In the documentary "Amazing Mom", in front of the camera, the mother confessed to her daughter Jasmine: "I hope my daughter can be an ordinary child, know how to listen and follow her inner voice, not be affected by her mother's preferences, dare to dream and pursue her dreams br

2024/06/0411:54:33 baby 1019

Everything we do for children will bear fruit, not only affecting his life, but also determining his life.

Educator: Montessori

Indeed, a child is like a seed. What kind of flower you want it to bloom depends entirely on the cultivation of your parents.

Parents’ self-worth should not be reflected by their children.

In the documentary

In the documentary "Amazing Mom", in front of the camera, the mother confessed to her daughter Jasmine: " I hope that my daughter can be an ordinary child who knows how to listen and follow her inner voice. Not to be affected by her mother's preferences, dare to dream and pursue her dreams, and become whoever she wants to be. "

On the one hand, she hopes that Jasmine will be brave enough to be herself and pursue everything she wants.

But on the other hand, she arranged the life of an athlete for Jasmine.

In the documentary

When Jasmine was four years old, she started learning figure skating . He received athlete-level training, and some difficult movements even required hundreds or thousands of repetitions to be learned.

Her small body endured all kinds of bumps, falls, injuries and fatigue every day, which could be said to be pushed to the limit.

When she first learned figure skating, Jasmine was very resistant. When it was time to go on the ice, she would avoid and procrastinate, and refused to go to the ice rink. But my mother was unmoved.

Slowly, Jasmine got used to it.

In the documentary

But the mother's dream has gradually escalated. She originally planned to train her daughter through physical education, but now, she wants Jasmine to become a professional athlete and enter the Olympics in the future.

Ever since Jasmine started to learn figure skating, her mother gave up her job and became a full-time sparring partner. In her opinion, it would be a great achievement to train her daughter to become an Olympic athlete on her own.

In the documentary

Jasmine is her educational project, a sign of her success, the embodiment of her self-worth, and her work.

However, we have all forgotten: Both parents and children are independent individuals, and the self-worth of parents should not be reflected by their children.

Educator Montessori believes that children’s ability to grow themselves exceeds adults’ imagination.

I recently read a book "Kaido's Dream Challenge", which made me feel strongly: if parents trust their children's own strong vitality, respect and let go and give their children the freedom to explore, then their children can truly win at the starting line.

In the documentary

"Kaido's Dream Challenge" won the 2020 White Crow Award and won the Chocolate Lily Award three times as a writer's work. Just look at the awards she has won and you will see how worth reading this book is.

When I first came into contact with this book, I thought it was a book with positive energy to educate children. But after reading it carefully, I found that this book is more worthy of reading by us parents.

Next, I will use several plots in the book to talk about why I think this book is worth reading carefully by parents.

1. Family support and affirmation are the direction for children to move forward

In the documentary

Kaiduo is a child with poor spelling, but dreams of being a young reporter for the "Small Town Newspaper". Fortunately, Kaiduo’s family gave her a lot of encouragement and help.

My sister Pat said: "I think you are very suitable to be a reporter. The stories you tell are very novel."

My father said: "This is a fact, and no one loves "Small Town Newspaper" more than you."

Mom said: "I'm sure as long as someone helps you correct your mistakes, the "Town Newspaper" won't care about your spelling problem. "

The encouragement and support of her family doubled Kaiduo's confidence, and she finally made up her mind to become a young reporter.

With this goal, she began to make plans and execute them according to the plan.

But she wanted to become a "small town newspaper" 》You need to accumulate enough points to be a reporter, which includes the report card item.

In the documentary

Because Kaiduo’s spelling is poor, when the teacher graded her at the end of the semester, she gave her an E for spelling and a D for the essay. Not bad. The teacher’s comment was: “ If it weren’t for spelling errors, Kaiduo’s composition would have gotten an A. "

Kaiduo was very unhappy because she could no longer realize her dream. She was very sad.

When Kaiduo showed the report card to her mother, her mother not only did not blame Kaiduo, but felt that the score was unfair.

I couldn’t bear to see Kaiduo’s sad mother again, so she decisively took Kaiduo to visit the teacher.

“Kaiduo has a large vocabulary. If there is a spelling mistake, there will be an editor to fix it. It cannot be because of Kaiduo’s poor spelling. The shortcomings erase all the advantages.

