Today I will share 3 types of summer health water that pregnant mothers and children can safely drink. The ingredients are simple and homely, and the preparation is easy. It can moisturize, remove fire and drive away dampness.

2024/07/0211:47:32 baby 1455

today shares 3 types of summer health water that pregnant mothers and children can safely drink. The ingredients are simple and homely, and the preparation is easy. It can moisturize, remove fire and drive away dampness. This summer is a must. Drink tons of water, you can’t get enough of it.

Especially for children who like to sweat but don’t like to drink water, remember to arrange it for them. Cook a pot in hot weather. The whole family can drink it. It has a clear and sweet taste and can be drank as a drink. Children like it very much ~

1. Apple fried rice tea (sweet and sour to appetize, drive away wetness)

Today I will share 3 types of summer health water that pregnant mothers and children can safely drink. The ingredients are simple and homely, and the preparation is easy. It can moisturize, remove fire and drive away dampness. - DayDayNews

Ingredients: 1 apple, 20g of fried rice, shredded ginger A little

method: fry the rice over low heat until golden brown (you can fry more at a time), cut the apple into pieces, pour the prepared ingredients into the health pot or add 1.2L water to the pot, and cook for about 20 minutes ~

2. Three Bean Drink (Qing Shu to quench thirst, the ancient famous prescription Bianque Three Bean Drink )

Today I will share 3 types of summer health water that pregnant mothers and children can safely drink. The ingredients are simple and homely, and the preparation is easy. It can moisturize, remove fire and drive away dampness. - DayDayNews

Ingredients: black beans 50g, red bean 50g, mung beans 25g (you can add a little more when getting angry honeysuckle boil water together, children You can also replace red adzuki beans with soybeans to strengthen your pi.)

Method: Soak the beans for 1 hour in advance, then add 1.2L of water and cook for about 40 minutes. Of course, you can also use the wall-breaking machine to directly make soy milk and drink it. (Children can just drink tea soup)

3. Bamboo cane and water chestnuts (clear and moisturizing, lowering qi, perfect for summer)

Today I will share 3 types of summer health water that pregnant mothers and children can safely drink. The ingredients are simple and homely, and the preparation is easy. It can moisturize, remove fire and drive away dampness. - DayDayNews

Ingredients: 44 figs, 3 water chestnuts, half a snow pear, bamboo cane 2 sticks

Method: Peel the water chestnuts, cut the pear into pieces, put the prepared ingredients into the pot together, add 1L of water and cook for about 20 minutes. It is refreshing and sweet, and it tastes good without adding sugar ~

In hot weather, it is suitable for many people. Drink some clear and moist soups to drive away the heat and spend this summer happily! !

# homemade fairy drink #summer drink #clear heat and relieve summer heat #remove moisture #note inspiration #dry this cup of health tea

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