Peking University "net celebrity doctor" proposed to be a teacher of East China University of Political Science and Law cited netizens to question, I said "give up the opportunity", the school responded

2021/07/1521:47:03 education 1694

Recently, a public announcement of East China University of Political Science and Law to be recruited has caused heated discussions on the Internet. Mei Zhen, who has participated in the reality show "Exciting Offer" and has been popular on the Internet for her beautiful appearance and the label of "Dr. Peking University", He is proposed to be employed as a postdoctoral and full-time teacher by East China University of Political Science and Law.

On July 7, the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued a public notice of proposed employment. This announcement also brought Mei Zhen himself to the forefront. Issues such as Mei Zhen's academic level and whether he entered the job through normal procedures have attracted the attention of many netizens. Some netizens who are suspected to be students of the school even said: "Why let someone who is not as good as us teach?"

On July 13th, the day before the end of the publicity period, Mei Zhen posted on her account "Miss Meizhen" Said: give up the teaching opportunity of of East China University.

Peking University

On July 15th, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News (reporting on WeChat xxcbbaaliao) contacted a teacher surnamed Wang from East China University of Political Science and Law. He revealed that Mei Zhen's resume met the requirements in form. The initial delivery was for the direction of intelligent law at the Law School, and he was transferred. to the Institute of Property Law. Whether Mei Zhen can be retained will be jointly decided by the college and the personnel office of the discipline.

Peking University

Beauty scholar? Many netizens questioned

In 2020, when Mei Zhen participated in a workplace observation reality show "The Heartwarming Offer", although she did not get the opportunity to retain the law firm in the end, her beautiful appearance, the title of "Dr. Peking University", A loving husband and a good family background have attracted a lot of online attention for her. Through the show, Mei Zhen's popularity has soared, and she currently has nearly 2 million followers on Weibo.

On July 7th, the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau released a public notice for the candidates to be hired by East China University of Political Science and Law. According to the announcement, Mei Zhen is planned to be admitted according to the "Measures for Public Recruitment of Public Institutions in Shanghai".Mei Zhen graduated from and of Peking University, and has obtained a doctorate. The publicity period is from July 7th to July 14th. According to

public information, " five colleges and four departments " is a common term in the field of law, which refers to China University of Political Science and Law , Southwest University of Political Science and Law , East China University of Political Science and Law, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law , Northwest University of Political Science and Law , as well as the law department of Peking University, Renmin University of China , Wuhan University , and Jilin University.

Is Mei Zhen qualified as a teacher in such a political and legal college with a high status in the industry? Mei Zhen was quickly brought to the forefront and caused dissatisfaction among students at East China University of Political Science and Law. In the online news of

, netizens are generally questioning Mei Zhen's professional level and ability. Some netizens said that after graduating from Australia Bond University undergraduate degree, Mei Zhen joined the Australian nationality, and then entered Peking University as an international student to study for a master's degree in economic law and a doctorate in economic law. Some netizens questioned that Meizhen's undergraduate degree, Bond University in Australia (QS world ranking 414) is not a famous school, and then entered Peking University as an international student, the threshold and difficulty will be reduced a lot, so the gold content is also insufficient.

Xiaoxiang Morning News (WeChat xxcbbaaliao) reporter found information about Mei Zhen in the 2014 preliminary list of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and international students applying for a master’s degree published on the official website of Peking University Law School , showing that Mei Zhen is of Australian nationality and majored in economics Jurisprudence. In addition, in the 2017 Ph.D. entrance examination of Peking University Law School to be admitted, Mei Zhen's major is also economic law.

In addition, netizens also believe that Mei Zhen's academic ability is not enough for her post.

According to the "East China University of Political Science and Law", one of the recruitment requirements of for postdoctoral fellows of is: independent publication of more than two academic papers in the C2-level core journals of the discipline.

However, after some netizens searched Mei Zhen's academic achievements on CNKI, they found that Mei Zhen's two papers were published in core economics journals, not in core journals of law, so the quality of his legal papers remains to be discussed.

Peking University Peking University

responded that he had given up the opportunity to teach, and the teacher of the School of Economics and Law said that he "hopes to refute the rumor"

After being questioned by a large number of netizens, Mei Zhen himself posted on Weibo account "Mei Zhen" on July 13, the day before the public announcement expired. Miss Sister" responded that she would give up the opportunity to teach at East China University of Political Science and Law.

Mei Zhen mentioned that he applied for a number of well-known law schools on the eve of graduation. The position and development prospects of the postdoctoral position of East China University of Political Science and Law were more suitable for him, so he made a choice.

