Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh

2024/05/3014:24:33 buddhism 1885

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews


From a top student in a prestigious 985 university with a bright future to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng?

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews


Shi Zheng Xiaotong was born in Henan in 1989 into a Buddhist family.

Her mother is a devout believer, which also means that Shi Zheng Xiaotong will inevitably be influenced by Buddhist culture since he was a child.

Other mothers sing children’s songs and nursery rhymes to put their children to sleep.

Shi Zhengxiaotong’s mother was different. When she was coaxed, she would read scriptures.

But what is unexpected is that this is actually very effective for a half-year-old child.

What accompanied her since childhood was not toys, but wooden fish, scriptures and other Buddhist utensils.

My mother will also tell her stories about Buddhism, and she is also very interested in this.

Under such influence, Shi Zheng Xiaotong slowly grew up and developed a quiet and quiet nature that infiltrates from his bones.

Perhaps it is because of her personality. Although she was a playful child, Shi Zheng Xiaotong was able to read and study quietly at home.

Maybe this is the reason why she became a top student!

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

Later, when he reached school age, Shi Zhengxiaotong went to the junior high school he was originally scheduled to attend. There are regulations that require students with rural registered residence to pay a borrowing fee before they can study there.

However, because the amount of money was not small and Shi Zheng Xiaotong was from an ordinary family, he later transferred back to the local Railway Middle School.

is a transfer student after all, and her personality is too quiet. She doesn't have many friends in Railway Middle School, so she is more or less isolated.

But this did not affect Shi Zhengxiaotong. She always maintained a serious study mentality and worked hard to improve.

Later, she was admitted to the best local high school - Anyang Experimental High School with first place results.

In 2005, Shi Zhengxiaotong took the college entrance examination, scored a high score of 647, and entered a 985 prestigious school - Shandong University with excellent results.

Shi Zhengxiaotong, a poor student, changed his life through reading through his own efforts and came out of a small mountain village. With inspirational stories like

, everyone believes that Shi Zheng Xiaotong will definitely have a bright future in the future, and it is inevitable that he will have a bright future.

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

After Shi Zheng Xiaotong entered university, she maintained her label as a top student as always.

not only has excellent grades, but is also a kind person.

is pretty, has good grades, and gets along well with others. How could he not be popular with teachers and classmates?

A beautiful academic master, of course everyone loves her.

In addition to studying, Shi Zhengxiaotong also has a rich after-school life.

She seems to have no shortcomings and can do well no matter what she does.

She has a lot to do, but she has always been able to arrange her time reasonably and not favor one thing over another.

In her extracurricular life, she also participated in student unions and clubs. At the same time, she was elected as the student union president because of her outstanding abilities.

Why would such an outstanding girl choose to become a monk after graduation? Obviously, she will find a good job after graduating from a prestigious school.

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

The reason for becoming a monk

A trip by Shi Zhengxiaotong was the reason why she wanted to become a monk.

The location of her trip this time was Tiantai Temple in Hong'an, Hubei. At the same time, Tiantai Temple was also the temple where she later chose to become a monk.

Because her family believes in Buddhism, it was no surprise that no one decided to go to the temple when Shi Zhengxiaotong said it. Therefore, their family all set off together happily.

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

Tiantai Temple, known as the Pillar of Zhongtian, has always been the title of the first peak in Huainan.

has a history of more than 1,400 years. It has a strong Buddhist atmosphere and is a 4A-level tourist attraction.

When Shi Zheng Xiaotong walked into the temple, he felt an unprecedented feeling, a sense of tranquility.Her heart suddenly calmed down, and she seemed to have a sense of belonging in this temple.

I think that at this time, her heart must be clamoring to stay here forever.

After Shi Zheng Xiaotong's parents had enough fun and went back, she stayed at Tiantai Temple for a few more days. She told her parents that she hadn't had enough fun yet and wanted to stay a few more days.

At that time, her parents didn’t think much about it. After all, Shi Zheng Xiaotong has always been a good girl, doing everything in a measured way.

In the next few days, Shi Zhengxiaotong ate and lived with the monks. He also chanted sutras and meditated with them, just like the monks.

