Is it normal to be pregnant without morning sickness? Doctor: I'm most afraid of asking me this kind of question

2020/08/0414:48:04 baby 864

Morning sickness is a relatively normal physiological manifestation during pregnancy. After pregnant women become pregnant, the value of progesterone increases, which has a certain impact on the pregnant woman's gastrointestinal tract, causing pregnancy reactions. Some pregnant women have morning sickness lasting for a long time, so is it normal if pregnancy does not have morning sickness?

Is it normal to be pregnant without morning sickness? Doctor: I'm most afraid of asking me this kind of question - DayDayNews

I have a girlfriend who takes care of her daily, so her mental and physical conditions during pregnancy are quite good. It was not until her first trimester that she suddenly realized a problem one day after her pregnancy. She had never had morning sickness except for the nausea and nausea in the few days she had just learned that she was pregnant. Could this phenomenon be a sign of a fetal problem? The more I thought about it, the more scared my girlfriend became, so she hurried to the hospital for examination with her husband.

After the inspection results came out, it was confirmed that the fetus was not only okay, but also developed very well. My girlfriends feel very puzzled when they are happy, why some people vomit stomach problems during pregnancy, even from the beginning of pregnancy to childbirth, but some people have never vomited during pregnancy. They asked the doctor: What is this? What is going on, is it the problem of the fetus? The doctor also said angrily: I am most afraid of asking this kind of question! Working as an obstetrician and gynecologist for so many years has been asked too many such questions, but it has nothing to do with the fetus.

Is it normal to be pregnant without morning sickness? Doctor: I'm most afraid of asking me this kind of question - DayDayNews

Infertility is mainly caused by these three aspects:

1. The reason for the physical fitness of pregnant women

The physical fitness of pregnant women will affect the degree of pregnant women. Some women usually pay attention to exercise, and their diets are healthy and reasonable. If they don't stay up late, their physical fitness will be very good. Therefore, the burden of gestating a life in its body is relatively small, and it will not show morning sickness.

And some women usually lack exercise, diet and sleep time are unreasonable, and most of the things they eat are also unhealthy and unbalanced, so their physical fitness is very poor. This can be seen from the fact that the body loves to get sick, so the birth of a new life is a bit too much for her body, and there will be some reactions, which are expressed as morning sickness.

2. The psychological reasons of pregnant women

Women often experience emotional changes after learning that they are pregnant. Whether it is joy or worry, or other psychological changes, it will cause certain psychological pressure. These psychological pressures are reflected in the body as morning sickness.

The greater the psychological pressure and the greater the emotional changes, the more severe the degree of morning sickness will be. This cannot be controlled by humans. And some people have better psychological quality and better control of emotions, so it is not uncommon for people to not have morning sickness.

3. Reasons for hormone secretion in pregnant women

The substance that causes morning sickness in expectant mothers is called chorion. After women become pregnant, chorion will promote the increase of hormones in the body of pregnant women, and this hormone will stimulate To the human stomach. Once the gland hormone index exceeds a certain level, it will have a certain impact on the stomach of pregnant women, which will cause the phenomenon of morning sickness in pregnant women.

Fetal factors According to common sense, the degree of morning sickness is also closely related to the growth and development of the fetus.

Some fetuses develop well and are relatively quiet in the mother’s belly. Such fetuses will not cause a lot of burden on the mother’s body. The expectant mother will not be tossed, and the morning sickness will be relatively mild, even Yes no. It also confirms the saying that parents educate naughty children: "You won't worry about being in the womb."

And some fetuses are not so worry-free, they will always be naughty in the belly of expectant mothers, which will stimulate pregnant women to cause morning sickness.

Is it normal to be pregnant without morning sickness? Doctor: I'm most afraid of asking me this kind of question - DayDayNews

How to relieve morning sickness?

Pregnant mothers will have mild picky eating, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fatigue during morning sickness. Although these symptoms are normal reactions of pregnancy, they are for the health of the pregnant mother and the baby. It is necessary to properly relieve morning sickness. So how to relieve morning sickness?

1. Relax your body and mind, and go through this stage with a calm attitude to relieve the bad mood of tension and anxiety. Pay attention to rest and ensure adequate sleepRelieving morning sickness is also very helpful.

2. Choose light, easy-to-digest foods, eat small and frequent meals and change patterns frequently to promote appetite.

3. Vitamin B1 and B6 can be taken orally, which can help relieve morning sickness. What needs to be reminded is that if the degree of morning sickness is mild, it has little effect on life and work, and usually does not need treatment.

4. Ginger can relieve morning sickness. Put fresh ginger slices in your mouth, or add ginger juice when drinking water or milk, these can alleviate the symptoms of nausea.

5. Proper exercise can relieve morning sickness. Appropriate participation in some light activities, such as outdoor walks, doing maternity exercises, etc., can improve mood and relieve morning sickness.

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