My wife said: "How can you get along in society like this? You will act on the slightest problem, regardless of age or age, and do not respect authority." We are in a free love, so she wants to train me to be a super official who is full of evil and evil. On the other hand, I wan

2024/07/0115:49:32 baby 1561

My wife said:

last night. The children and wife quarreled. Not even a reason.

The wife said: "How can you get along in society like this? You will play tricks on the slightest problem, regardless of age, and have no respect for authority."

The son said: "It doesn't matter if you don't respect an elder like you, you are not unreasonable at all."

My wife said:

My wife grew up in a family of officials, and she has been influenced by it since she was a child, and has the habit of being a wealthy and bureaucratic wife. We are in a free love relationship, so while she wants to train me to be a super official with great evil, she also wants to train her child to be an omnipotent genius.

has grown up in various cram schools since childhood. It cost a lot of money, but none of them persisted to the end, and none of them came back after learning.

The wife then attributed the problem to the child's lack of effort and the child's father's lack of cooperation.

Shifting the blame and being unreasonable have become commonplace. This is indeed the way to be an official. If you have an official position, you can play with it. If you don’t have an official position, who can you play with? All that's left is to play with the family.

My wife said:

As soon as I enter the house every day, I hold my phone in my arms and never let go. He also always says that others don’t learn.

doesn't take the initiative to do any housework at home. He is always picky and instructs others to do this or that.

has never reflected on his impatience, bad temper, sophistry, acting rogue, and being full of swear words.

The kids and I are miserable. I look forward to leaving this home every day. Life has no meaning. I don’t know why we all have to live together, and why three people who can’t communicate normally have to be tied together to hurt each other.

Everyone has the source of abnormality in his life. From a young age, we need to start cultivating and practicing in order to change the family's bad roots, such as laziness and bad temper.

I have never been beaten since I was a child because I am a boy and our family values ​​boys over girls, but this does not mean that I agree with this matter. So I don’t have a good relationship with my sister. I feel that I owe her and my parents owe her. So I don't discriminate against girls, and I'm not a male chauvinist, so I successfully got out.

But I went to the other extreme - cowardice.

wife no. The wife continued the family's bad temper. So a bad-tempered wife and a cowardly husband will affect the character of the next generation.

Children are very contradictory. On the one hand, they are unreasonable, but on the other hand, they tell you to be patient and respect others. He didn't know what the child should do, no one taught him, and he was even more confused. His young heart was very painful and confusing, and the people closest to him did not stand by his side and did not give him support and encouragement.

My wife said:

What should we do as a child?

1. Resist pressure and do what you think is right.

What I think is right may not necessarily be right, but it must be the basis for fighting against the inferior character of the original family. Only with the foundation can we have the opportunity to grow.

It is not easy to withstand pressure. Many people become depressed under high pressure. This is not surprising. The principle of pressure reducing valve is a way to solve the problem.

pressure reducing valve is a safety device of pressure vessel . For example, the pressure reducing valve of a pressure cooker, its function is to break the pressure before the pressure inside the pressure vessel reaches the maximum pressure allowed by the pressure vessel, and release the pressure from the pressure reducing valve.

There are many kinds of pressure reducing valves. Overeating, alcohol, talking, exercising, and unconsciously reducing stress are mostly irrational and even extreme. On the contrary, this is very dangerous, and it is easier to do things that harm yourself or others.

Active stress reduction and scientific stress reduction should be based on your own conditions and choose exercise, chatting and work, which is the best.

2. Learn about the native family and realize your own character flaws.

Only by recognizing one's own problems can one find a solution to the problem. If a person does not recognize one's own problems, there is no way to change it.

"You can't wake up a person who is pretending to sleep." The person pretending to be asleep here is ourselves.

The family of origin is a very complex system. Some characters have been passed down from generation to generation and have become deeply ingrained. In particular, some character traits have two sides.In different scenarios, the results will be completely different, which is why some people are confused.

is like violence. When used on family members, it is cruel and ruthless. Used on the enemy, it means bravery and fearlessness. Special attention should be paid to adjusting such character traits. Every abuse of character is dangerous. Including cowardice.

3. Learn from outstanding idols.

Many people are able to break away from their own circles because they have the support of an idol. For idols, fans will worship them blindly, and this blindness is a good way to change their personality. All blindness comes from the heart.

It is very important to choose the right idol, or ignore the general character of the idol-the character of ordinary people. Don't chase stars or bother, just establish it in your own heart. The totem cannot manifest itself, so don’t let Ye Gong love the dragon.

So it is safer to worship an ancient man.

4. Read more and read good books.

This is not a promotional slogan, but my gratitude from the bottom of my heart. One book is enough to influence a person's life, and many good books will definitely benefit people for life. Not only can it guide you on how to behave, but it can also guide you in the direction and teach you methods.

There are so many books on the market now that it’s so confusing that you can’t tell them apart. Then don’t read current books, read ancient books, read classics. A book that can be circulated for hundreds of years and thousands of years must have its own wisdom, and it must be great wisdom.

My wife said:

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