She really wants to stay for a long time and become one of them.

But at the same time, Shi Zheng Xiaotong knew clearly that life these days was enough. She had to go back to complete her studies and take on the responsibility of providing for her parents in the future.

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

Ever since, Shi Zheng Xiaotong went down the mountain and continued her busy and fulfilling study life. But even so, she still misses those days.

Then one day, she had a dream. In the dream, Shi Zhengxiaotong was a disciple of the Buddha and was listening to the Buddha's chanting.

In the dream, she felt a sense of tranquility from the bottom of her heart.

The Buddha also told Shi Zheng Xiaotong that as a human being, she wanted to become a monk and practice Buddhism and to save all sentient beings.

After waking up from his dream, Shi Zheng Xiaotong made a prompt decision to become a monk. Although

believes in Buddhism, her parents were shocked after hearing their daughter's decision, and they thought their daughter had been stimulated.

However, Shi Zhengxiaotong said that he made the decision after careful consideration.

However, it is fortunate that her parents have believed in Buddhism for many years, otherwise they would not have been able to accept their daughter's becoming a monk so quickly.

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

Monk Life

Later, after Shi Zhengxiaotong graduated, her parents sent her to Tiantai Temple in Hong'an, Hubei.

The days of practicing in the temple are not as easy as it seems to outsiders.

The days of converting to Buddhism and staying with the ancient Buddha Qingdeng are not so easy to endure, and it will take you the rest of your life.

However, Shi Zheng Xiaotong seems to be enjoying it.

As we all know, Tiantai Temple has three major features, Zen music , Zen tea , and Zen forest.

Among them, this Zen music refers to the Guangxuan Art Troupe of Tiantai Temple.

It is worth mentioning that the Guangxuan Art Troupe is the first orchestra in the history of Chinese Buddhism that is composed entirely of monks.

Shi Zhengxiaotong serves as the host here.

She did not become a host overnight.

It was also because she participated in various club activities during college, which also gave her a little foundation in music theory.

Although she is not proficient in musical instruments, she has a strong learning ability. From the beginning of

, I was a novice and novice, and suddenly I became able to teach others.

It is indeed thanks to his experience in hosting various activities when he was in college that Shi Zheng Xiaotong soon became the mainstay of the art troupe.

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

Current situation

Shi Zheng Xiaotong is now nearly 32 years old.

is still as calm and generous as he was when he was young, with a peaceful expression on his face, which makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Now, she is still living a simple and peaceful life in Tiantai Temple.

The days of practice are very hard, but Shi Zheng Xiaotong feels very happy. This is the life she wants.

Later, although Shi Zheng Xiaotong unexpectedly became famous on the Internet, she remained as usual, as if this was just an ordinary piece of information to her.

But she is very happy, because this unexpected popularity has allowed more people to visit the temple, and the temple culture can be spread to more people.

It is worth mentioning that the Guangxuan Art Troupe performs in a small theater and holds Zen music activities once a month.

What becoming an "Internet celebrity" has brought to her is that it has expanded the influence of Zen music activities, and Tiantai Temple can better promote Buddhist music and Buddhist culture.

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

Shi Zhengxiaotong No matter where she is or what her identity is, she always adheres to her original intention. This is also very rare.

Perhaps just like her dream, she was born to practice cultivation and save all sentient beings.

Although many people still don't understand why, as a graduate of a prestigious school, she gave up her promising future and chose to become a monk and convert to Buddhism.

But seeing that Shi Zheng Xiaotong is still enjoying it now and does not have any regrets, we can know that this is the right choice for her.

But what I want to say is that no matter what it is, it is a personal choice. No matter what you get or gain in the future, you need to bear it yourself, as long as you don't regret it.

Preface: From a bright future 985 top student in a prestigious school to the most beautiful nun, the gap is so big and the transition is so sudden. Why did Shi Zheng Xiaotong choose to abandon everything in the world and instead always accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng? Sh - DayDayNews

If you have anything to say about this beautiful academic who graduated from a prestigious school but chose to convert to Buddhism, please leave a message for discussion.

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