Kaiduo’s mother argued hard, and the debate was successful in the end. The teacher raised Kaiduo’s report card by one grade.

In this way, Kaiduo is one step closer to success, and he also has the most basic qualifications to be a young reporter, and even more The important thing is that she felt her mother's love and regained her self-confidence.

In the documentary

In our daily lives, many parents may see the child's score and deduction items first when they get their child's report card. Those children worked hard to get the questions right, just like the teacher only saw Kaiduo's shortcomings, while Kaiduo's mother saw Kaiduo's advantages.

Kaiduo's mother believed what she saw and saw it. She actively provides support and encouragement for her children's efforts, and does not allow unfair external factors to block their determination to pursue their dreams.

The philosopher Jaspers said: The essence of education means that one tree shakes another. A tree, a cloud pushes a cloud, a soul awakens a soul.

2. Give children the best respect: take every thought of the child seriously

In the documentary

French thinker Rousseau believes that the true education of children lies in making children The nature is developed.

When Kaiduo proposed to go to the exhibition, his father agreed without hesitation and respected everything the children liked to come into contact with at the exhibition, such as hairless cats, although he really didn't want to touch this naked body. The little guy with skin.

Because Kaiduo likes the roller coaster in the amusement park, the family rode it several times in a row. Although the mother was very scared, she even ate a whole licorice candy.

Everyone’s legs and feet changed when they got off. Soft, but everyone was satisfied...

Once, Kaiduo's father was about to light the welding gun and prepare to do something, but when Kaiduo came over to show him the news, his father immediately took off his mask and stopped what he was doing. At work, I wear glasses and read carefully.

Not only that, he also felt Kaiduo's worry: he was worried that his dog would get rabies, and he really went to see Wesley (Kaiduo's dog) to see if anything was wrong.

In the documentary

From this detail, we can see that Kaiduo’s father pays great attention to the needs of his children. He makes Kaiduo feel that she is valued and feels a great sense of security, so she has more courage to run on the road to pursue her dreams.

Educator Suhomlinsky once said that family education is the first chapter of education, and in family education, parents are the most delicate and talented sculptors.

The key to what a child will look like in the future lies in the kind of family atmosphere parents create to raise them.

As the saying goes: "A family shapes a person."

Whether a family has a good atmosphere depends entirely on the parents.

3. Have fun together if you succeed, and enjoy the process even if you fail.

In the documentary

was a good friend of Kaido who made it clear that he did not want to be a young reporter when he was announced. This made Kaiduo feel betrayed and very angry.

Kaiduo’s mother said to Kaiduo sternly but quietly: You shouldn’t lose your temper because you didn’t win.

Kaiduo’s sister Pat also said to her: Be a sportsman.

Kaiduo’s father came to Kaiduo, held her shoulders and said: Love his cocoon, Kaiduo, accept everything about him.

In the documentary

When Kaiduo felt very hurt, her family members stayed with her, but they did not condone her continued tantrums, but used this incident to make her understand some truth.

If the result is good, everyone will be happy. If it fails, then they hope that Kaiduo can enjoy the process and the things and people he encounters in the process, and do not want Kaiduo to get caught up in the desire to win or lose.

Due to Kaiduo's excellence and the reform of the "Small Town Newspaper", Kaiduo became a young reporter with his good friends.

As Suhomlisky said: "Children, by their nature, are explorers with a spirit of exploration and discoverers of the world."

Indeed, every child is a discoverer of the world, " "Kaido's Dream Challenge" is worth reading for both children and parents.

In the documentary

summary: Excellent children never appear out of nowhere.

Kaiduo has succeeded in pursuing her dream through her own efforts. The attitude and support of her parents and family are the motivation to support her. These are precisely what many families lack.

You must know: outstanding children never appear out of nowhere.

The father of American literature Washington Irving said: "Let children feel that family is the happiest place in the world. This is a wise approach for educated adults in the past."

Cultivating children is like cultivating saplings. There must be enough Only with sufficient moisture and warm sunshine will the fruits finally produced be plump and plump.

The methods and techniques of family education are just the surface of the iceberg. What is hidden deeper under the iceberg is the parents’ intentions, wisdom and structure.

They have firm goals, are soft and powerful, and sprinkle education into children's lives like spring breeze and rain.

This kind of nourishment is the highest level of nourishment.

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