Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in "Journey to the West" to meet the needs of the subject matter. In fact, it was Xuanzang who took the initiative for his ideals.

2024/06/1021:06:32 buddhism 1837

When I first saw the word "Buddha", I wonder how you feel in your heart.

Strictly speaking, this is a kind of belief, not the rules and regulations mentioned by the outside world. will allow you to truly understand the distracting thoughts and contradictions in life, and what methods you should take to face or solve .

In this process, some so-called respected people cannot be ignored, such as Xuanzang.

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in "Journey to the West" to meet the needs of the subject matter. In fact, it was Xuanzang who took the initiative for his ideals.

During the Zhenguan period, private travel was not allowed. Even if Xuanzang applied for it on his own initiative, he still failed to get Li Shimin's consent.

People are always on the road to pursuing their dreams. Xuanzang finally secretly set off from Chang'an and began his journey to the West.

Xuan passed through more than 100 countries, and he could not avoid many hardships and hardships along the way. He finally reached the city of Shecheng, King of Magadha, Central India, and brought Mahayana Buddhism back to the Central Plains.

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

There are many "practitioners" among the people, and many people have begun to study with concentration. Naturally, there are some clear rules and regulations constraints, such as abstaining from sex, abstaining from meat, etc.

There was an eminent monk who broke the precepts many times and even married and took concubines twice. However, such " extraordinary behavior" did not affect his spiritual practice. There are rumors that when he passed away and was cremated, the root of his tongue was not burned. , what's going on?

A generation of eminent monks

may seem strange to you when you see this name. His name is Kumarajiva . Just because you have never heard of

does not mean that he is not famous. Many insiders still maintain a "reverence" for these four words in their hearts. To briefly talk about this person's achievements, " Diamond Sutra " is exactly the he translated. .

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

As a classic that expounds the secret meaning of Buddha nature, this book has a very high status, and it is still "understood and read" by many people until now.

Kumarajiva was born just like ordinary people, with nothing special about him. Later, his mother was inspired by Buddhism and decided to devote herself to practice.

Kumarajiva was only 7 years old at this time. He stayed with his mother all the time in order to survive. Even though he was not interested in Buddhism, he would still be influenced by her in a subtle way.

Thanks to the advantage of youth, Kumarajiva seemed to be so successful in his practice, and he had his own reputation at the age of 12..

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

As he grew older, Kumarajiva made a great decision when he reached adulthood - became a monk . He completely bid farewell to the secular world and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of Buddhism and personal practice.

Kumarajiva's realm continued to improve. After reaching a certain level, he began to adjust his personal goal, which was to promote Buddhism.

At that time, the Silk Road had been opened. Kumarajiva continued to move forward along this avenue. On the surface, he was engaged in so-called material exchange, but in fact it was a collision of the spiritual worlds of both parties.

There were bound to be frame-ups by some "well-intentioned people" along the way, but Kumarajiva never thought of backing down and maintained his reverence for Buddhism with practical actions.

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

At this time, the Central Plains was in troubled times, and many people were displaced and became the largest " innocent victims".

Despite the reality, they still retained their expectations for a better life. They began to place this emotion on the Buddhism preached by Kumarajiva, and believers began to spread on a large scale.

To put it another way, if Buddhism can reach such a high level in the Central Plains, Kumarajiva's contribution is indispensable, so this name seems so noble in the minds of many people.

Passed away and cremated

A closer look at Kumarajiva's life revealed that he was not as perfect as the outside world said, and he even had some "breaking precepts", but some of them were not his original intention.

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

Kumarajiva's country was destroyed by other countries at that time, and he himself became a prisoner.

For the winner, taking your life is definitely not the goal, but to destroy spiritually, such as doing some humiliating things. The most typical one is the "sheep-leading ceremony" of Jinguo .

After learning the identity of Kumarajiva, the enemy decided to let him break the constraints of Buddhism and become a "trampler".

Later, the enemy army specifically selected a target, the daughter of the king of Kumarajiva's country. Aren't both of them spreaders of faith? Then it will help both of you.

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

Both people's water was drugged and locked together, and they were eventually forced to become husband and wife.

Did you think this was the end? The later leaders of the enemy army became jealous after learning of his reputation, and secretly played a big game of chess. On the surface, showed a strong desire to learn Buddhism, but in his heart, he wanted to frame him. .

Kumarajiva was moved by the sincerity of this "hearted man". He believed that Buddhist practice should not be divided among people. As long as you have a sincere heart, you can practice, and then he began to preach.

During his practice, the person in power often awarded him awards in the name of "commendations". There seems to be nothing wrong with this, but they are all beauties, just to ruin his reputation.

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

Kumarajiva accepted it, but it was not accepted. In the end, he was forced to choose the former .

However, this does not affect his practice. After all, such a situation is inevitable. After losing his freedom, he began to translate scriptures just to better spread them, and never stopped preaching the Dharma.

Before his death, Kumarajiva made a vow that "the base of his tongue will never burn." Unexpectedly, during the cremation, Kumarajiva would actually experience the miracle " the base of his tongue would never burn." This is also an affirmation of his lifelong practice.

Smiling about the world

After all, Kumarajiva has never been ashamed of himself. Although

"made a mistake", his belief has never wavered. God knows the truest thoughts in his heart. What the final height and result will be are actually not that important. Because as long as you are worthy of yourself, you are not afraid of being blasphemed by fate.

Many people believe that Xuanzang was ordered by Li Shimin to set out. This was compiled in

At the end of the article, I would like to give you a word: has peace of mind, and the sea and sky are brighter .

The ultimate trouble for human beings is not the mysterious and terrifying nature, but the greed in the heart. How to restrain and suppress is the original intention of practice. No matter how the times develop, finding the light of the soul and driving away the demons in the heart is the eternal pursuit of mankind across time and space.

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