When Dongpo saw that he admired Wang Anshi so much, he said: "I took out a few Buddhist sayings from the scriptures and mixed them with the Bodhisattva's words. I also found a few Bodhisattva's words and mixed them with the Buddha's words. Can you tell the difference clearly?"

2024/05/2502:58:33 buddhism 1670

The reason why great men are great is because we all kneel. Let us all stand up!

- Pu Ludong

During the years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo once visited Song Baoguo, the supervisory town of Jinan. Song Baoguo showed the "Commentary on the Huayan Sutra" written by Wang Anshi . Su Dongpo said: "The Huayan Sutra originally had eighty-one volumes, but now there is only one volume. What's going on?" Song Baoguo said: "The volume annotated by Jinggong (referring to Wang Anshi) is the Buddhist language, and it is very subtle. , the other volumes are all Bodhisattva words!"

When Dongpo saw that he admired Wang Anshi so much, he said:

Dongpo Seeing that he admired Wang Anshi so much, he said: "I took out a few Buddhist words from the scriptures and mixed them with the Bodhisattva words, and then found a few Bodhisattva words and mixed them into Can you tell the difference clearly among the Buddhist words?" Song Baoguo said: "No." Dongpo added: "I used to live in that place in Qixia. I heard that the pork in Heyang County nearby was very delicious, so I asked people to go there. The man got drunk on his way back and the pig escaped at night, so he bought another ordinary pig to replace it. After the guests tasted the pork, they all praised it and even said it was delicious. Ordinary pork is comparable. Later, the fake pig was exposed. When the guests found out, they all felt ashamed of their original statement. Today, the lie written by Jing Gong was just like the fake pig, but it was not exposed. That's all. If you understand it with your heart, you will find that the walls and rubble all reveal very subtle Buddhist teachings. As for saying that the Buddha's words are very subtle and cannot be compared with the words of Bodhisattva, isn't this just talking in a dream?" Song Baoguo said with shame. : "What you said makes sense."

When Dongpo saw that he admired Wang Anshi so much, he said:

To put it bluntly, some people think that the farts of celebrities are all fragrant. Su Dongpo thought this phenomenon was ridiculous, so he compared it to the "fake pig incident".

Bole is a famous horse-drawing teacher. Everyone thinks that he will never make mistakes in horse-drawing, as long as the horse he recognizes must be a good horse. Once, someone came to see him and said, "I have a horse that I can't sell. Please go to the horse market and walk next to my horse to take a look. Can you do that?" Bole agreed. , Sure enough, after he took a look, the horse was sold at a high price.

You see, Bole has become the "sitter" of this horse owner. He may be regarded as a pioneer in advertising.

When Dongpo saw that he admired Wang Anshi so much, he said:

In real life, some people always wear a wonderful halo around their heads, such as "such and such master," "such and such expert" and so on. These titles are always synonymous with "authoritative" in the ears of ordinary people. , but is this really the case? Many such "masters" and "experts", just like Wang Jinggong in the article, are making up mysteries and making up some Buddhist or Bodhisattva words. In the face of many kind and innocent people, they are just like in the article. Song Baoguo was deceived by this mystery. What's more, there are many "shills" around these fake masters. In this way, due to the deliberate deception of the "masters", the instigation of the "shills", and the ignorance of the public. Blind obedience creates a force that disrupts people's lives and achieves its ulterior and insidious purposes.

These examples remind us that as a rational modern person, we should not blindly follow or make trouble when encountering problems. , this way, you will make the right decision for


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