Hello everyone, I am Guo Mom~ Will summer be happy without ice cream? As an adult, summer without ice cream is unhappy. So as a child, they may not be happy in the summer without ice cream. Last time I took Pistachio to the mall, we each had an ice cream, and Pistachio also had a

2024/06/0807:57:32 baby 1369

Hello everyone, I am Guo Mom ~

Will summer be happy without ice cream?

As an adult, summer without ice cream is unhappy.

So as a child, they may not be happy in the summer without ice cream.

Last time I took Pistachio to the mall, we each had an ice cream, and Pistachio also had a small ice cream. When we were sitting in the snack bar eating ice cream, a little boy about 5 years old, about the size of a pistachio, pulled his grandma's sleeve and said, "Nanny, I want to eat ice cream too!"

Grandma quickly dragged the boy away: " You can't eat it, it's too cold. You'll get diarrhea if you eat it! You'll catch a cold..."

Hello everyone, I am Guo Mom~ Will summer be happy without ice cream? As an adult, summer without ice cream is unhappy. So as a child, they may not be happy in the summer without ice cream. Last time I took Pistachio to the mall, we each had an ice cream, and Pistachio also had a - DayDayNews

Then, the boy was forcibly dragged away by his grandmother, but looked back at the ice cream in Pistachio's hand helplessly. Halfway through, the grandma noticed that the boy was still looking back and didn't know what he was saying, so she pulled the boy's ears and turned his head.

The backs of the grandfather and grandson disappeared, but I don’t know if the little boy’s unhappiness has disappeared.

1 The gap between children who are "allowed to eat ice cream" and those who are "not allowed to eat"

Whether children are allowed to eat ice cream, sometimes parents feel that it doesn't matter, it's just something to eat. But the fact is that the impact on children may be greater than parents imagine.

Psychological Gap

People Things that were not available in childhood will eventually become obsessions when they grow up.

There is a memory effect called "Cicconi effect" , which means that people always tend to forget those things that have been completed, but they always remember things that are not completed and end halfway.

Hello everyone, I am Guo Mom~ Will summer be happy without ice cream? As an adult, summer without ice cream is unhappy. So as a child, they may not be happy in the summer without ice cream. Last time I took Pistachio to the mall, we each had an ice cream, and Pistachio also had a - DayDayNews

For a child, if "ice cream" becomes something he has never been able to get in his childhood, then ice cream will become his obsession when he grows up.

And when a child grows up, no one will restrain him anymore, he will "compensate" himself and eat a lot of ice cream without restraint. At this time, the harm to the child's body will be even greater.

In general, parents who don’t let their children eat ice cream will also impose many restrictions on their children in other aspects, which will cause their children to have countless obsessions. When obsessions pile up, how can a child's heart afford it?

And for those children who are satisfied, ice cream will not become their obsession. When ice cream is regarded as ordinary, it is not easy to "overdo it".

The Gap in Intimacy Needs

"Intimacy" mentioned: The root of human beings' pursuit of intimate relationships lies in needs. And this need is actually the missing part of childhood.

The demand for ice cream, snacks, etc., if the child does not obtain it in childhood, therefore, the child will look for the person who is willing to satisfy his needs throughout his life.

Hello everyone, I am Guo Mom~ Will summer be happy without ice cream? As an adult, summer without ice cream is unhappy. So as a child, they may not be happy in the summer without ice cream. Last time I took Pistachio to the mall, we each had an ice cream, and Pistachio also had a - DayDayNews

As a child, children love whoever meets their needs.

For example, if the mother does not let the child eat ice cream, but the grandma does, the child will particularly like the grandma and even help the grandma to say bad things about the mother. Maybe the child will understand the mother's good intentions towards her when she grows up.

However, when grows up, the child's intimacy needs are still affected, and the child will easily become the person who is "cheated away by a cup of milk tea" because this is the child's inner need.

Material and spiritual needs are both unmet. When children choose intimacy needs in the future, they will mistake the material given by others for spiritual, and thus choose "cheap" love.

