Difficulty falling asleep is a manifestation of sleep disorders. Irregular sleep time, hunger or overfullness when falling asleep, chronic diseases or poor sleep environment are all common causes of sleep disorders in infants and young children. In addition to the above reasons,

2024/06/2202:01:32 baby 1959

Difficulty falling asleep is a manifestation of sleep disorder . Irregular sleep time, hunger or overfullness when falling asleep, chronic diseases or poor sleep environment are all common causes of sleep disorders in infants and young children. In addition to the above reasons, insomnia in older children is often caused by stress, anxiety, depression due to factors such as studying and exams, or drinking or taking certain foods that excite the central nervous system at night. Some children develop conditioned reflexes due to their fear of sleep, resulting in habitual insomnia and so on.

Difficulty falling asleep is a manifestation of sleep disorders. Irregular sleep time, hunger or overfullness when falling asleep, chronic diseases or poor sleep environment are all common causes of sleep disorders in infants and young children. In addition to the above reasons,  - DayDayNews

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that falling asleep is the process of the human body transitioning from activity to quietness, that is, the process from yang to yin. Therefore, difficulty in falling asleep means that yin and yang are out of touch. Therefore, the principle of medicinal and dietary therapy is to replenish deficiency and reduce excess, and reconcile yin and yang. For those who are thin, easily tired, sweaty, have a red tongue with little coating, or have geographic tongue and difficulty falling asleep, , you can try mulberry lily porridge.

Ingredients: mulberry 15g, lily 15g, 50g japonica rice, appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Preparation method: Add water to the three ingredients and cook them into porridge, season with appropriate amount of rock sugar. This porridge is sweet and sour.

Usage: as complementary food.

Efficacy: Mulberry is sweet and cold, returns to the heart, liver and kidney meridian, functions to nourish yin and blood, moistens the intestines, and promotes fluid production; lily is sweet and slightly cold, returns to the lung and heart meridian, functions to moisten the lungs and relieve cough, clears the heart and calms the mind; japonica rice is sweet and flat, returns to the spleen and stomach meridian, functions Buzhong and Yiqi , invigorates the spleen and stomach , relieves polydipsia and relieves diarrhea and dysentery; rock sugar is sweet and flat, returns to the spleen and lung meridian, has the function of tonifying the middle and replenishing Qi, harmonizing the stomach and moistening the lungs. All medicines are used together to nourish yin, purge fire and calm the mind.

Applicable to: Thin body, easy fatigue, excessive sweating, red tongue with little coating, or geographic tongue, difficulty falling asleep.

Applicable age: html Children over 61 years old.

□The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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