Students in our country have grown up with the phrase "study hard and make progress every day". When they were young, their families would say, "You must study hard so that you can be successful in the future by entering a good university." The ultimate goal of learning seems to

2024/05/1608:24:33 education 1252

Students in our country grew up with the phrase "study hard and make progress every day". When they were young, their families would say, " you must study hard, and you will be successful only if you get admitted to a good university in the future.". The ultimate goal seems to be to get into a decent university.

When applying for the college entrance examination, candidates and parents will spend time analyzing which school is better. Academic qualifications from good universities are highly valuable. Graduates from 985 universities and graduates from ordinary undergraduate universities will know that the former wins without having to compare them. Employers Graduates with high academic qualifications are also preferred.

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

Good universities have excellent teachers, strong financial resources, and abundant resources. These are all advantages. However, there are many universities in China, and it is difficult for students to decide which school is better from a comprehensive perspective.

Some people divide domestic colleges and universities into 8 levels. Those who don’t know how to choose a school can use it as a reference.

Domestic universities are divided into 8 levels. Those who pass the 4th level are academic masters, and the first level is far behind.

The most well-known ways to distinguish university levels are 985, 211, double first-class, first-level, second-level, private undergraduate, Judging by the label of the junior college, , but it is also a 985 or 211 institution, and the school level also has different levels.

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

In this table, every college in the first group is beyond reach. Even the top students can rarely pass the exam. Qingbei is naturally among them. After years of development in Qingbei It has gone abroad, and is also very famous abroad. The

table classifies domestic C9 colleges and universities as " first class, first class ", and they are truly worthy of being ranked at the top.

The second level refers to the 23 985 universities at the deputy ministerial level. They are all the best universities in various places. The city where the university is located will affect the development of the school. Universities in Beijing are always more famous , but This does not mean that 985 universities in other regions are not as high as those in first-tier cities.

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

The third tier is the remaining 7 985 universities after the first two tiers. Among the 985 universities, these 7 may be considered at the bottom, but they are basically because the subjects are not rich enough. You can get into any of them with . is very awesome, and the score is still quite high.

The fourth level has transitioned to the 211 universities. The score line for good majors in the top 211 universities of is no lower than 985. . Whether to choose an unpopular major to go to a better university or a better major to go to a first-tier university depends on your own situation. Decide.

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

These 47 211 universities are all top universities in various fields. The professional development of selected top universities is no worse than that of graduates from 985 universities. can be admitted to this level, which is the academic level. , most students can only be admitted to ordinary undergraduates. and specialist.

The gap between the 5th and 6th grades is widened. There is a big difference between attending a 211 university and attending an ordinary undergraduate university. The title of 211 is equivalent to an admission ticket. If the academic qualifications do not meet the requirements of the company, the resume screening will be carried out. The link will be eliminated.

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

But don’t think that it is useless to get into a general undergraduate program. There are tens of millions of candidates across the country, but only a few of them can get into 985 and 211 universities. Most students are ordinary people, and undergraduates have not yet reached the saturation level. On General undergraduate university majors are very important.

Those with high scores should choose a university, and those with average scores should choose a major.

Students of all score levels are faced with a choice. There are more than one school and major to choose from. Some students will be confused. Should the school be the main choice? Or is it mainly professional?

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

The author's suggestion is that those who have high college entrance examination scores and can go to 985 universities should choose a good university. The strength of famous schools is obvious to all, and students trained by famous schools are very recognized at work.

Students with average or lower college entrance examination scores can only go to ordinary undergraduate or even junior college students. There is no need to care too much about the quality of two universities with similar scores. There is not much difference in the levels of universities. Companies will not carefully distinguish the quality of ordinary universities. Rather than bad, what matters more is professionalism.

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

Candidates with lower-to-average scores should choose their preferred major . The top major in each school is the highest-level major in the school, with the best teachers and the highest quality of employment. Choose a good one. Professional for sure.

Students from prestigious schools can rely on the aura of the school to find a job, while ordinary students can only rely on their professional abilities to gain opportunities . It is important to choose a major that suits you and has good development prospects.

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

Author's opinion

In the eyes of parents, majors are divided into hot and cold ones. Popular majors are hot and popular. On the contrary, unpopular majors are often disliked. . The criterion for determining whether a major is hot or cold is the employment and development of the major at the current stage. Therefore, Professional hotness and popularity are not absolute. If

is developing well at this stage, it may not go downhill in the next five to ten years. If it is not developing well at this stage, it may not always be like this. The era is developing very fast, and some industries will fall from the cloud to the bottom in three or two years. , neither good nor bad is permanent.

Students in our country have grown up with the phrase

Candidates and parents should take a long-term view when choosing a major. should not just look at the immediate . The major determines the future career direction to a certain extent and should not be decided hastily.

Today’s topic: What do you think of the 8 levels of universities above?

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