Recently, the Credit China website showed that Beijing Huatu Hongyang Education and Culture Development Co., Ltd. (commonly referred to as "Huatu Education") published textbooks and books without authorization without a publishing license. It was fined 10,000 yuan and had illegal

2024/06/0805:49:32 education 1927

Recently, the Credit China website showed that Beijing Huatu Hongyang Education and Culture Development Co., Ltd. (commonly referred to as " Huatu Education ") published textbooks without a publishing license and was fined 10,000 yuan. And confiscate illegal property and illegal gains.

The reporter learned that Huatu Education is relatively well-known in the fields of civil servants, public institutions and other fields. According to its official website, the company was established in February 2003 with vocational education as its core. Its main business covers the recruitment and examination training of civil servants, teachers and other types of talents. In addition, the unit is also involved in external book sales. , including online and offline forms, mainly sells textbooks compiled for public examinations, but it does not have book publishing qualifications, only industrial and commercial business qualifications. The administrative penalty decision of

shows that between January 10, 2022 and April 2022, the unit engaged in the publishing business of publications without approval, and published the "2023 Juris Master Joint Entrance Examination One Complete Textbook Interpretation of Criminal Law" entity 804 books and electronic versions, 612 copies were issued; "2023 Joint Entrance Examination for Master of Laws - A Complete Textbook Interpreting Civil Law" was published, 1028 physical books and electronic copies, 800 copies were issued, and the "2023 Joint Entrance Examination for Master of Laws - Interpretation of Civil Law" was seized by law enforcement agencies on site. "The Complete Textbook Interpreting Criminal Law" 192 copies and "The Complete Textbook Interpreting Civil Law for the 2023 Juris Master Joint Entrance Examination" 228 copies. Among them, 800 copies of "2023 Juris Master Joint Examination One Complete Textbook Interpreting Civil Law" have been filed and punished by the Haidian District Culture and Tourism Bureau. The illegal business volume was 3,096 yuan and the illegal income was 1,836 yuan. His behavior violated the provisions of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the " Publication Management Regulations " that "newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products and electronic publications shall be published by publishing units." A reporter from

searched Huatu Education in the Credit China system and found that this is not the first time it has been sentenced to administrative penalties for illegal publishing. The company was fined 9,000 yuan on April 11, 2022, and had its illegal gains and illegal property confiscated for publishing illegal publications on the "Huatu Official Flagship Store".

Article 61 of the "Publication Management Regulations" stipulates: Without approval, establishing a publishing, printing or copying, importing unit of publications without authorization, or engaging in the publishing, printing, copying, importing, or distributing business of publications without authorization, pretending to be a publisher Any publication that publishes under the name of an entity or forges or counterfeits the name of a newspaper or periodical shall be banned by the publishing administrative department and the industrial and commercial administrative department in accordance with legal powers; criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law on the crime of illegal business; if it is not criminal enough If punished, publications, illegal gains, and special tools and equipment for engaging in illegal activities shall be confiscated. If the illegal business volume exceeds 10,000 yuan, a fine of not less than 5 times but not more than 10 times of the illegal business volume shall be imposed. If the illegal business volume is less than 10,000 yuan, a fine shall be imposed. , a fine of up to 50,000 yuan may be imposed; anyone who infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of others shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

Recently, the Credit China website showed that Beijing Huatu Hongyang Education and Culture Development Co., Ltd. (commonly referred to as

Lawyers explain

Publishing must be "licensed"

Ding Jinkun, a lawyer at Shanghai Dabang Law Firm, told reporters that currently only institutions with compliant publishing licenses in China can publish books. "Publishing is an industry with very strict regulations, and there are no exceptions."

Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm lawyer Zhao Liangshan said that only a business license from the industrial and commercial department cannot publish books, and a publication license is also required.He introduced the compliant book publishing process to reporters: According to the provisions of the " Book Publishing Management Regulations ", the compliance process for the establishment of units planning to engage in publishing business is: Step 1: Report to the press and publication administration of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government The department applies for a "Book Publishing License"; Step 2, the General Administration of Press and Publication will make a decision on approval or disapproval within 90 days from the date of receipt of the application for establishing a book publishing unit; Step 3, after approval by the General Administration of Press and Publication Within 60 days, the publishing unit shall obtain the book publishing unit registration form from the press and publication administrative department of the local province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government. After being reviewed and signed by the competent unit, it shall be reported to the press and publication administrative department of the local province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government; Step 4. After the department has reviewed the registration form of the publishing unit, it will allocate its publisher number through the China Standard Book Number Center within 10 days and notify the press and publication administrative department of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government; in step 5, the press and publication administrative department of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government will assign the publisher number to the publishing unit. After the registration form is reviewed, a "Book Publishing License" will be issued to the publishing unit within 10 days; in the sixth step, the publishing unit takes the "Book Publishing License" to the industrial and commercial administration department to handle registration procedures and obtain a business license in accordance with the law.

Recently, the Credit China website showed that Beijing Huatu Hongyang Education and Culture Development Co., Ltd. (commonly referred to as

Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News Trainee Reporter Sun Qingyun Intern Tan Dingyuan

Proofreader Sheng Yuanyuan

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