If a child has many ideas, this is a good thing, which means that the child has the will to think. However, if the child just stays at this step, cannot persist in doing anything for a long time, and always gives up halfway, then no matter how good the idea is, it will become emp

2024/06/0906:20:33 baby 1697

If a child has many ideas, this is a good thing, which means that the child has the will to think. However, if the child just stays at this step, cannot persist in doing anything for a long time, and always gives up halfway, then no matter how good the idea is, it will become emp - DayDayNews

If a child has a lot of ideas, this is a good thing, which means that the child has the will to think. But if the child just stays at this step, cannot persist in doing anything for a long time, and always gives up halfway, then no matter how good the idea is, it will become empty talk. , has little value and meaning.

So we will see in reality that some children will make various plans, but often fail to put them into action and fail in their actions.

For example, we made an appointment with our children to read for half an hour every night, but the children only persisted for a week and then could no longer persist; we wanted the children to practice a hard-stroke calligraphy every day, but the children only persisted for a few days and then failed. The days of "three days fishing and two days drying nets" began... Such states are actually manifestations of children's lack of mobility and thinking.

The so-called action thinking means that you already have a solid way of thinking and responding to actions. No matter what the goal is, it will be completed reflexively.

What is certain is that once children have this kind of action thinking, they can largely avoid the problem of giving up on doing things halfway and not persisting.

For every parent, the sooner you help your children develop an active mindset, the better. It can effectively prevent children from giving up halfway and other problems.

If a child has many ideas, this is a good thing, which means that the child has the will to think. However, if the child just stays at this step, cannot persist in doing anything for a long time, and always gives up halfway, then no matter how good the idea is, it will become emp - DayDayNews

So, how should we cultivate children's mobility thinking? The following four aspects may help us open up ideas to solve the problem.

01 Parents need to let their children learn to take the responsibility of keeping promises.

Keeping promises is a reflection of a person's basic qualities. Obviously, no one likes a person who does not keep promises. The so-called commitment of

must be arrived at after repeated consideration and careful consideration.

Parents need to pay attention to cultivating their children's awareness of trustworthiness when educating their children, so that their children can learn to take responsibility for promises. But achieving this is not easy. This is because, although this request is made for children, children will inevitably be subtly influenced by their parents when they get along with their parents day and night.

Therefore, we parents must first set an example and set a good example for our children in this regard. When getting along with our children, we must practice what we preach and cannot break promises to others.

If parents often do not keep their words, the children will feel that it is no big deal and will despise the promises more and more. In this case, how can we expect the children to keep their promises?

If a child has many ideas, this is a good thing, which means that the child has the will to think. However, if the child just stays at this step, cannot persist in doing anything for a long time, and always gives up halfway, then no matter how good the idea is, it will become emp - DayDayNews

In order to avoid this phenomenon from happening, we parents must pay more attention to our words and deeds in our daily lives, and strive to set a good example for our children. If the promise to the child cannot be fulfilled for some reason, we can discuss with the child to change the time, and we must do a good job in the "aftermath" work. In short, parents should set an example and do what they say they will do when they plan things, so that their children can deeply understand the connotation of "keeping promises".

At the same time, parents must also make clear rewards and punishments. If it is discovered from the beginning that the child has not kept his promise, parents should not ignore it, but let the child know the responsibility of doing what they say and bear the consequences of not keeping the promise.

If a child has many ideas, this is a good thing, which means that the child has the will to think. However, if the child just stays at this step, cannot persist in doing anything for a long time, and always gives up halfway, then no matter how good the idea is, it will become emp - DayDayNews

02 Parents should help their children make scientific and reasonable plans.

Sometimes there is some unreasonableness in the setting of plan goals, such as setting goals that are too high, which can also lead to giving up halfway.

We can help children formulate a scientific and reasonable plan. Don't be too ambitious or unrealistic. Set the goal very high. In the end, it will be difficult to implement, leading to a situation where it cannot be completed.

Of course, the goal cannot be set too low. The goal will be achieved before the child has put in any effort. In this way, the child will not experience the sense of satisfaction and achievement of achieving the goal, and will not be able to supervise action.

The appropriate goal should be to combine the child's own conditions and formulate a slightly difficult plan goal that the child can achieve by standing on tiptoes.

After the child has formulated this executable plan goal, it should not be shelved or locked in a drawer, but should be pasted where the child can see it when he looks up. It is not only conducive to children's self-discipline, but also conducive to parents' supervision.

If a child has many ideas, this is a good thing, which means that the child has the will to think. However, if the child just stays at this step, cannot persist in doing anything for a long time, and always gives up halfway, then no matter how good the idea is, it will become emp - DayDayNews

03 Use the influence of positive stories and powerful friends to improve your mobility.

All success in the world is not easily achieved. The most important thing is to rely on the children's mobility.

Parents can recommend some biographies to their children, explore the growth experiences of life role models with their children, and see how celebrities in history persisted for a long time and how they overcame difficulties and achieved success step by step. These examples can serve as role models for children on the level of values.

In addition to the influence of positive stories, parents can also encourage their children to become good friends with friends who are more capable than themselves. Children can work hard with them and make progress together, and will not retreat easily when their actions are frustrated.

04 Provide positive guidance to children, and constantly supervise and encourage them.

In most cases, the mental development of children before and after school age is immature, and their self-control is definitely not as strong as adults. They need supervision and encouragement from their parents.

If a child has many ideas, this is a good thing, which means that the child has the will to think. However, if the child just stays at this step, cannot persist in doing anything for a long time, and always gives up halfway, then no matter how good the idea is, it will become emp - DayDayNews

For example, when we find that a child's performance during this period of time is unexpected, then we must give the child a positive evaluation in time, urge and encourage them to act better, so that they can always maintain their enthusiasm for action.


We must guide our children not to be "giants" in language, but to be "giants" in action, and ultimately become people with action thinking, so that they can achieve every goal on their growth path!

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