The "Yonghegong" series of special courses are organized based on the Himalayan audio of teacher Xianzhe Zhiwuya. The transcript is compiled and provided by the group owner An Rui and the group friend team. First school: An Duan, Heng Shen, Lao Fei Ge, Strawberry, Sheng Xian, Shi

2024/06/2411:40:33 buddhism 1564


The "Yonghegong" series of special courses are compiled based on the Himalayan audio of teacher Xianzhe Zhiwuya. The text of

is compiled and provided by the group owner An Rui and the group friend team. The list of group friend teams is as follows (sorted by course program number):

First draft: Tianxin, Qingyu case

First school: An Duan, Hengshen, Lao Feige, Strawberry, Shengxian, Shiliang, 123, Ren Xiaozhan, Zhou Xinwei, Mei, Fu En, Lingxi, Ming, Wuyun, Edward, Wang Junyu, Dadong

Final school: An Duan, Tianlianghahaqiu, Lingxi, Ming, Edward, Jing Neng Sheng Hui, Wu Yun, Heng Shen, Ren Xiaozhan, Shengxian, Lao Feige, Mei

This course is online for the first time: 2019.12.2


In the previous lesson, we talked about the Panchen Tower and Jietai Tower, which have now been converted into cultural relics exhibition halls. The Lama Temple collects thangkas, ritual instruments, sutra tablets... there are many kinds of Buddhist cultural relics! There are thousands of thangkas and more than 19,000 sutra boards, of which only a small part is on display. Therefore, in 1995, the Lama Temple was awarded the title of "Tibetan Buddhist Art Museum" by the Beijing Cultural Bureau and was officially registered! This is the only temple museum officially registered in China.

In the previous lectures, I talked about the sutra boards when I was talking about them - the sutra boards collected by Yonghe Temple are the best in the country! A classmate left a message for me and said - Nanjing Sutra Engraving Office... now has more than 80,000 yuan, and has applied for intangible cultural heritage. This is normal! Because there are many places for Chinese people to collect sutra tablets, and some people have collected a lot! In Beijing, there are several places with collections of tens of thousands of sutra tablets, such as the Badachu in Xishan. There are also some private collections...well, collected by wealthy people.

Why is it said that Yonghe Temple is the best? I'm going to explain this a little bit. In the words of an antique shop, it can be understood in one sentence - as for porcelain, there is a difference between official kilns and private kilns, and their identities are different. The board of Yonghe Temple is the original version of and of Songzhu Temple. It is an imperial engraving! Because now there are some wealthy people from abroad or other places... who have collected a lot of boards... A complete set of " Taishozo ", how much does it cost to print a set... are out there. In fact, that kind of "Taishozo" has only cultural value and no cultural relic value! The electronic version of "Taishozo" has long been available... That kind of rigid version has only cultural value. What really has cultural relic value is the Yonghe Temple - the imperial edition.

Let’s talk about the basic knowledge about this exhibition hall in two parts...the basic knowledge about magic weapons. The collection of Yonghe Temple is mainly divided into two parts in these two halls: one part is called "Dharma Instruments"; the other part is called "Thangka". Let me talk about the exhibits. When you see them, you can apply the knowledge I talked about to specific objects. Let’s talk about magic weapons first.

Tibetan Buddhism has more ritual objects than Chinese Buddhism . It can be roughly divided into six categories:

The first category is called: the ritual category. What is salute? All offerings to the "Three Jewels" - offerings to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha... and offerings to the Sangha are considered respectful. For example - clothes, attire, cassocks, hada , hats... it is the "Ban Xia", these are all considered respectful - as long as they are offered to the "Three Jewels" of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, they are considered respectful. .

The second category is called: ritual category. As for rituals, they are "sounding instruments", which we often call "sounding instruments". That is... the musical instruments used in Buddhist ceremonies are all Buddhist music instruments. In fact, within the large branch of Buddhist culture , there is a small branch called "Buddhist music", which is divided into northern music and southern music. These ritual instruments are musical instruments, such as... bells, drums, gongs, trumpets... this, these things.

The third type of magic weapon is called: display type.What are furnishings? What is placed on the table is the one I talked about before - the seven treasures , the eight treasures , the five offerings, the incense burner... these are all magical objects (relevant reading: Lesson 24 of the Lama Temple) . There is one item that I haven’t talked about before, but it is very important to display magical instruments called "sea lanterns".

The fourth type of magic weapon is called: handheld type. As for handheld ones, they are common among us! If you hold that...that rosary or rosary in your hand, that's the handheld type. vajra , vajra bell , rosary beads... they are all available. Rosary beads, we in Han Dynasty just... always have them! However, what is special in Tibetan tradition is the vajra and vajra bell, which were transformed from ancient Indian weapons.

Vajra - can break, which is very important in Tibetan magic instruments. We said - vajra and vajra bell, this is a set! As I said before - this is a set of magical instruments, which represents a double success - wisdom and convenience! Generally, you don’t take one, but you take two (related reference reading: Lesson 41 of Yonghe Temple) . We have seen many thangkas that contain Tibet. After they are made, the master will stamp them with the vajra pestle seal, which is equivalent to the master's own seal... Yes, it has this effect!