Mei Zhen also said that she passed all the assessments of the recruitment process and passed the final result, but because too much false information has been widely spread recently, it has hurt the people around her. Although she cherished this opportunity very much, she finally decided to give up the job. .

But Mei Zhen's response did not end the discussion on this matter.

Does Mei Zhen have the qualifications for entry, and is the recruitment process of East China University of Political Science and Law compliant? Until July 15, East China University of Political Science and Law had not responded publicly.

On July 15th, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News (reporting on WeChat xxcbbaaliao) called the head office of East China University of Political Science and Law. However, the reporter called the personnel department and the publicity department many times, but they were not connected.

Xiaoxiang Morning News (reporting on WeChat xxcbbaaliao) found a recruitment plan on the official website of East China University of Political Science and Law.East China University of Political Science and Law plans to recruit 75 teaching and research staff, the required majors include law, political science, public administration, Marxist theory, sociology, journalism, criminology, forensic identification, intellectual property management, English language and literature, finance, Accounting, Economics, Computer and Science and Technology, Chinese International Education, etc. The

plan shows that 18 colleges have recruitment requirements. Because Meizhen is studying in Australia for her undergraduate studies, and her master's and doctoral degrees are in economic law, it is rumored that Meizhen will join the School of Economic Law or the School of International Finance Law of East China University of Political Science and Law.

In response to this question, in the recruitment plan, Teacher Zhang, the contact person in charge of recruitment at the School of Economics and Law of East China University of Political Science and Law, responded to a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News (reporting on WeChat xxcbbaaliao), "I have never interviewed Mei Zhen, and I have never been through (economics). Law School) recruitment process, the news on the Internet is not true. I hope it can help us to refute the rumors.”

The contact person in charge of recruitment of the school’s International Finance Law School, Mr. Xu, said, “Mei Zhen has never been here (International Finance Law School) ), all those who come to us for interviews are serious returnees.”

Peking University

The school teacher responded: The resume meets the requirements in form, and the specific personnel office decided

On the afternoon of July 15, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News (reporting on WeChat xxcbbaaliao) contacted East China Politics and Law A teacher surnamed Wang at the university said that when he was working, he was responsible for collecting resumes for several colleges.

"In terms of resumes, as long as Meizhen's resume meets the requirements in form, it will generally be pushed to the top, and then the leading experts above will assess whether she is qualified and whether Meizhen can be retained or not. decided together."Mr. Wang revealed that all recruitment needs to be organized and arranged by the personnel department, and then through the three levels of discipline, college and school, the personnel department is responsible for coordinating all the processes, and the standards are also set by them, and it is also up to them to decide whether to admit or not. Arrangement.

He confirmed to a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News (reporting on WeChat xxcbbaaliao) that Mei Zhen’s resume was originally handed to East China University of Political Science and Law School of Law in the direction of intelligent law, and her resume met the school’s requirements, but whether Mei Zhen was admitted in the end It needs to be decided by the relevant subject leaders and the school's personnel department.

In response to the situation that Mei Zhen's poor performance in the interview process was reported on the Internet, Mr. Wang said that he was not clear, saying that he had not participated in and was not qualified to participate in such an interview. It is only responsible for the specific matters of these details. "As for what standards are adopted by experts for evaluation, and whether there is a unified standard, I don't know, and I need to consult the personnel office. "

Teacher Wang also revealed that the school's recruitment is effective for a long time, and there may be indicators every year, so this recruitment has been hanging. "This is also a two-way selection process, and the school can also be carried out according to the intentions of both the school and the applicant. Adjustment, so it may not necessarily be arranged in the A department after the vote, and the school will also discuss with the applicant. For example, although Mei Zhen applied for Smart Law on her resume, she was eventually transferred to the Institute of Property Law, which belongs to the China Legal Strategy Research Center."

In this open recruitment plan, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News (reporting on WeChat xxcbbaaliao) found that the requirements for recruiting 2 post-doctoral teachers in the intelligent law major are "Ph.D.; have strong scientific research ability and potential; be proficient in English or German. French, Japanese and Russian, have certain academic research and accumulation in the fields of network, data and artificial intelligence law; have teaching ability and strong communication skills; pay attention to the challenges and responses of ICT technology law, and have published research articles on cutting-edge issues; have IT background is preferred".

The Institute of Property Law is recruiting a post-doctorate teacher, and the requirements are "Ph.D.; have a good foundation in civil and commercial law, strong multi-disciplinary research capabilities, and have research foundations in property law and data law, both at home and abroad. The core journals have published cutting-edge achievements in related fields."

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