Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said: "In the past few years, I have borrowed tens of thousands of dollars in loans to treat Tingting, and now the bank is urging me to pay it back. The child's parents can't earn much money from working, and they haven't even paid for living

2024/07/0122:55:33 baby 1647

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

"Tingting's rehabilitation treatment is finally effective. She can speak at the beginning, why didn't she do it?" In the rehabilitation hospital , the doctor asked Tingting's grandma incomprehensively. Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said: "In the past few years, I have borrowed tens of thousands of dollars in loans to treat Tingting, and now the bank is urging me to pay it back. The child's parents can't earn much money from working, and they haven't even paid for living expenses this month." When I came back, my child's grandfather was seriously ill with hemiplegia. "There was nothing we could do. "Making the decision to give up treatment made my grandma suffer more than anyone else. She took her granddaughter to seek medical treatment alone and persisted in treatment for two years. Now she has just seen a little hope, but it is about to be shattered again. Grandma has been awake all night these days, blaming herself and feeling guilty. The picture shows grandma holding Tingting.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

Grandma Tingting is 58 years old this year. In 2019, her granddaughter Tingting was rushed to the intensive care unit due to hypoxia when she was born. After staying in the hospital for 7 days, Tingting's condition suddenly deteriorated seriously, and her eyes turned up and twitched. Symptoms, he was urgently transferred to Kunming Children's Hospital. Although Tingting was discharged from the hospital and returned home after a period of treatment, she still had symptoms of cerebral palsy . The picture shows grandma accompanying Tingting in rehabilitation training.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

Mom and Dad took Tingting around to seek medical treatment and rehabilitation. However, until Tingting was 1 year old, the family could not go on because of increasing debts. In order to have money to treat Tingting, her parents decided to go to Zhejiang to work and earn money. Grandma took Tingting alone to continue her rehabilitation. Fortunately, after unremitting efforts, Tingting, who was 3 years old at the beginning of this year, finally started to speak, and the only word she could say was grandma. After waiting for more than 2 years, her granddaughter finally got better. Grandma saw hope, but this hope was quickly extinguished. The picture shows grandma holding Tingting for treatment.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

Since the beginning of the year, the income of Tingting’s parents, who are working outside, has dropped sharply due to various reasons. In addition, in order to treat Tingting’s illness in the past two years, the family has borrowed tens of thousands of yuan in loans from the bank. Now the bank has been pressing for repayment. Under multiple pressures, Tingting was forced to interrupt treatment. The night before she decided to give up, grandma held Tingting and cried all night. She finally heard her granddaughter call her grandma, but she was unwilling to give up treatment at this critical moment. The picture shows Tingting’s grandmother.

Fortunately, there is always a path. Grandma found out that there is a hospital in Qujing that provides rehabilitation treatment and has policy support, so she can spend less money. She was overjoyed and hurriedly brought Tingting to this hospital, where she continued her rehabilitation treatment.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

Since the hospital is far away, Tingting’s grandma has to get up at 5:30 every day. After washing and feeding Tingting, she must first carry her on her back and walk for more than 40 minutes to the bus station, and then take the bus for 40 minutes. The car drove me to the hospital, and it was the same when I went home at night. Running back and forth every day, grandma has no complaints no matter how tired she is. "As long as Tingting can continue to receive treatment and get better and better, I will not be afraid no matter how hard or tired I am." The picture shows grandma and Tingting.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

In order to make Tingting's treatment last longer, grandma was frugal and wished she could break every penny in half and spend it. "There was no money at home, and I didn't even dare to buy fruit. One time, other children were eating apples, and Tingting kept staring at him. My heart broke when I saw her envious eyes. What about us adults? It doesn’t matter, but this child is suffering too much,” the grandmother cried. The picture shows grandma carrying Tingting down the stairs.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

However, fate refused to favor this family that had gone through many hardships. Tingting's grandfather had been in poor health for many years and suffered from multiple diseases such as myocardial infarction, lumbar disc herniation and gastritis. In order to save the only money he had for his granddaughter's treatment, the doctor suggested that he undergo surgery many times but he refused. Some time ago, my grandfather suffered a sudden cerebral infarction and was sent to the intensive care unit. After emergency rescue, he still suffered from the sequelae of hemiplegia. The picture shows a grandma accompanying her granddaughter in rehabilitation training.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

"I also accept hemiplegia. I am already half buried in the soil. Don't waste money on my treatment. Tingting is still young. Leave the money for her treatment.""Grandpa's words made Grandma Tingting feel very distressed. She had her wife on one side and her granddaughter on the other. Grandma was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do. Of course she wanted to save both of them, but the family was at the end of its rope and she really couldn't support them both. He was treated. Finally, at Grandpa’s insistence, he was discharged from the hospital and returned home for conservative treatment.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

Although the family tried their best to keep Tingting on treatment, the reality was cruel. The pressure of treatment costs was like a mountain that weighed down the family. Even though Tingting’s parents tried their best, and even though her grandfather gave up his own treatment, Tingting’s treatment was still difficult. The picture shows grandma supporting Ting. Tingting learns to walk.

Grandma Tingting wiped her tears and said:

“Tingting has not learned to walk yet, and I am not willing to give up. As long as my granddaughter can be well, I will do anything. "Grandma Tingting secretly vowed that no matter how difficult it is, she will find a way to make her granddaughter stick to the treatment, but now she really doesn't know what to do. The picture shows grandma holding her granddaughter.

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. From February 2022 onwards, what you will see on Toutiao are group projects. Children of the same type share a donation project, and the money will be based on that. The manuscript data will be allocated to the corresponding children. Original works are strictly prohibited and any infringement will be prosecuted!

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