The fifth type of magic weapon is called: protects the type of magic weapon. What is Huma? It's the amulet...well, the amulet. These are all amulets of the amulet type. We say - Humo is burning (related reference reading Yonghegong Lesson 64) , right! However, burning is external protection, which means using external fire; there is another type of protection, which needs to be observed with inner fire! So - this personal amulet and protective Buddha are all protective instruments.

The sixth type of magic weapon is common to is also common. What is it called? prayer wheel ! Also called - Mani wheel, Mani tube... Including sutra stones [The Mani pile is called "Duobeng", which means one hundred thousand sutra stones] These are all. Just... the big one is called "prayer wheel", ah... the small one is called "mani wheel". The smaller one is called " prayer wheel ", also called "Mani wheel". Such prayer wheels and prayer wheels were prepared for believers in ancient times, but not for eminent monks! why? Because the believers are illiterate. This is a bit like that... "Zhuanlunzang" in Yongkang Pavilion (relevant reference is to read Lesson 66 of Yonghe Temple) ... I can't read, so there are scriptures in this tube and spells outside. You just need to Just be able to recite the incantation! When you turn around and recite the incantation, it is equivalent to reciting the entire sutra once, but you have to turn it clockwise!

These types of magical instruments...are these six types of magical instruments. We will pick some distinctive ones from each category. For example, like salute, then... cassocks and hats are nothing worth talking about, right?'s nothing to talk about. We select some distinctive ones from each category.

The first category is the salute category - wearing these...hada...wearing, these are all. The most distinctive magical instrument here, displayed in this exhibition hall, is called " Five Buddha Crowns ". The Five Buddha Crown, we have mentioned it many times before... Five Buddhas , Five Buddhas. The Five Buddha Crown is also called the " Five Wisdoms Tathagata Treasure Crown" - there are five Tathagata on it, representing the five kinds of wisdom of the Buddha, so it is called - the Five Wisdoms Tathagata Crown. It is worn during the puja. It belongs to a formal outfit...a formal outfit...a dress. For example - if you hold a Mahamighty Vajra Mandala Dharma Assembly or a Puja Buddha Dharma Assembly, then you have to wear the Five Buddha Crowns to teach the Dharma. The Five Buddha Crowns are made of many materials, including the leather Five Buddha Crowns, the wooden Five Buddha Crowns...the ones made of gold, silver, and copper...the most simple ones are Made of paper, there are also five Buddha crowns made of paper. It is... a Five Buddha Crown made in the style of "Five Buddhas and Five Wisdoms" - it is surrounded by five leaves and has a rope underneath, which can then be worn.There is a Buddha statue painted on each leaf. Or, instead of drawing a Buddha statue, draw the first letter of in Sanskrit to represent the Buddha statue, that is...this Sanskrit letter represents the Buddha statue. As we have said - this is called " Seed word " (for related reference, read Lessons 8, 37, and 55 of Yonghe Temple) . This "seed character" represents this Buddha statue! Well, there are these five letters on the five pieces.

The Five Wisdoms Tathagata... If these five Buddhas were painted, they would look the same, and they would all behave like the Tathagata... So, what is the nature of the Tathagata, right? There are five colors, and they have to make five different mudras... We say that the Buddha statues are all the same, but if they want to have the nature of the Dharma Realm, they must make different seals with different mudras, representing respectively Five kinds of wisdom. This kind of wisdom is not the wisdom of ordinary people, but a specialized wisdom called "Buddha's wisdom." The so-called Buddhist wisdom is a kind of wisdom formed based on Buddhist teachings! It's not the same thing as saying to us ordinary people, "You are very smart and wise."

Five Buddha Crowns, then look at the picture... Well, it will be clearer! Moreover, you also need to make a list of its correspondence! Just make a list, and you will know very clearly what color each Buddha in the "Five Buddha Crowns" corresponds to, what wisdom it corresponds to, what mudra to form, and what it is called... You can make a list, or just look at the picture and say it with your mouth. It will be very convoluted.

The center of the crown of the five Buddhas - Vairocana Buddha , white, represents "the wisdom of the body of the Dharma Realm", and is knotted with the " Shi Great Wisdom Fist Seal". His pronunciation is "Oma"... that is, In the middle is "Oma", white;

Left (Eastern) Akho Buddha , cyan, represents the "wisdom of the great circle", knot "touching the ground seal", the pronunciation of Akho Buddha in the East is "Hum";

Baosheng Buddha (South), golden yellow, represents the "wisdom of equality"... Baosheng Buddha is from the south... Baosheng Buddha of the South, golden yellow, represents "wisdom of equality", is tied with the "Seal of Wish", pronounced (pronunciation) ——"Kama";

The right side is... the North Buddha is not empty, green, represents "Karma Wisdom" ( Cheng Zuo Zhi ), with the " Shi Wuwei Seal", his pronunciation is "Dan" "Ma";

Finally, there is Amitabha, red, representing "wonderful observation and wisdom", knotted with " Zen Seal ", His pronunciation is "Renma".

is... this, you can make a list of this, make a list of what I just said, and you will understand it at a glance, or you will understand it if you look at the real thing.

The second type of magic weapon is the "praise type" magic weapon. Praise, that is... Buddhist music instruments, once played, are praises to the Buddha! We'll talk about it in the next class.

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