The Surangama Sutra tells us that the body is our tool, and the soul is its own master. How are we reincarnated? It is not our body that reincarnates, because the body cannot enter the mother's womb. We are reincarnated as souls. When the soul reincarnates, it brings something ca

2024/07/0202:23:33 buddhism 1671

The Surangama Sutra tells us that the body is our tool, and the soul is its own master. How do we get reincarnated? We do not reincarnate with our bodies, because the body cannot enter the mother's womb. We reincarnate as souls, and the souls bring something called the bardo. The bardo is what you want to look like in this life. model. We take the model into the mother's uterus, and then use the father's sperm and mother's blood to regenerate it into this shape according to your own ideals. So to know what you want to look like, you must have planned and chosen it before you were a human being. Why would you choose it in advance? It’s all to match what you want to do in this life. So a lot of little kids are born. We can probably tell what he will do in the future at a glance.

Everyone is not born to do the same thing in this world. Everyone has their own destiny in life. We should not impose too many opinions on our children, we only need to raise them safely. He will definitely go according to his plan.

The Surangama Sutra tells us that the body is our tool, and the soul is its own master. How are we reincarnated? It is not our body that reincarnates, because the body cannot enter the mother's womb. We are reincarnated as souls. When the soul reincarnates, it brings something ca - DayDayNews

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