conditions education, patriotism , technological innovation, etc., forming the " Qinhe Journey", There are many high-quality routes such as industrial studies and red revolution tours.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, uncertainties have increased. "Continuous shutdowns" have become the norm in the cultural tourism industry, and study tours have been slow to recover.

"The harder it is, the harder it is to practice internal skills to be fully prepared to meet every challenge and opportunity." Zhang Lin said.

In view of the problems existing in the study tour market such as insufficient systematicness and lagging supporting services, Jiyuan Cultural Tourism "prescribes the right medicine" to make up for the shortcomings.

First, take stock of “family assets” and integrate resources. Jiyuan City Cultural Tourism Group takes the lead in integrating cultural tourism, cultural creation, research, catering, and accommodation resources across Jiyuan through the "Study + Study +" model to truly realize all-region study and "aircraft carrier formation."

The second is to dig deep into the culture and create courses. In terms of curriculum, we deeply explore the patriotism education, red education, historical and cultural education, ecological and environmental protection education and other contents with Jiyuan's local cultural characteristics, create unique summer camp courses, and further enrich the study curriculum system.

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

The third is to improve supporting facilities and enhance professional standards. Systematically plan from the macro level to further improve supporting facilities, safety guarantees, professional instructor training and other mechanisms to create an educational, distinctive, safe, friendly and high-quality main image and core competitiveness.

The transformed and upgraded research service has brought about a qualitative change in experience.

After the first summer camp for young reporters of "Mountain Myth Adventure", young reporter Liu Chengen said: "This place is really like a living encyclopedia. Not only can you learn a lot of knowledge, but you can also experience it yourself. It's so interesting. Next time I will come again.”

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

Top News reporter said after five days of follow-up interviews: “We have been to Jiyuan several times, and the experience this time is really different. The whole trip is not only comfortable and enjoyable, but also gained new ways to play. Knowledge, as well as informative and interesting good news. "

[Review, the benefits are long-term marketing accumulation]

On July 1, the first phase was successfully concluded. On July 25th, the second phase of the tour will be launched soon. The number of subsequent registrations is still rising. The "Mountain Myth Adventure" summer camp for young journalists successfully "planted grass" in the Zhengzhou market.

Looking back on the first issue of the journey, not only are young reporters exploring the mountains and forests and reading about the culture, a series of promotional interpretations about Jiyuan’s cultural and tourism resources are also intensively launched, and it has received 1 million+ traffic in just half a month.

"A children's adventure in mountain mythology was written into a book!" On July 9, Zhang Lin "posted" the event's "Nine Palaces" promotional poster in his circle of friends.

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

Compared with previous years, this year’s summer camp for young reporters is also a “show” for Jiyuan Cultural Tourism to a certain extent. This kind of marketing effect made him particularly satisfied.

In fact, observing the marketing actions of Jiyuan Cultural Tourism this year, we can find that the popularity of the "Mountain Myth Adventure" summer camp for young reporters is not only due to the momentum during the schedule, but also relies on the long-term marketing accumulation in the early stage.

In the post-epidemic era, “family travel” has become the main force in travel. Jiyuan City Cultural Tourism Group took the lead and launched all-round and systematic marketing.

From the "Family Tour" super-value package launched by Wangwushan Scenic Area in February this year; to the Qingming Festival holiday, the anchor "a family of three" appeared in the "Yunyou Jiyuan" live broadcast; to the "Ke Xin Runaway Home" marketing The "Xiao Kexin" and "Kang Daddy" in the incident, the interlocking activities, seem to have no connection, but in fact they are connected. Every step is to strengthen the user's understanding: Jiyuan is the first choice for family travel with children.

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

These days, people suddenly discovered that the

At the same time, in the short video and live broadcast track, Jiyuan Culture and Tourism is also catching up, making full use of Wangwushan Scenic Area, Wulongkou Scenic Area and other Douyin matrix to create Jiyuan's urban personality and help Jiyuan release its charm.

has a high brand exposure rate and out-of-circle rate, and is initially showing results.

Before the summer vacation, among the multiple products provided by the Top News Young Reporter Summer Camp, many parents chose "Mountain Myth Adventure" without hesitation. The reason is that tourists' awareness and favorability of Jiyuan are increasing.

Of course, no marketing "play" will be done once and for all. "The hot spot of the summer camp for young reporters has passed. How to continue to activate the benefits in subsequent marketing and publicity is a question we need to think about." Zhang Lin's thoughts have jumped to the next idea.

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