At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,

2024/06/0522:04:33 buddhism 1128

At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,  - DayDayNews

The flowers in the Zen forest faded, and the eyes of man and heaven disappeared.

The contemporary Zen master Elder Shaoyun

passed away on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month of the Renyin year.

His life span was 85 years, and the monk La was 66 years old.

On July 4, 2022, at 4:30 pm, Shao Yun Old monk Yun In Baochan Temple Anxiangshebao, Baochan Temple issued an announcement:

At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,  - DayDayNews


Old monk Shaoyun has reported at Baochan Temple Anxiangsheba at 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022 (the sixth day of the sixth lunar month) .

According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, the funeral was kept simple. Disciples and disciples who were ordained and converted would recite Buddha’s name and dedicate their lives in their respective places, and would not go to Baochan Temple to express condolences.

Permanent resident of Baochan Temple

July 4, 2022

Life story of old monk Shaoyun

Old monk Shaoyun, with a common surname of Huang, a given name of Dequan, and a courtesy name of Qinglian, was born in Zhanggong Township, Hanshan, Anhui Province. In September 1938. He entered a private school at a young age, encountered Buddhism at the age of 12, and then came up with the idea of ​​taking refuge in the Three Jewels. When I was 19 years old, I walked to Yunju Mountain to pay my respects to the 110-year-old monk Xuyun as his teacher. He was given the Buddhist name Xuande and the courtesy name Shaoyun. In the autumn of the same year, he went to Nanhua Temple to receive ordination. After his consummation, he returned to Yunju Mountain to serve the old monk Xuyun. He studied Buddhism and listened to Master Haideng 's lectures on "Surangama", "Lotus" and other Mahayana classics. He followed him in the morning and evening. Study, immerse yourself in Buddhist scriptures, and explore the true meaning of life. In the spring of 1958, he was praised by the old monk En Xuyun and awarded the ninth dharma stipulation of the Weiyang Sect. At the age of only 20, he received the mantle of his mentor. Became the ninth descendant of the Weiyang Sect of Zen Buddhism. The letter verse says:

Xuanhong Jiuling Nian Hua's purpose is to demonstrate the harmony between virtue and spirit, deficiency and birth.

Shao Chuanjuehuangzhenyi, Yunju Miaohuaze Ciyun.

suffered ten years of catastrophe. In 1995, old monk Shaoyun returned to Yunju Mountain. At the invitation of Elder Yicheng, he became the head of the Zen Hall of Zhenru Temple and led the monks in cultivating. He was entrusted by him to compile "Old Monk Xuyun at Yunju Mountain" and "Yunju Rituals", and excerpted "The Essentials of Zen Zen" written by Xu Yun. In 1999, Master Shao Yun was invited to give teachings at Po Lam Zen Temple in Hong Kong. His teachings were prefaced by Master Shengyi himself and compiled into the book "Master Shao Yun's Teachings".

In 2001, at the invitation of the Hanshan County Government, the old monk Shaoyun was appointed as the abbot of Bao Zen Temple and restored the ancient monastery founded by Zen Master Hui Bao in the Tang Dynasty. From 2005 to 2007, he presided over the reconstruction of Fohui Temple in Hanshan County. In June 2006, he was appointed as the abbot of the Second Ancestor Temple.

While abbotting and restoring these monasteries, the old monk Shaoyun was invited by various jungle temples and served concurrently as Zhenru Zen Temple, Tushita Temple, Baofeng Temple, Gaomin Temple, Hongfa Temple, and Wolong Temple. , Baolian Temple, Baolin Temple and other temples are the first. In March 2006, as the first Shaolin Temple in Songshan, we received a visit from Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has been invited to India, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places to host Zen classes and spread Zen methods. For Shaolong Buddhism, even though he is very old, he still spares no effort to help all sentient beings, promote education and benefit others. Thanks to the protection of the dragon and heaven, everyone worshiped him.

When I first met the old monk Xuyun, the 19-year-old said: In order to become a Buddha and become a monk,

In August 1956, Master Shaoyun graduated from high school. He was only 19 years old at the time. He traveled all the way from Hanshan County, Anhui Province to Yongxiu County, Jiangxi Province. Living in the Zhenru Temple in the mountains, he sought refuge with the old monk Xuyun and sought to become a monk.

According to Master Shaoyun’s self-report, as early as when he was 16 years old, he had secretly written letters to the old monk Xuyun without telling his family. Fortunately, the old monk Xuyun would reply to him every time.

Old monk Xuyun met the young Master Shaoyun for the first time and asked him why he became a monk? Shaoyun replied: To become a Buddha! This answer made the old monk Xuyun very happy, and he immediately accepted the 19-year-old Master Shaoyun as his disciple, and personally ordained him, naming him Xuande and Shaoyun.

In the winter months of that year, Master Shaoyun went to Nanhua Temple to receive full ordination. Then he returned to Yunju Mountain to live permanently and went out to the slopes with others. A few months later, I began to serve the old monk Xuyun. During the day, I listened to the lectures of the abbot, Master Haideng.

Image of old monk Shaoyun during his lifetime

At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,  - DayDayNews

In 1957, the 118-year-old old monk Xuyun was photographed with Master Dazhong in Yunju Mountain. Master Shaoyun is the one behind from the right.

At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,  - DayDayNews

On September 20, 2017, the "Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Painting Training Class of Contemporary Painting Monks and the Unveiling Ceremony of Datong Academy" was held at Touzi Temple in Tongcheng. Old monk Shao Yun (middle) attended the opening ceremony.

At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,  - DayDayNews

In January 2019, Shao Yun The old monk participated in the re-lighting ceremony of the ancient hall of the Sixth Patriarch Ancient Temple in Yanyan, Guangdong, and led the congregation.

At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,  - DayDayNews

In January 2019, the old monk Shaoyun participated in the re-lighting ceremony of the ancient hall of the Sixth Patriarch Ancient Temple in Yanyan, Guangdong. The re-lighting ceremony of the ancient temple hall

At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,  - DayDayNews

In July 2019, the old monk Shao Yun participated in the opening ceremony of the academic seminar "Shaolin Temple and the Zen Ancestral Court of the Shaolin Temple" in July 2019. Seminar

At 4:30 pm on July 4, 2022, the old monk Shaoyun passed away peacefully in Baochan Temple. Baochan Temple issued an announcement: According to the old monk’s lifetime will and the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, all funeral arrangements will be simple,  - DayDayNews

Old monk Shaoyun burned incense to express his condolences to Elder Jinghui

"Zen is the one thought at the moment. This thought cannot be thought of twice, there is no middle, no good or evil, no increase or decrease, it is Zen." This is what the old monk Shaoyun said about Zen. understanding. Buddha's fate gives rise to Buddha's love. The lifelong love affair of the old monk Shaoyun makes people marvel at the compassion and fearlessness of the Buddha.

Today, a generation of eminent monks has left us, but the Zen sect is still there, the light of Buddhism is still there, and the truth that leads us to liberation is still there. Elder Shaoyun showed Nirvana to the public. He only hoped that the public would seize the time and work hard to repay the kindness of the elder.

I pray to Elder Shaoyun

Not to abandon all sentient beings, and come again with the wish

Guangduan Saha sentient beings

Namo Amitabha

Namo Amitabha

Namo Amitabha

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