2 Can children eat ice cream?

Eating ice cream has a relatively large impact on children’s needs and psychology. However, there are reasons why parents don’t let their children eat ice cream. Therefore, we still have to discuss pragmatically: whether children can eat ice cream.

The answer is yes : Yes, but it must be "limited".

Hello everyone, I am Guo Mom~ Will summer be happy without ice cream? As an adult, summer without ice cream is unhappy. So as a child, they may not be happy in the summer without ice cream. Last time I took Pistachio to the mall, we each had an ice cream, and Pistachio also had a - DayDayNews

Although the ice cream is very cold, it still takes a certain amount of time from the entrance to the stomach.Under normal circumstances, as long as the child does not eat in large gulps, the ice cream will melt first in the child's mouth and then enter the stomach. This relatively small stimulation will not have much impact on the child most of the time.

In addition, the ingredients of ice cream are very unfriendly to children, which is also the main reason for parental restrictions. High sugar, unhealthy cream, stimulating chocolate, etc.

However, don’t eat often and don’t eat too much . The impact on children is actually not big.

Generally speaking, children can eat ice cream. What parents need to pay attention to is the speed at which their children eat, the amount they eat, and the quality of the ice cream. If you control these three points and eat appropriately, you'll be fine.

3 Let "eating ice cream" become a "rule"

Guo's mother tells me how she arranges for pistachios to eat ice cream.

Hello everyone, I am Guo Mom~ Will summer be happy without ice cream? As an adult, summer without ice cream is unhappy. So as a child, they may not be happy in the summer without ice cream. Last time I took Pistachio to the mall, we each had an ice cream, and Pistachio also had a - DayDayNews

Some children are in really good health and don’t have diarrhea no matter how much they eat. However, Pistachio is a sensitive child and she cannot eat too much. The "control" mentioned by Guoma above, here is a detailed explanation of how to control it.

First, set the rules.

In fact, preschool children are the best time to set rules. Even if they are eating ice cream, they can set rules. Letting children eat is to satisfy their psychology. Setting rules and limiting eating helps children learn to control their desires and avoid uncontrolled temper when they grow up.

We have a rule of eating ice cream once every 2 weeks when the body is comfortable, and the same goes for mom and dad.

Secondly, children with poor health should choose "little ice cream"

To be honest, after eating a large stick of ice cream, the fruit mother herself will feel "cold", not to mention that there are many children who, like pistachios, get cold as soon as they eat cold ones. Easily uncomfortable. With the addition of the ingredients of ice cream, it is actually not very child-friendly.

So, we can either buy the special small ice cream, or make her own small ice cream.

Even if one eats it slowly, it can last for a long time, and the child is very satisfied.

Hello everyone, I am Guo Mom~ Will summer be happy without ice cream? As an adult, summer without ice cream is unhappy. So as a child, they may not be happy in the summer without ice cream. Last time I took Pistachio to the mall, we each had an ice cream, and Pistachio also had a - DayDayNews

It should be reminded that even if the child is in good health, Guo’s mother does not recommend eating too much ice cream , because cold food will have a negative impact on the child’s body after all. And eating too much can easily cause various problems such as obesity, tooth decay, and so on.

Finally, it is important to eat slowly

What children enjoy about ice cream is not the coolness after entering the stomach, but the coolness and "sweetness" of ice cream in the mouth. So, tell your children to eat slowly and enjoy the sweetness longer! Children will also be willing to comply.

In this way, the ice cream that is cold at the entrance will be warm after entering the intestines and stomach.

It should be noted that you must rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after eating!

Message from Guo Mom

In fact, whether it is ice cream or other snacks, in this era, complete restrictions by parents will only affect the psychological development of the child, and will cause the child to "revenge need satisfaction" in the future.

Instead of doing this, parents should set rules, choose products correctly, and control them!

topic discussion: In hot summer, would you let your children eat ice cream?

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