There is a parable story recorded in the "Book of Hundred Parables", which tells the story of a snake whose head and tail did not know how to cooperate and did not understand the importance of symbiosis, which led to death. There was a snake walking forward slowly. The tail of th

2024/05/3118:23:32 buddhism 1720

" Hundred Parables " records a parable story, which tells the story of a snake whose head and tail did not know how to cooperate and did not understand the importance of symbiosis, which led to death.

There was a snake walking forward slowly. The tail of the snake suddenly protested to the head of the snake: "Every time, you are in front and I am behind. Hey! It is me who bends you to move forward. Just let me walk in front once." Well!"

The snake head said: "The snake head walks in front, and the snake tail follows behind. It is only natural!"

The snake tail was still unconvinced, so he rolled his tail around the tree trunk. The snake head had no way to move forward: "We rolled up on the tree trunk. "If you don't have anything to eat, you will starve to death. Come down quickly!"

Shewei said: "Unless you let me go in front."

"Okay! Okay! I'm willing to go in the back, and you go in the front." "The smuggler had no choice but to give in.

However, the snake tail does not have eyes, so it cannot see whether the front is flat or dangerous. It just walks around without direction.

As a result, the snake's head and tail accidentally fell into the pit together, and they died together.

The mentality of "suffering the same fate" is very common in society. You don't see others as being better than yourself, superior to yourself, more capable than yourself, more popular than yourself, making more money than yourself... so you develop hatred, jealousy, obstacles, injustice, care, Comparison grows and grows in the heart, and gradually evil starts from the bottom of the heart. Arguments, frame-ups, evil words, and all kinds of evil words and evil deeds come out, making each other's sky full of smoke, making life difficult, boring and boring.

You might as well open your mind to others, respect and respect each other, and always treat others with the mentality of "you are big and I am small, you are good and I am bad, you have it and I don't have it". I support the good things of others. I preach that I am happy to praise other people's achievements, and I take advantage of other people's happy events. With this kind of mood, life is so comfortable.

There is a parable story recorded in the

Master Hsing Yun uses simple and unpretentious language to express the great wisdom of returning to nature; uses humorous and subtle stories to describe various situations in the world; and uses profound and profound Buddhist teachings to light up a spiritual beacon for readers.

We are generally in a state of impetuous and noisy life, and it is easy to feel empty inside and lose ourselves. Let us slow down, listen to the master's teachings, let our horizons suddenly broaden, and realize the true meaning of happiness and happiness from the master's lifelong practice experience. , discover the value of life!

There is a parable story recorded in the

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