Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check

2020/07/0512:32:04 baby 1048

Recently, many novice mothers have asked a question in the parenting group: What is the reason why a baby cries as soon as he eats milk?

It is clear that the baby's feeding situation is very good before, and he eats when he is hungry and eats smoothly, But after 5 months, he often starts to cry as soon as he eats, and there is still time during the day I cried with milk, and stopped crying with milk at night. Many novice mothers were puzzled by this phenomenon.

Today, let’s briefly talk about the reasons why babies cry during breastfeeding? What moms can do and what to pay attention to during breastfeeding.

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews

01 Reasons why babies cry when they are breast-feeding

There are many reasons why babies cry when they are breast-feeding, and their appearance periods are also different.

1. Baby teething

Some babies grow teeth early and start to grow deciduous teeth at 4 months. At this time, the reason why the baby will cry as soon as she feeds Toothache.

When the baby's teeth are teething, the oral cavity will have itching and pain, especially when drinking milk, the muscles of the oral cavity need to be used. Once there is pain, the child will naturally cry.

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews

2. Inflammation of the baby’s throat or mouth

When the baby’s throat or inside of the oral cavity is inflamed, he naturally does not want to take milk, and some babies will also suffer from it. Thrush, when the baby is drinking milk, it will be painful to touch, causing the baby to cry.

Third, the anti-milk period

The baby will have the anti-milk period when the baby is 2-4 months old, and there will be phenomena such as reluctance to drink milk and crying when drinking.

The duration of the anti-milk phase is uncertain. It depends on the baby's condition. Some babies may be only a few days old, and some may last a few weeks.

Mothers don’t need to be too anxious. Because the 3-month baby's waking time gradually becomes longer and he is interested in external things, so the concentration is not very high when feeding. , and because of With the increase in months of age, the baby’s growth rate gradually slows down, and there is no need for frequent breastfeeding. If the novice mother does not understand this situation and keeps feeding her baby, the baby will naturally cry as soon as she feeds.

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews

IV. Baby flatulence

Because the intestines of newborns are not fully developed, they will not move regularly from top to bottom like adults, which are often random. The top and bottom are squeezed together, so flatulence will occur.

Generally, there are several reasons why babies cry when they are breastfeeding, but there are so many reasons, how should parents judge?

Don't worry, continue to look down.

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews

02 How to judge and comfort a crying baby

If the baby starts to cry after the teething, the parents should first pay attention to determine whether the crying is caused by the teething .

can help the baby to massage the gums, prepare a pacifier or molar stick, etc.

If you find a sore or inflammation in your baby’s mouth, go to a professional hospital for examination first and take the medicine under the guidance of a doctor.

If the baby is tired of milk or flatulence, the baby is unwilling to drink milk for no reason, or starts to noisy after taking a bite frequently, starts looking for it again without eating, often hums or starts to cry.

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews

Parents don’t need to worry too much about the baby crying, can give the baby water appropriately, do not need to force milk, because the baby in the anaerobic period and flatulence period has no other symptoms, just no Like to drink milk .

Especially the baby in the period of flatulence. Although the baby seems to be very painful in the eyes of the parents, he often hums and cries, but he is not sick. Every newborn will experience it.At different stages, just different degrees.

Parents don’t need to be anxious, can touch the baby properly, and calm down when feeding. Once the mother becomes anxious, the baby will naturally receive the anxiety and become more reluctant to drink.

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews


Many parents have a lot of confusion about baby feeding, especially novice parents, they should be cautious about their attention on feeding baby. Be cautious.

Once the baby stops breastfeeding, he starts to be anxious. If he thinks whether the baby is sick or doing something wrong, he is always frightened.

For this reason, I have listed some precautions when babies are feeding, and hope to give some suggestions to novice parents.

1. Feed according to the baby’s needs

Some parents fell asleep after seeing the baby taking two mouthfuls of milk, and couldn’t help but worry if the baby was not full and would wake the baby to continue eating .

is actually unnecessary, breastfeeding mothers will continue to produce milk as the baby sucks, and the secretion will continue to increase over time.

Generally speaking, the milk secreted by mother is just enough for the baby’s "meal". From the first two bites, she falls asleep to increase her milk time later. This is a gradual process. is The mother doesn’t need to wake up the baby to drink more milk, and don’t worry about too little milk. I believe that the milk produced by the mother is the amount the baby needs .

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews

2. Babies from 0-6 months need to be fed water and complementary food

Mom’s milk contains more than 90% of water, even formula milk contains water It is sufficient for the baby's needs, so unless the baby is sick and the doctor recommends water, the mother does not need to feed the baby.

Food supplement is the same. The best food for babies before 6 months is breast milk or formula milk powder. There is no need to add supplementary food. The nutrition in breast milk is sufficient for the baby’s growth and development. Adding supplementary food early will harm your baby’s digestion. ability.

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews

Third, the breastfeeding posture should be accurate

Many novice mothers feel that breastfeeding does not require posture, as long as the baby can get the milk.

This is a wrong idea. For example, let the baby lie down and take milk, the baby can easily cause vomiting or gas.

Mom can feed the baby in a cuddle position. Mom can sit on a chair or half-lying on the bed, place the baby's head in the mother's elbow, hold the baby's butt, and let the baby's whole body The body is in the arms of mother.

In addition, the side-lying position is more suitable for mothers who have a C-section. It is not easy to touch the wound, and it also prevents the baby from overwhelming the mother's wound during the feeding process.

Mom and baby are lying on the bed, lying on their sides face to face, the mother puts her head on her arms, the baby’s mouth is facing the mother’s nipple, try to keep a level posture, mother The other hand supports the baby’s back and holds the baby’s neck position.

Why does the baby cry as soon as he feeds? 4 reasons, novice mothers rush to check - DayDayNews


There are definitely more suggestions on newborn feeding. As the baby grows, parents also need to continue to learn how to raise the baby, especially in the current social development. Soon, the experience of many elderly people is no longer suitable for modern babies, such as diapers or diapers, and cannot listen to experienced elderly people. Parents still need to continue to learn about parenting.

But don’t be anxious, especially when raising a baby in the first 6 months, if the parents are very anxious, the baby will also be anxious, which is very detrimental to the baby’s growth and development. Children at this stage need all-around satisfaction , Need parents to have a stable and healthy mood.

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